755 research outputs found

    Relating plankton assemblages to environmental variables using instruments towed by ships-of-opportunity

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    Undulating Oceanographic Recorders (UORs) and Continuous Plankton Recorders (CPRs) equipped with a suite of sensors were towed by merchant vessels in the North Sea between 1988 and 1991, recording a range of environmental variables. These were used to interpret the results of analyses of the plankton taken on CPR tows off the northeast coast of the UK in 1989 and in the Skagerrak and Kattegat in July 1988 and through 1989. Correlations were found between the biota and the environmental variables. The tidal front off the northeast coast of the UK and the front between the low salinity water in the Kattegat and the higher salinity water in the Skagerrak were dominant factors correlating with the distribution of the plankton assemblages. Discontinuities, defining the positions of the fronts, in the values of physical variables (temperature and, where measured, salinity and turbidity) were closely identified with geographical divisions between plankton assemblages. Measures of irradiance were found to be important on several occasions, presumably due to diel migrations of the zooplankton

    Molecular analysis of Continuous Plankton Recorder samples, an examination of echinoderm larvae in the North Sea

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    Analysis of the biological time series of plankton samples collected by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) in the North Atlantic and North Sea has shown a regime shift in the plankton in this region. Both the distributions of planktonic organisms and their timing of occurrence in the seasonal cycle have changed and these changes appear to ref lect global warming. In the North Sea the planktonic larvae of echinoderms have shown a recent dramatic increase in both relative and absolute abundance and their seasonal peak of occurrence has advanced by 47 days. The identity of the echinoderm larvae involved in this change has, however, remained equivocal. The small size of many organisms like echinoderm larvae combined with incomplete taxonomic keys hinders their visual identification and their fragility often means that useful morphological features are damaged during sampling by the CPR. Here, using new molecular methods applied to CPR samples, we show that planktonic larvae of the benthic Echinocardium cordatum dominate the North Sea plankton. We argue that since this species benefits from mild winters and warmer waters their numerical increase in the plankton is consistent with recent climatic changes that appear to be affecting the wider ecology of this region

    Long-term variability in the diversity of North Sea zooplankton

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    Results from the Continous Plankton Recorder survey were used to study long-term changes in the zooplankton of four regularly sampled areas of the North Sea. The trends in alpha-diversity are described and analysed. Species associated with inflow of oceanic or mixed waters from the Atlantic or shelf to the west and south of Britain have increased in abundance or frequency of occurence. Meroplankton has also increased, but resident holoplankton and those associated with colder oceanic or mixed waters have declined. These changes have resulted in an increase in the species richness in the areas in the north-western North Sea. There was a period of low diversity in the late 1970s and the early 1980s in the most southerly area, furthest from the sources of inflow. The evidence for a long-term trend was stronger then relationships between diversity and either the North Atlantic Oscillation or variation in position of the Gulf Stream in the western Atlantic

    Potential use of gas sensors in beef manure nutrient content estimations

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a gas sensor array to estimate the manure nutrient contents. Three metal-oxide gas sensors including methane, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were used. Forty manure samples were collected from four beef operations in Southwest North Dakota. Manure samples were sent to be analyzed for moisture content, total-nitrogen (Total-N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N). Regression equations were developed showing the relationshipsbetween sensor array readings and the lab results. The sensor array was able to estimate manure N, P, and K with correlation coefficients of 0.80, 0.76 and 0.70, respectively

    A change in the zooplankton of the central North Sea (55 degree to 58 degree N): A possible consequence of changes in the benthos

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    The mesozooplankton taken in continuous plankton recorder samples from the Central North Sea has changed from being numerically dominated by holoplanktonic calanoid copepod species from 1958 to the late 1970s to a situation where pluteus larvae of echinoid and ophiuroid echinoderms have been more abundant than any single holoplanktonic species in the 1980s and early 1990s. The abundance of the echinoderm larvae as a proportion of the zooplankton taken in the samples has followed a continuous increasing trend over the Dogger Bank, but off the eastern coast of northern England and southern Scotland the increase did not become obvious until the 1980s. This trend is consistent with reported increases in abundance of the macrobenthos. It is proposed that changes in the benthos have influenced the composition of the plankton

    Viability of calanoid copepod eggs from intertidal sediments: A comparison of three estuaries

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    Calanoid copepod nauplii hatched from intertidal sediment samples from 3 British estuaries, the Exe, the Humber and the Mersey. The Exe Estuary is exposed to low levels of urban and agricultural pollution but the Humber and Mersey are subject to more extensive urban and industrial pollution. Samples were taken from the Humber and the Exe in April and November 1995 and from the Mersey and the Exe in June and October 1995. The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the sediments were measured as an index of pollution. The PAH concentrations in sediment were lowest in the Exe (mean 200 mu g/g dry weight in the Humber and some >300 mu g/g dry weight in the Mersey. Many more nauplii hatched from incubated sediments from the Exe than from the more polluted estuaries in April, June and November but larger numbers of nauplii hatched from the samples from the Mersey than from the Exe in October. Eggs were extracted from the samples taken in October and November and incubated; 92% of those from the Exe, 48% of those from the Humber and 14% of those from the Mersey hatched. This is consistent with reduction in viability of eggs with increased pollution. The viability of copepod eggs from sediments appears to have potential as a technique for in situ bioassay of fine sediments

    Exceptional abundance of the snake pipefish (Entelurus aequoreus) in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean

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    Pipefish (Syngnathidae) have occurred with unprecedented frequency in Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples to the west of the British Isles from 2003 to 2005. Identification by mtDNA sequencing established that they were snake pipefish, Entelurus aequoreus. The geographical range of the records were from the outer continental shelf of the Celtic Sea and north-west of Ireland to the mid-Atlantic Ridge between 40° and 57°N, with the greatest abundance near the shelf edge and adjacent oceanic waters south of Ireland and west of Brittany. There were records in every month from February to November but most were in late spring and summer. A proposed mechanism for the increase in abundance of the species is that recent climate change has had beneficial impacts on the reproduction of adults and the survival of larvae and juveniles

    Exceptional abundance of the snake pipefish (Entelurus aequoreus) in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean

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    Pipefish (Syngnathidae) have occurred with unprecedented frequency in Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) samples to the west of the British Isles from 2003 to 2005. Identification by mtDNA sequencing established that they were snake pipefish, Entelurus aequoreus. The geographical range of the records were from the outer continental shelf of the Celtic Sea and north-west of Ireland to the mid-Atlantic Ridge between 40° and 57°N, with the greatest abundance near the shelf edge and adjacent oceanic waters south of Ireland and west of Brittany. There were records in every month from February to November but most were in late spring and summer. A proposed mechanism for the increase in abundance of the species is that recent climate change has had beneficial impacts on the reproduction of adults and the survival of larvae and juveniles