22 research outputs found

    Improving Visual Quality and Transferability of Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition Simultaneously with Adversarial Restoration

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    Adversarial face examples possess two critical properties: Visual Quality and Transferability. However, existing approaches rarely address these properties simultaneously, leading to subpar results. To address this issue, we propose a novel adversarial attack technique known as Adversarial Restoration (AdvRestore), which enhances both visual quality and transferability of adversarial face examples by leveraging a face restoration prior. In our approach, we initially train a Restoration Latent Diffusion Model (RLDM) designed for face restoration. Subsequently, we employ the inference process of RLDM to generate adversarial face examples. The adversarial perturbations are applied to the intermediate features of RLDM. Additionally, by treating RLDM face restoration as a sibling task, the transferability of the generated adversarial face examples is further improved. Our experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed attack method.Comment: \copyright 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Efficient image copy detection using multi-scale fingerprints

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    Inspired by multi-resolution histogram, we propose a multi-scale SIFT descriptor to improve the discriminability. A series of SIFT descriptions with different scale are first acquired by varying the actual size of each spatial bin. Then principle component analysis (PCA) is employed to reduce them to low dimensional vectors, which are further combined into one 128-dimension multi-scale SIFT description. Next, an entropy maximization based binarization is employed to encode the descriptions into binary codes called fingerprints for indexing the local features. Furthermore, an efficient search architecture consisting of lookup tables and inverted image ID list is designed to improve the query speed. Since the fingerprint building is of low-complexity, this method is very efficient and scalable to very large databases. In addition, the multi-scale fingerprints are very discriminative such that the copies can be effectively distinguished from similar objects, which leads to an improved performance in the detection of copies. The experimental evaluation shows that our approach outperforms the state of the art methods.Inspired by multi-resolution histogram, we propose a multi-scale SIFT descriptor to improve the discriminability. A series of SIFT descriptions with different scale are first acquired by varying the actual size of each spatial bin. Then principle component analysis (PCA) is employed to reduce them to low dimensional vectors, which are further combined into one 128-dimension multi-scale SIFT description. Next, an entropy maximization based binarization is employed to encode the descriptions into binary codes called fingerprints for indexing the local features. Furthermore, an efficient search architecture consisting of lookup tables and inverted image ID list is designed to improve the query speed. Since the fingerprint building is of low-complexity, this method is very efficient and scalable to very large databases. In addition, the multi-scale fingerprints are very discriminative such that the copies can be effectively distinguished from similar objects, which leads to an improved performance in the detection of copies. The experimental evaluation shows that our approach outperforms the state of the art methods

    Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition with Beneficial Perturbation Feature Augmentation

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    Face recognition (FR) models can be easily fooled by adversarial examples, which are crafted by adding imperceptible perturbations on benign face images. To improve the transferability of adversarial face examples, we propose a novel attack method called Beneficial Perturbation Feature Augmentation Attack (BPFA), which reduces the overfitting of adversarial examples to surrogate FR models by constantly generating new models that have the similar effect of hard samples to craft the adversarial examples. Specifically, in the backpropagation, BPFA records the gradients on pre-selected features and uses the gradient on the input image to craft the adversarial example. In the next forward propagation, BPFA leverages the recorded gradients to add perturbations (i.e., beneficial perturbations) that can be pitted against the adversarial example on their corresponding features. The optimization process of the adversarial example and the optimization process of the beneficial perturbations added on the features correspond to a minimax two-player game. Extensive experiments demonstrate that BPFA can significantly boost the transferability of adversarial attacks on FR

    Accurate Facial Image Parsing at Real-Time Speed

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