4 research outputs found

    Intrinsische Vaskularisation von MSC beladenen Alginat-Gelatine-Kapseln im AV-Loop Modell der Ratte

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    Bei insgesamt 18 syngenen männlichen Lewis Ratten wurde zwischen der linken A. femoralis und der linken V. femoralis ein Veneninterponat der kontralateralen Seite mikrochirurgisch eingesetzt und so ein AV-Loop 8 geschaffen. Dieser wurde in eine Teflon-Isolationskammer gebettet, die Kammer wurde mit der ADA-GEL-Matrix gefüllt, verschlossen und an der Adduktorenmuskelfaszie befestigt. In Gruppe A bestand die Matrix aus reinen ADA-GEL Mikrokapseln und in Gruppe B aus ADA-GEL Mikrokapseln, in denen 2 x 106 DiI-markierte MSCs/mL verkapselt wurden. Nach vier Wochen wurden die Tiere mit Microfil® perfundiert und die Konstrukte anschließend en-bloc explantiert. Daraufhin wurden die Präparate für die Mikrocomputer Tomographie (μCT), die Histomorphometrie und die Immunhistologie aufgearbeitet und hinsichtlich der Angiogenese, Biodegradation, Immunantwort und Gewebeneubildung analysiert

    Integrating AI in Lipedema Management: Assessing the Efficacy of GPT-4 as a Consultation Assistant

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    The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is evolving, offering promising avenues for enhancing clinical decision making and patient management. Limited knowledge about lipedema often leads to patients being frequently misdiagnosed with conditions like lymphedema or obesity rather than correctly identifying lipedema. Furthermore, patients with lipedema often present with intricate and extensive medical histories, resulting in significant time consumption during consultations. AI could, therefore, improve the management of these patients. This research investigates the utilization of OpenAI’s Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4), a sophisticated large language model (LLM), as an assistant in consultations for lipedema patients. Six simulated scenarios were designed to mirror typical patient consultations commonly encountered in a lipedema clinic. GPT-4 was tasked with conducting patient interviews to gather medical histories, presenting its findings, making preliminary diagnoses, and recommending further diagnostic and therapeutic actions. Advanced prompt engineering techniques were employed to refine the efficacy, relevance, and accuracy of GPT-4’s responses. A panel of experts in lipedema treatment, using a Likert Scale, evaluated GPT-4’s responses across six key criteria. Scoring ranged from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), with GPT-4 achieving an average score of 4.24, indicating good reliability and applicability in a clinical setting. This study is one of the initial forays into applying large language models like GPT-4 in specific clinical scenarios, such as lipedema consultations. It demonstrates the potential of AI in supporting clinical practices and emphasizes the continuing importance of human expertise in the medical field, despite ongoing technological advancements

    Association between Donor Age and Osteogenic Potential of Human Adipose Stem Cells in Bone Tissue Engineering

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    Adipose stem cells (ASCs) have multilineage differentiation capacity and hold great potential for regenerative medicine. Compared to bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (bmMSCs), ASCs are easier to isolate from abundant sources with significantly higher yields. It is generally accepted that bmMSCs show age-related changes in their proliferation and differentiation potentials, whereas this aspect is still controversial in the case of ASCs. In this review, we evaluated the existing data on the effect of donor age on the osteogenic potential of human ASCs. Overall, a poor agreement has been achieved because of inconsistent findings in the previous studies. Finally, we attempted to delineate the possible reasons behind the lack of agreements reported in the literature. ASCs represent a heterogeneous cell population, and the osteogenic potential of ASCs can be influenced by donor-related factors such as age, but also gender, lifestyle, and the underlying health and metabolic state of donors. Furthermore, future studies should consider experimental factors in in vitro conditions, including passaging, cryopreservation, culture conditions, variations in differentiation protocols, and readout methods

    Free Transplantation of a Tissue Engineered Bone Graft into an Irradiated, Critical-Size Femoral Defect in Rats

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    Healing of large bone defects remains a challenge in reconstructive surgery, especially with impaired healing potential due to severe trauma, infection or irradiation. In vivo studies are often performed in healthy animals, which might not accurately reflect the situation in clinical cases. In the present study, we successfully combined a critical-sized femoral defect model with an ionizing radiation protocol in rats. To support bone healing, tissue-engineered constructs were transferred into the defect after ectopic preossification and prevascularization. The combination of SiHA, MSCs and BMP-2 resulted in the significant ectopic formation of bone tissue, which can easily be transferred by means of our custom-made titanium chamber. Implanted osteogenic MSCs survived in vivo for a total of 18 weeks. The use of SiHA alone did not lead to bone formation after ectopic implantation. Analysis of gene expression showed early osteoblast differentiation and a hypoxic and inflammatory environment in implanted constructs. Irradiation led to impaired bone healing, decreased vascularization and lower short-term survival of implanted cells. We conclude that our model is highly valuable for the investigation of bone healing and tissue engineering in pre-damaged tissue and that healing of bone defects can be substantially supported by combining SiHA, MSCs and BMP-2