830 research outputs found

    Occam’s Razor

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    “All things being equal, the simplest answer is usually the correct one.” This piece, inspired by the doodling phenomenon known as zentangle, demonstrates complex and detailed designs whereas the overall shape of the piece exhibits its true simplicity.https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/libcom_stuart_summer2017/1019/thumbnail.jp

    The Speed of Light

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    This piece explores the idea of what it looks like at the speed of light. Because surpassing the speed of light means surpassing our perceptible visual range, it will remain unknown to us until we can compensate for it. The use of textiles provides a unique texture to this piece in that it juxtaposes the complex idea of light and its properties with a very tangible medium.https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/libcom_stuart_summer2017/1013/thumbnail.jp

    The effect of quinoline anti-malarial drugs on the endolysosomal and secretory pathways of plasmodium falciparum strain 3D7, dictyostelium discoideum and mammalian A549 cells

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 92-109).The precise mechanisms of action of the quinoline anti-malarial drugs are uncertain, although they have been found to influence endocytosis, vesicular processing and secretion in malarial parasites and mammalian cells. In this study, the effects of chloroquine, amadiaquine, halofantrine, mefloquine and quinine on the endolysosomal systems in Plasmodium falciparum 3D7, Dictyostelium discoideum and A549 pulmonary cancer cells were examined


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    Kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap ormas maupun parta politik, bisa dikatakan sebagai esensi dari hubungan antara ormas maupun partai politik dan masyarakat. Keberadaan ormas tanpa dukungan dari masyarakat akan sia-sia. Begitupun partai politik tanpa adanya dukungan dan kepercayaan dari masyarakat, maka mustahil sebuah partai politik bisa memperoleh kekuasaan dan menjalankan semua program kerjanya. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis mencoba mengukur, menjelaskan dan menganalisa tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap ormas dan parpol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed method). Adapun pembahasan hasil penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Penelitian ini dilakukan didesa Cimalaka dengan mengunakan teknik wawancara dan survey kuesioner, dan menggunakan teknik penarikan sampel secara acak (random). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tingkat kepercayaan yang rendah dari masyarakat terhadap ormas dan parpol berdasarkan dimensi truts. Struktur yang membentuk kepercayaan terhadap ormas yaitu; (1) Sosialisasi program dalam menarik simpati masyarakat. (2) Organisasi, anggota dan kinerja ormas. (3) Kepentingan, faktor-faktor internal yang mendorong seseorang untuk mempercayai ormas dan biasanya berorientasi pada pertimbangan kemanfaatan. Dan struktur yang membentuk kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap partai politik yaitu: (1) sosialisasi politik, yaitu proses transmisi nilai, ide dan informasi politik yang diterima individu dalam lingkungannya. (2) Organisasi, aktor dan kinerja partai politik. (3) Kepentingan, faktor-faktor internal yang mendorong seseorang untuk mempercayai partai politik dan biasanya berorientasi pada pertimbangan untung dan rugi. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat baik terhadap ormas maupun partai politik yaitu ditentukan oleh orientasi masyarakat dalam memandang ormas dan partai politik itu sendiri. Orientasi masyarakat sendiri, terbentuk dari prakondisi yang dihadapi dalam lingkungannya, baik itu lingkungan sosial maupun lingkungan politiknya. Kata kunci: Tingkat Kepercayaan, Struktur Kepercayaan, Ormas, Parpol People trust to community-based organizations (CBOs) and political parties. can be seen as essential element in relationship mass and community-based organizations (CBOs) and political parties relationship and mass. The existence of community-based organizations (CBOs) without the support of society will be in useless. As well as political parties without any support or trust from the people, it is impossible for political parties to win an election and implementing their programs. In this writing, author trying to measure, explain and analyze the level of public confidence in community-based organizations (CBOs) and political parties. This research conducted in Cimalaka village, with using interview techniques and questionnaire surveys and using random sampling techniques. The results of this research showed that there is a low level of the people trust towards community-based organizations (CBOs) and political parties based on the trust dimension. Structures that from the people trust of community-based organizations (CBOs) are: (1) socialization program in attracting public sympathy. (2) Organization, members and performance of community-based organizations (CBOs). (3) Interest, that is internal factors that motivate people to trust community-based organizations (CBOs) and usually oriented to the consideration of expediency. And structure that from the people trust of political parties, include: (1) Political socialization, that is transmission of political value, idea, and information that people receive from their interaction with their environment. (2) Institutions parties, organizations, actors and performance of political parties. (3) Interest, that is internal factors that motivate people to trust political parties, and usually to based on cost and benefit oriented. The factors that affect people trust to community-based organizations (CBOs) and political parties, determined by people orientation toward community-based organizations (CBOs) and political parties. People orientation constructed from historical precondition in their daily live environment, either social or political environment. Key word : Trust Level, Trust Structure, Community-Based Organizations Political Partie

    The Improbabilities of Theoretical Physics & Mathematics

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    Traditional representations of physical and mathematical theories are displayed through words in a textbook or with limited visuals. In this concentration, I celebrate the complexity of such theories and give them due representation of their true beauty through art, the form in which beauty often cannot be described with words or simple visuals. In order, the pieces are named The Speed of Light, The Paint Can Problem, Multiverse, Schrodinger’s Cat, Spirographs & Polar Equations, Fractals, Occam’s Razor, Murphy’s Law, Chaos Theory, and The Large Hadron Collider and the Unified Theory of Physics.https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/libcom_stuart_summer2017/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Fostering Effective French Communication in the Classroom

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    This portfolio is a compilation of work the author completed while in the Master of Second Language Teaching (MSLT) program at Utah State University. It is focused on her beliefs of how French should be taught in a university classroom. It also includes three artifacts addressing how a challenging aspect of the language should be taught, how authentic literature can be utilized in the classroom, and why the French culture should be incorporated into the curriculum. Finally, there is an annotated bibliography of books and articles which have shaped the author’s beliefs and opinions about teaching French as a foreign language

    (Un)stable architecture as deconstructed meaning

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    How often do we notice the buildings that we work in, play in and live in? The architecture that we construct is specially geared to our human proportions, and shelters and accommodates us. It can be seen as a metaphor for the body, the self, and systems of social control that we have created. When the structure of this architecture is compromised, either literally or metaphorically, we experience instability and vertigo. My practical submission, Vertigo is concerned with architecture, perspective, deconstruction, instability, vertigo, scale and the body. Vertigo consists of paintings, ranging in scale from the size of a brick to the height of a single storey house. Utilizing a highly representational style as well as working with abstract sign systems and technical plan drawings, I destabilize firstly, our sense of certainty in the architecture that surrounds us, and secondly, prompts us to question the assumed fixity of ourselves and our social systems, through the convergence and collision of architecture and painting. This supporting document, (Un)stable Architecture as Deconstructed Meaning, considers the key conceptual concerns informing my practical submission. In chapter one of this mini-thesis: Deconstructivist Architecture, Instability and Impermanence I look at Deconstructivist Architecture which challenges traditional values of order, stability, harmony and unity of architecture. I position my work in relation to architecture projects on the Deconstructivist Architecture show in relation to their intent of undoing, shifting and destabilizing structure and what architecture is traditionally valued for. I also look at the shifting meaning and symbolism of architecture and skyscrapers. In the second chapter: Vertiginous Point of View and Shifted Perspectives I engage with vertigo, perspective, scale and the bodily analogy in architecture. I look at how Julie Mehretu destabilises built space and architecture in a painterly way, depicting multiple perspectives which are subjected to multiple interpretations. In chapter Three: Painting a Building and Building a Painting: Process, Scale and the Body, I discuss and engage with my practical submission, Vertigo, in relation to my process, scale, the body, vertigo, deconstruction, instability and perspective

    Rather dead than out of fashion

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    ThesisThis mini thesis presents an overniew of fashion terms spanning 50 years of fashion desig1 Aspects of my own designs, as well as technical development relating to photograph1 equipment, tecnique and styles have been included to provide as comprehensive a view < fashion as possible. My project aims at showcasing the rich diversity of the fashion world, and I have intende< wherever possible to trace developments and progressions in the aesthetic and technic< contexts of fashion
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