1,441 research outputs found

    Topological A-Type Models with Flux

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    We study deformations of the A-model in the presence of fluxes, by which we mean rank-three tensors with antisymmetrized upper/lower indices, using the AKSZ construction. Generically these are topological membrane models, and we show that the fluxes are related to deformations of the Courant bracket which generalize the twist by a closed 3-from HH, in the sense that satisfying the AKSZ master equation implies the integrability conditions for an almost generalized complex structure with respect to the deformed Courant bracket. In addition, the master equation imposes conditions on the fluxes that generalize dH=0dH=0. The membrane model can be defined on a large class of U(m)U(m)- and U(m)×U(m)U(m) \times U(m)-structure manifolds, including geometries inspired by (1,1)(1,1) supersymmetric σ\sigma-models with additional supersymmetries due to almost complex (but not necessarily complex) structures in the target space. Furthermore, we show that the model can be defined on three particular half-flat manifolds related to the Iwasawa manifold. When only HH-flux is turned on it is possible to obtain a topological string model, which we do for the case of a Calabi-Yau with a closed 3-form turned on. The simplest deformation from the A-model is due to the (2,0)+(0,2)(2,0)+ (0,2) component of a non-trivial bb-field. The model is generically no longer evaluated on holomorphic maps and defines new topological invariants. Deformations due to HH-flux can be more radical, completely preventing auxiliary fields from being integrated out.Comment: 30 pages. v2: Improved Version. References added. v3: Minor changes, published in JHE

    Relating harmonic and projective descriptions of N=2 nonlinear sigma models

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    Recent papers have established the relationship between projective superspace and a complexified version of harmonic superspace. We extend this construction to the case of general nonlinear sigma models in both frameworks. Using an analogy with Hamiltonian mechanics, we demonstrate how the Hamiltonian structure of the harmonic action and the symplectic structure of the projective action naturally arise from a single unifying action on a complexified version of harmonic superspace. This links the harmonic and projective descriptions of hyperkahler target spaces. For the two examples of Taub-NUT and Eguchi-Hanson, we show how to derive the projective superspace solutions from the harmonic superspace solutions.Comment: 25 pages; v3: typo fixed in eq (1.36

    Covariant path integral for chiral p-forms

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    The covariant path integral for chiral bosons obtained by McClain, Wu and Yu is generalized to chiral p-forms. In order to handle the reducibility of the gauge transformations associated with the chiral p-forms and with the new variables (in infinite number) that must be added to eliminate the second class constraints, the field-antifield formalism is used.Comment: revtex, 9 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    On the Metric Dimension of Cartesian Products of Graphs

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    A set S of vertices in a graph G resolves G if every vertex is uniquely determined by its vector of distances to the vertices in S. The metric dimension of G is the minimum cardinality of a resolving set of G. This paper studies the metric dimension of cartesian products G*H. We prove that the metric dimension of G*G is tied in a strong sense to the minimum order of a so-called doubly resolving set in G. Using bounds on the order of doubly resolving sets, we establish bounds on G*H for many examples of G and H. One of our main results is a family of graphs G with bounded metric dimension for which the metric dimension of G*G is unbounded

    N = 2 supersymmetric sigma-models and duality

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    For two families of four-dimensional off-shell N = 2 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models constructed originally in projective superspace, we develop their formulation in terms of N = 1 chiral superfields. Specifically, these theories are: (i) sigma-models on cotangent bundles T*M of arbitrary real analytic Kaehler manifolds M; (ii) general superconformal sigma-models described by weight-one polar supermultiplets. Using superspace techniques, we obtain a universal expression for the holomorphic symplectic two-form \omega^{(2,0)} which determines the second supersymmetry transformation and is associated with the two complex structures of the hyperkaehler space T*M that are complimentary to the one induced from M. This two-form is shown to coincide with the canonical holomorphic symplectic structure. In the case (ii), we demonstrate that \omega^{(2,0)} and the homothetic conformal Killing vector determine the explicit form of the superconformal transformations. At the heart of our construction is the duality (generalized Legendre transform) between off-shell N = 2 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models and their on-shell N = 1 chiral realizations. We finally present the most general N = 2 superconformal nonlinear sigma-model formulated in terms of N = 1 chiral superfields. The approach developed can naturally be generalized in order to describe 5D and 6D superconformal nonlinear sigma-models in 4D N = 1 superspace.Comment: 31 pages, no figures; V2: reference and comments added, typos corrected; V3: more typos corrected, published versio

    Six-dimensional Supergravity and Projective Superfields

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    We propose a superspace formulation of N=(1,0) conformal supergravity in six dimensions. The corresponding superspace constraints are invariant under super-Weyl transformations generated by a real scalar parameter. The known variant Weyl super-multiplet is recovered by coupling the geometry to a super-3-form tensor multiplet. Isotwistor variables are introduced and used to define projective superfields. We formulate a locally supersymmetric and super-Weyl invariant action principle in projective superspace. Some families of dynamical supergravity-matter systems are presented.Comment: 39 pages; v3: some modifications in section 2; equations (2.3), (2.14b), (2.16) and (2.17) correcte

    D-instantons and twistors: some exact results

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    We present some results on instanton corrections to the hypermultiplet moduli space in Calabi-Yau compactifications of Type II string theories. Previously, using twistor methods, only a class of D-instantons (D2-instantons wrapping A-cycles) was incorporated exactly and the rest was treated only linearly. We go beyond the linear approximation and give a set of holomorphic functions which, through a known procedure, capture the effect of D-instantons at all orders. Moreover, we show that for a sector where all instanton charges have vanishing symplectic invariant scalar product, the hypermultiplet metric can be computed explicitly.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures, uses JHEP3.cls; some changes in section 3.3.3; corrected formula for the contact potentia

    Super Calabi-Yau's and Special Lagrangians

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    We apply mirror symmetry to the super Calabi-Yau manifold CP^{(n|n+1)} and show that the mirror can be recast in a form which depends only on the superdimension and which is reminiscent of a generalized conifold. We discuss its geometrical properties in comparison to the familiar conifold geometry. In the second part of the paper examples of special-Lagrangian submanifolds are constructed for a class of super Calabi-Yau's. We finally comment on their infinitesimal deformations.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, latex; v2: references added; v3: minor clarifications added, version published in JHE

    Classical phase space and statistical mechanics of identical particles

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    Starting from the quantum theory of identical particles, we show how to define a classical mechanics that retains information about the quantum statistics. We consider two examples of relevance for the quantum Hall effect: identical particles in the lowest Landau level, and vortices in the Chern-Simons Ginzburg-Landau model. In both cases the resulting {\em classical} statistical mechanics is shown to be a nontrivial classical limit of Haldane's exclusion statistics.Comment: 40 pages, Late

    What counts as ‘responding’? Contingency on previous speaker contribution as a feature of interactional competence

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    The ability to interact with others has gained recognition as part of the L2 speaking construct in the assessment literature and in high- and low-stakes speaking assessments. This paper first presents a review of the literature on interactional competence (IC) in L2 learning and assessment. It then discusses a particular feature – producing responses contingent on previous speaker contribution – that emerged as a de facto construct feature of IC oriented to by both candidates and examiners within the school-based group speaking assessment in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) English Language Examination. Previous studies have, similarly, argued for the importance of ‘responding to’ or linking one’s own talk to previous speakers’ contributions as a way of demonstrating comprehension of co-participants’ talk. However, what counts as such a response has yet to be explored systematically. This paper presents a conversation analytic study of the candidate discourse in the assessed group interactions, identifying three conversational actions through which student-candidates construct contingent responses to co-participants. The thick description about the nature of contingent responses lays the groundwork for further empirical investigations on the relevance of this IC feature and its proficiency implications
