42 research outputs found

    2014 Crop Performance in Southeast Kansas

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    Crop variety testing determines the production potential of newly released crop cultivars in Southeast Kansas. The genetic potential is moderated by environmental conditions during the growing season as well as soil productive capacity

    Corn and Soybean Production – 2022 Summary

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    Soybean and corn varieties were tested in replicated field trials at the Southeast Research and Extension Center in Parsons through the Kansas State University variety testing program. In total, nine corn varieties and three maturity checks were tested. Fourteen full season and ten double-cropped soybean varieties were tested, with three maturity checks. Additionally, sorghum and sunflower varieties were tested. The 2022 summer crop growing season was challenging. High temperatures and low rainfall reduced crop production. Crop production was severely impacted by the hot, dry conditions, both across the state and in the cultivar trials at Parsons. No yield results are available for the variety tests from Parsons

    Corn and Soybean Production – 2023 Summary

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    Soybean and corn varieties were tested in replicated field trials at the Southeast Research and Extension Center in Parsons through the Kansas State University variety testing program. In total, 21 corn varieties and full-, mid-, and short-season maturity checks were tested. Fifteen full-season and nine double-cropped soybean varieties were tested, with three maturity checks ranging in maturity from 3.1 to 5.2. Fourteen sunflower varieties were also tested. The 2023 summer crop growing season was nearly average for both temperature and rainfall. Yields from the variety tests were slightly lower than the 13-year average

    Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Variety Testing - 2023

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    This is a summary of the winter wheat production conditions in Kansas, with particular emphasis on the variety trial results from southeast Kansas in 2023. After the dry conditions of 2022, adequate rain for wheat establishment and growth in the fall in southeast Kansas was received, although drought conditions were observed in central and western Kansas. The growing season had slightly below average rainfall, with adequate soil moisture in the fall for good stand establishment. Overall yields of hard and soft red wheat varieties were above multi-year averages, but slightly below the yields from 2022. As in previous years, soft red winter wheat out-yielded hard red winter wheat varieties, but the extent was not as dramatic as in previous years

    Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Variety Testing - 2023

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    This is a summary of the winter wheat production conditions in southeast Kansas in 2021-2022 and the results of the winter wheat variety testing. Wheat production in 2022 benefited from dry conditions at flowering and harvest. Overall yields of hard red wheat were above multi-year averages, while soft red wheat yields were below the 15-year average. As in previous years, soft red winter wheat out-yielded hard red winter wheat varieties, but the extent was not as dramatic as in previous years

    Crop Production 2020 – Corn, Sorghum, Soybean, and Sunflower Variety Testing

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    This is a summary of the variety testing for corn, sorghum, soybean, and sunflower. Nine corn varieties were tested in 2020, with an average yield of 107.6 bu/a. Twenty-four cultivars of soybeans from maturity groups (MG) 3-4 and twenty-seven cultivars from MG4-5 were tested in both full-season and double-cropped management. Full-season beans yielded an average of 54.5 bu/a for MG3-4 and 58.8 bu/a for MG4-5, which was greater than the average yields in the double-cropped beans at 32 bu/a for MG3-4 and 40.5 bu/a for MG4-5. The state-wide average soybean yield in 2020 was higher than the 10-year average. Nine cultivars of oilseed sunflowers yielded 1307 lb/a across all cultivars, slightly below the 10-year state average yield

    Southeast Kansas Crop Production Summary – 2018

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    This is a summary of the crop production conditions in southeast Kansas in 2018, and the results of the variety testing for corn, soybean, sorghum, sunflower, and wheat

    Southeast Kansas Wheat Variety Test Results - 2020

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    This is a summary of the winter wheat production conditions in southeast Kansas in 2019-2020 and the results of the variety testing. Fifteen hard red and ten soft red winter wheat varieties were compared for yield and test weight. High spring rainfall increased disease pressure; cultivars were rated for Fusarium head blight and stripe rust. Average yield of hard red wheat varieties was above average at 81.1 bu/acre across all varieties. Soft red wheat yield was 102.4 bu/acre across all varieties. For comparison, previous variety yield results are reported from 2016, 2017, and 2018

    Southeast Kansas Crop Production Summary - 2019

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    This is a summary of the crop production conditions in southeast Kansas in 2019, and the results of the variety testing for corn, soybean, sorghum, sunflower, and wheat

    A sensing architecture for empathetic data systems

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    Today's increasingly large and complex databases require novel and machine aided ways of exploring data. To optimize the selection and presentation of data, we suggest an unconventional approach. Instead of exclusively relying on explicit user input to specify relevant information or to navigate through a data space, we exploit the power and potential of the users' unconscious processes in addition. To this end, the user is immersed in a mixed reality environment while his bodily reactions are captured using unobtrusive wearable devices. The users' reactions are analyzed in real-time and mapped onto higher-level psychological states, such as surprise or boredom, in order to trigger appropriate system responses that direct the users' attention to areas of potential interest in the visualizations. The realization of such a close experience-based human-machine loop raises a number of technical challenges, such as the real-time interpretation of psychological user states. The paper at hand describes a sensing architecture for empathetic data systems that has been developed as part of such a loop and how it tackles the diverse challenges