148 research outputs found

    A Time Budget for the Homemaker

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    The question of shortening the working day is not one which concerns only the man who works in a mill or the woman in the factory. It is of quite as much importance for those who believe that the homemaker, with her three hundred and sixty-five day job, has an obligation to her community and state. Wise family financing is being increasingly emphasized because incomes, in the large majority of homes, are limited. For a similar reason, wise use of time needs as much consideration

    The Goal of Home Management Courses at Iowa State

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    The initial letters of the words Home Economics are coming to stand for Health and Happiness Education in the Home, and today men and women in this field are emphasizing more and more the importance of giving to the student in home economics an appreciation of all of the responsibilities of the homemaker, together with that subject matter which will enable her to be more intelligent in her own home or in the training of girls and women for homemaking

    Put the Home Into Homemaking

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    The status of the American Home is such as to offer a challenge to the women of the United States. The home is at present a turbulent haven--an uncertain citadel

    The Household Administration Department

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    From a department with instructors loaned from the Foods and Nutrition, and Textiles and Clothing Departments, Household Administration has grown to have its own faculty, which at the present time numbers 12, with Dean Richardson as its head. Some of the newer developments in Home Economics are to be found in this department, thru courses in child care and training, equipment and home management. Miss Davison is in charge of equipment work; Mrs. Lancaster directs the child care and training program, and Miss Lindquist is responsible for the home management courses. Dr. Elizabeth Hoyt is Dr. Hazel Kyrk\u27s successor this year and is directing a study of consumption habits in Iowa farm homes as a part of the program of research on the economic problems of the home

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.5, no.10

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    Table of Contents Right Family Relationships by Mrs. Minnie Allen, page 1 Refinishing Your Personality by Thirza Hull, page 2 Changing a House Into a Home by R. M. Ballie, page 2 Ethics of the Crew by Ruth M. Lindquist, page 3 Housecleaning by Edith Ruggles, page 4 Girls’ 4-H Page, page 5 With the Iowa State Home Economics Association, page 6 Editorial, page 7 Who’s There and Where, page 8 Impressions of a Marketing Trip, page 9 The Eternal Question, page 10 Pottery – It’s Use in the Home, page 1

    Prospective Determination of Noninvasive Clinical Correlates of Dehydration in Hospitalized Elderly.

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    The symptoms of dehydration are identified in an elderly population. Trained research nurse clinicians examined twenty subjects aged sixty-five and older in emergency room settings. The pilot project initiated an expanded study to develop a noninvasive clinical scale for assessing dehydration in the elderly.All-University Council on Aging Faculty Research Reports, Report No. 1

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.4, no.8

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    Table of Contents Put the Home Into Homemaking by Ruth M. Lindquist, page 3 The Thanksgiving Table by Elizabeth Peterson, page 4 Sunshine for Babies by Edna Armstrong, page 5 Conference of Extension Specialists by Viola Jammer, page 5 Something Old for Which to Be Thankful by Marian Bigelow, page 6 A Course for Homemakers by Pearl Harris, page 6 Only 39 More Days Until Christmas by Rhea Ferne Schultz, page 7 The Evolution of Home Economics by Ruth Elaine WIlson, page 8 College Girls Earn Their Way in the Rockies by Marvel Secor, page 8 News From the State Association by Margaret M. Baker, page 9 Campus News, page 10 Who’s There and Where, page 11 Editorial, page 12 The Eternal Question, page 13 Homemaker as Citizen, page 14 The Possibilities of Batik, page 1

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.3, no.8

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    Table of Contents The Goal of Home Management Courses at Iowa State by Ruth M. Lindquist, page 3 Home Economics Venture Upon “India’s Coral Strand” by Marcia E. Turner, page 4 The Bell Recipe File by Opal Wind, page 4 Carving the Turkey by Viola M. Bell, page 5 An Interview With Scottish Hockey Coach by Lucile Barta, page 5 Two and One-half Miles Saved a Day by Grata Thorne, page 6 Cranberries for Thanksgiving by Katherine Goeppinger, page 7 Who is Responsible for the Child - by “A Bachelor”, page 8 The Evolution of Home Economics at Iowa State by Ruth Elaine Wilson, page 9 Why is a Mulligan? by “Joe Baggs”, page 10 Turning the Corners Up by Laura E. Bublitz, page 10 The Sport of Amateur Housekeeping by Anna Jacobson, page 11 Who’s There and Where by Helen I. Putnam, page 12 Dressing the Homemaker by Margaret Dix, page 1

    NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetime imaging of live intestinal nematodes reveals metabolic crosstalk between parasite and host

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    Infections with intestinal nematodes have an equivocal impact: they represent a burden for human health and animal husbandry, but, at the same time, may ameliorate auto-immune diseases due to the immunomodulatory effect of the parasites. Thus, it is key to understand how intestinal nematodes arrive and persist in their luminal niche and interact with the host over long periods of time. One basic mechanism governing parasite and host cellular and tissue functions, metabolism, has largely been neglected in the study of intestinal nematode infections. Here we use NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) fluorescence lifetime imaging of explanted murine duodenum infected with the natural nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus and define the link between general metabolic activity and possible metabolic pathways in parasite and host tissue, during acute infection. In both healthy and infected host intestine, energy is effectively produced, mainly via metabolic pathways resembling oxidative phosphorylation/aerobic glycolysis features. In contrast, the nematodes shift their energy production from balanced fast anaerobic glycolysis-like and effective oxidative phosphorylation-like metabolic pathways, towards mainly anaerobic glycolysis-like pathways, back to oxidative phosphorylation/aerobic glycolysis-like pathways during their different life cycle phases in the submucosa versus the intestinal lumen. Additionally, we found an increased NADPH oxidase (NOX) enzymes-dependent oxidative burst in infected intestinal host tissue as compared to healthy tissue, which was mirrored by a similar defense reaction in the parasites. We expect that, the here presented application of NAD(P)H-FLIM in live tissues constitutes a unique tool to study possible shifts between metabolic pathways in host-parasite crosstalk, in various parasitic intestinal infections

    Application to the Analysis of Germinal Center Reactions In Vivo

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    Simultaneous detection of multiple cellular and molecular players in their native environment, one of the keys to a full understanding of immune processes, remains challenging for in vivo microscopy. Here, we present a synergistic strategy for spectrally multiplexed in vivo imaging composed of (i) triple two-photon excitation using spatiotemporal synchronization of two femtosecond lasers, (ii) a broad set of fluorophores with emission ranging from blue to near infrared, (iii) an effective spectral unmixing algorithm. Using our approach, we simultaneously excite and detect seven fluorophores expressed in distinct cellular and tissue compartments, plus second harmonics generation from collagen fibers in lymph nodes. This enables us to visualize the dynamic interplay of all the central cellular players during germinal center reactions. While current in vivo imaging typically enables recording the dynamics of 4 tissue components at a time, our strategy allows a more comprehensive analysis of cellular dynamics involving 8 single-labeled compartments. It enables to investigate the orchestration of multiple cellular subsets determining tissue function, thus, opening the way for a mechanistic understanding of complex pathophysiologic processes in vivo. In the future, the design of transgenic mice combining a larger spectrum of fluorescent proteins will reveal the full potential of our method
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