4 research outputs found

    Development of a culturally sensitive Arabic version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.-AR) and validation of the depression module

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    Background: Arabic represents one of the most frequently spoken languages worldwide, especially among refugee populations. There is a pressing need for specialized diagnostic tools corresponding to the DSM-5 criteria in Modern Standard Arabic, which can be administered on Arabic speakers in the West and Arab region alike. Objectives: To develop and validate the culturally-adapted version of the most recent M.I.N.I. 7.0.2 into Modern Standard Arabic-a form of Arabic commonly used across all Arab countries. Methods: 102 participants were recruited between April 2019 to March 2020 at the Charite - Universitatsmedizin in Berlin. Symptoms were assessed with Arabic versions of rater-based and self-rated measures, including Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ). Arabic-speaking psychiatrists saw participants for diagnostic assessment. Results: Cohen's kappa (kappa) values were moderate for major depression, and slight for post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as generalized anxiety disorder. Moreover, kappa values indicated moderate agreement between M.I.N.I.-AR and PHQ-9 for depression, as well as HTQ for post-traumatic stress disorder, respectively. Conclusion: The translated and culturally adapted version of the M.I.N.I. addresses an existing need for a reliable, efficient, and effective comprehensive diagnostic tool using the most recent DSM-5 criteria in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Based on the obtained results, only a validation of the depression module (Module A) of the M.I.N.I-AR was possible. Study outcomes also show evidence for the validation of Module H covering Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Potential valuable contributions can be extended to this translation and validation

    Exploring the Representation of Depressive Symptoms and the Influence of Stigma in Arabic-Speaking Refugee Outpatients

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    The number of distressed refugees from the Arab world is relatively high in Germany and other host countries worldwide. For this specific population, substantial challenges and barriers have already been identified that hamper access to Germany's health care system. This study aims to contribute to this line of research by exploring the representation of depressive symptoms, both somatic and psychological, in order to inform clinicians about the most prevalent symptoms reported by Arabic-speaking refugee outpatients. Furthermore, this paper investigates the longstanding claim that mental health stigma fosters the expression of bodily distress. For these purposes, a total of 100 Arabic-speaking refugee outpatients, mostly Syrians, were recruited in Berlin, Germany. Somatic and psychological symptoms were assessed with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) 15 and 9, while stigma was assessed with the Brief Version of the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness Scale (ISMI-10). Study results show that both somatic and psychological symptom severity was moderate while sleeping problems and energy loss were the most reported symptoms across both scales. Stigma was low and showed no association with somatic complaints in a multiple regression analysis, but was associated with more psychological symptoms. A principal factor extraction on the PHQ-15 items revealed five independent, somatic symptom clusters that were interpreted considering the rich poetic resources of the Arabic language. In conclusion, both somatic and psychological symptoms were commonly reported by Arabic-speaking refugees with symptoms of depression. Whereas, stigma does not seem to influence the expression of somatic symptoms, the present results provide first empirical indications for the relationship of symptom expression with the use of explanatory models and conceptualizations of mental illness within the Arabic culture and language. Future research efforts should be dedicated to enhancing our understanding of mental health care needs in this population as well as to exploring other mediators that might help explain the varying degree of somatic symptoms in depression across cultures

    A house is not a home: a network model perspective on the dynamics between subjective quality of living conditions, social support, and mental health of refugees and asylum seekers

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    Background: Providing adequate living conditions for forcibly displaced people represents a significant challenge for host countries such as Germany. This study explores refugee mental health’s reciprocal, dynamic relationship with post-migration living conditions and social support. Methods: The study sample included 325 Arabic- or Farsi-speaking asylum seekers and refugees residing in Germany since 2014 and seeking mental health treatment. Associations between reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress and depression and the subjective quality of living conditions and perceived social support were analyzed using a two-level approach including multiple linear regression and network analyses. Results: Post-migration quality of living conditions and perceived social support were significantly associated with negative mental health outcomes on both levels. In the network, both post-migration factors were negatively connected with overlapping symptoms of psychiatric disorders, representing potential target symptoms for psychological treatment. Conclusion: Post-migration quality of living conditions and social support are important factors for refugee mental health and should be targeted by various actors fostering mental well-being and integration