14 research outputs found

    Wave Propagation in Gravitational Systems: Completeness of Quasinormal Modes

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    The dynamics of relativistic stars and black holes are often studied in terms of the quasinormal modes (QNM's) of the Klein-Gordon (KG) equation with different effective potentials V(x)V(x). In this paper we present a systematic study of the relation between the structure of the QNM's of the KG equation and the form of V(x)V(x). In particular, we determine the requirements on V(x)V(x) in order for the QNM's to form complete sets, and discuss in what sense they form complete sets. Among other implications, this study opens up the possibility of using QNM expansions to analyse the behavior of waves in relativistic systems, even for systems whose QNM's do {\it not} form a complete set. For such systems, we show that a complete set of QNM's can often be obtained by introducing an infinitesimal change in the effective potential

    Legitimation Strategies Used in Response to Environmental Disaster: A French Case Study of Total SA's Erika and AZF Incidents

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    This paper presents a case study examining the environmental disclosure decisions and practices of Total SA (hereafter, Total), one of the largest integrated oil and gas companies in the world. Because the company has a substantial international presence and operates in environmentally sensitive industries, management is constantly exposed to ethical and social issues. The company faced two major environment-related disasters: (1) the sinking of the Erika tanker, leading to a major oil spill along the Atlantic coast of Bretagne in 1999; and (2) the 2001 deadly explosion of the AZF chemical plant in the suburb of Toulouse, France. In this case study I aim at investigating the strategies employed by Total to defend and downplay its environmental performance and activities related to these incidents. The case is framed within legitimacy theory, originating from the notion of a 'social contract' between organizations and society. Findings generally indicate that Total used communication strategies to legitimate their actions and support the argument that social and environmental disclosures remain a powerful legitimacy device rather than an effort towards greater accountability.

    Fatores determinantes no disclosure em Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC): um estudo qualitativo e quantitativo com empresas listadas na Bovespa Communication level and determinant factors of corporative social responsibility disclosure: a qualitative and quantitative study of companies listed in Bovespa

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    O presente trabalho constitui-se, enquanto uma pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, que a partir do levantamento de literatura acerca do processo de disclosure, em responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC) em companhias brasileiras. Realizou levantamento dos relatórios disponibilizados pelas companhias listadas na BOVESPA (Bolsa de Valores do Estado de São Paulo) para um conjunto de 123 empresas, fundamentado pelo referencial da Teoria da Divulgação Voluntária e da Teoria da Legitimidade, aliado à técnica estatística da análise fatorial, buscou identificar o nível de comunicação das informações relacionadas ao desempenho em RSC e prováveis fatores determinantes ao disclosure em responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC) a partir de variáveis independentes do desempenho econômico-financeiro e social (distribuição de riqueza) dessas companhias. Os resultados obtidos no estudo sugerem que a política de disclosure em RSC para as empresas que formaram a amostra demonstrou ser bastante incipiente e altamente vinculada a aspectos de externalidade positiva (marketing social), sendo possível estabelecer uma determinação significante entre o desempenho econômico-financeiro e social com o disclosure em RSC, para as empresas que atuam em atividade regulamentada.<br>The current article is a qualitative and quantitative study based on the literature regarding the corporative social responsibility (CSR) disclosure in Brazilian companies. This research evaluated reports provided by companies listed in BOVESPA (Stock Exchange of the State of São Paulo, Brazil). Based on the Voluntary Disclosure Theory and Legitimacy Theory, 123 companies were evaluated in combination with factor analysis, a statistical technique, in order to identify the level of communication concerning sharing information related to CSR performance and the probable determinant factors to corporative social responsibility (CSR) disclosure using financial economical, and social performance (wealth distribution) as independent variables. The results obtained in the study suggest that the CSR disclosure policy of those companies proved very incipient and highly related to aspects of positive externality (social marketing), and therefore it is possible to establish a strong relationship between economical, financial, and social performance and CSR disclosure for the companies that carry out regulated activities