9,643 research outputs found

    Unstable coronal loops : numerical simulations with predicted observational signatures

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    We present numerical studies of the nonlinear, resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) evolution of coronal loops. For these simulations we assume that the loops carry no net current, as might be expected if the loop had evolved due to vortex flows. Furthermore the initial equilibrium is taken to be a cylindrical flux tube with line-tied ends. For a given amount of twist in the magnetic field it is well known that once such a loop exceeds a critical length it becomes unstableto ideal MHD instabilities. The early evolution of these instabilities generates large current concentrations. Firstly we show that these current concentrations are consistent with the formation of a current sheet. Magnetic reconnection can only occur in the vicinity of these current concentrations and we therefore couple the resistivity to the local current density. This has the advantage of avoiding resistive diffusion in regions where it should be negligible. We demonstrate the importance of this procedure by comparison with simulations based on a uniform resistivity. From our numerical experiments we are able to estimate some observational signatures for unstable coronal loops. These signatures include: the timescale of the loop brightening; the temperature increase; the energy released and the predicted observable flow speeds. Finally we discuss to what extent these observational signatures are consistent with the properties of transient brightening loops.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Measuring Polynomial Invariants of Multi-Party Quantum States

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    We present networks for directly estimating the polynomial invariants of multi-party quantum states under local transformations. The structure of these networks is closely related to the structure of the invariants themselves and this lends a physical interpretation to these otherwise abstract mathematical quantities. Specifically, our networks estimate the invariants under local unitary (LU) transformations and under stochastic local operations and classical communication (SLOCC). Our networks can estimate the LU invariants for multi-party states, where each party can have a Hilbert space of arbitrary dimension and the SLOCC invariants for multi-qubit states. We analyze the statistical efficiency of our networks compared to methods based on estimating the state coefficients and calculating the invariants.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, RevTex4, v2 references update

    Redox reactions with empirical potentials: Atomistic battery discharge simulations

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    Batteries are pivotal components in overcoming some of today's greatest technological challenges. Yet to date there is no self-consistent atomistic description of a complete battery. We take first steps toward modeling of a battery as a whole microscopically. Our focus lies on phenomena occurring at the electrode-electrolyte interface which are not easily studied with other methods. We use the redox split-charge equilibration (redoxSQE) method that assigns a discrete ionization state to each atom. Along with exchanging partial charges across bonds, atoms can swap integer charges. With redoxSQE we study the discharge behavior of a nano-battery, and demonstrate that this reproduces the generic properties of a macroscopic battery qualitatively. Examples are the dependence of the battery's capacity on temperature and discharge rate, as well as performance degradation upon recharge.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Reconstruction of the phase of matter-wave fields using a momentum resolved cross-correlation technique

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    We investigate the potential of the so-called XFROG cross-correlation technique originally developed for ultrashort laser pulses for the recovery of the amplitude and phase of the condensate wave function of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Key features of the XFROG method are its high resolution, versatility and stability against noise and some sources of systematic errors. After showing how an analogue of XFROG can be realized for Bose-Einstein condensates, we illustrate its effectiveness in determining the amplitude and phase of the wave function of a vortex state. The impact of a reduction of the number of measurements and of typical sources of noise on the field reconstruction are also analyzed.Comment: 7 pages; 9 figures; article with higher resolution figures available from author

    Photoemission spectra of many-polaron systems

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    The cross over from low to high carrier densities in a many-polaron system is studied in the framework of the one-dimensional spinless Holstein model, using unbiased numerical methods. Combining a novel quantum Monte Carlo approach and exact diagonalization, accurate results for the single-particle spectrum and the electronic kinetic energy on fairly large systems are obtained. A detailed investigation of the quality of the Monte Carlo data is presented. In the physically most important adiabatic intermediate electron-phonon coupling regime, for which no analytical results are available, we observe a dissociation of polarons with increasing band filling, leading to normal metallic behavior, while for parameters favoring small polarons, no such density-driven changes occur. The present work points towards the inadequacy of single-polaron theories for a number of polaronic materials such as the manganites.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures; final version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmology and astrophysics from relaxed galaxy clusters - IV: Robustly calibrating hydrostatic masses with weak lensing

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    This is the fourth in a series of papers studying the astrophysics and cosmology of massive, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters. Here, we use measurements of weak gravitational lensing from the Weighing the Giants project to calibrate Chandra X-ray measurements of total mass that rely on the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. This comparison of X-ray and lensing masses provides a measurement of the combined bias of X-ray hydrostatic masses due to both astrophysical and instrumental sources. Assuming a fixed cosmology, and within a characteristic radius (r_2500) determined from the X-ray data, we measure a lensing to X-ray mass ratio of 0.96 +/- 9% (stat) +/- 9% (sys). We find no significant trends of this ratio with mass, redshift or the morphological indicators used to select the sample. In accordance with predictions from hydro simulations for the most massive, relaxed clusters, our results disfavor strong, tens-of-percent departures from hydrostatic equilibrium at these radii. In addition, we find a mean concentration of the sample measured from lensing data of c_200 = 3.01.8+4.43.0_{-1.8}^{+4.4}. Anticipated short-term improvements in lensing systematics, and a modest expansion of the relaxed lensing sample, can easily increase the measurement precision by 30--50%, leading to similar improvements in cosmological constraints that employ X-ray hydrostatic mass estimates, such as on Omega_m from the cluster gas mass fraction.Comment: 13 pages. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom