469 research outputs found

    Chinese Spelling Correction as Rephrasing Language Model

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    This paper studies Chinese Spelling Correction (CSC), which aims to detect and correct potential spelling errors in a given sentence. Current state-of-the-art methods regard CSC as a sequence tagging task and fine-tune BERT-based models on sentence pairs. However, we note a critical flaw in the process of tagging one character to another, that the correction is excessively conditioned on the error. This is opposite from human mindset, where individuals rephrase the complete sentence based on its semantics, rather than solely on the error patterns memorized before. Such a counter-intuitive learning process results in the bottleneck of generalizability and transferability of machine spelling correction. To address this, we propose RephrasingLanguageModelingRephrasing Language Modeling (ReLM), where the model is trained to rephrase the entire sentence by infilling additional slots, instead of character-to-character tagging. This novel training paradigm achieves the new state-of-the-art results across fine-tuned and zero-shot CSC benchmarks, outperforming previous counterparts by a large margin. Our method also learns transferable language representation when CSC is jointly trained with other tasks

    Visual analytics of the psychological capital of nurses in China based on CiteSpace

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    An 8-bit Low Power Energy Recovery Full Adder Design

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    With the development of wireless communication and portable electronic products, circuit power consumption has become the critical bottleneck of the VLSI design. Among the low power VLSI designs, adiabatic circuit shows a promising future and has been studied by many researchers. As a newly emerged low power technique, adiabatic circuits can be implemented with different architectures such as PAL, 2N-2N2P, ECRL, and CAL, etc. They all lead to significant power saving. In this paper, we implemented true single-phase energy-recovering logic (TSEL) in PSPICE to build a 8-bit low power full adder. In order to verify the power saving of the adiabatic design, a traditional 8-bit static CMOS full adder is also designed in PSPICE for reference. PSPICE power simulation is used to simulate the power consumption of both full adder designs for the same given input pattern sequence. PSPICE power simulation result shows that TSEL full adder lead to effective power saving compared to conventional CMOS full adder. The adiabatic design also shows good potential to be used in high speed circuit design

    Diff-CAPTCHA: An Image-based CAPTCHA with Security Enhanced by Denoising Diffusion Model

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    To enhance the security of text CAPTCHAs, various methods have been employed, such as adding the interference lines on the text, randomly distorting the characters, and overlapping multiple characters. These methods partly increase the difficulty of automated segmentation and recognition attacks. However, facing the rapid development of the end-to-end breaking algorithms, their security has been greatly weakened. The diffusion model is a novel image generation model that can generate the text images with deep fusion of characters and background images. In this paper, an image-click CAPTCHA scheme called Diff-CAPTCHA is proposed based on denoising diffusion models. The background image and characters of the CAPTCHA are treated as a whole to guide the generation process of a diffusion model, thus weakening the character features available for machine learning, enhancing the diversity of character features in the CAPTCHA, and increasing the difficulty of breaking algorithms. To evaluate the security of Diff-CAPTCHA, this paper develops several attack methods, including end-to-end attacks based on Faster R-CNN and two-stage attacks, and Diff-CAPTCHA is compared with three baseline schemes, including commercial CAPTCHA scheme and security-enhanced CAPTCHA scheme based on style transfer. The experimental results show that diffusion models can effectively enhance CAPTCHA security while maintaining good usability in human testing
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