80 research outputs found
Emergent Phonology
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (2000
Interaktív fonetikai eszköz az artikulációs csatorna keresztmetszet-függvényének meghatározására
A projekt célja annak az eldöntése volt, hogy a SuperCollider programozási környezet mennyire alkalmas egy interaktív artikulációs modell implementálására. Az elkészült szoftver az APEX nevű, kétdimenziós modellt használja, amit az artikulációs csatorna alakja és a formánsok közötti összefüggés vizsgálatára hoztak létre
Case study of a performance-active changing trans* male singing voice
A professional classical singer of more than 25 years (AZ) in his early 50s requested this voice researcher’s consultation and assistance in early 2014. He was about to start living full time as a trans* man. Despite his intention to be included in the low start/gradual increase testosterone option of the Trans* Male (previously, “FTM”) Singing Voice Program, the request contained a rather unconventional aspect: AZ would continue to sing while his voice was changing. The above request was integral with his singing history. After the introduction of safeguards and his informed consent, AZ was accepted onto the Program. Due to the highly individual circumstances, his participation was recorded as a case study. The study has aimed to replicate the particulars of the slow hormonal changes and continuing singing ability found in certain cisgender male adolescent voices. Despite dealing with an adult trans* male individual, the progress has been comparable. This has been achieved by carefully monitoring AZ’s low start/gradual increase testosterone administration in communication with the medical practitioner. The participant’s vocal health remained safeguarded and promoted by carefully individualized vocal tuition. This article will discuss the collective results of the case study, including the recordings and the data analysis
In the present paper we will address two issues. First, are the units of speech static targets or dynamically specified gestures? The available evidence favors the conclusion that dynamic signal attributes play an important role in speech perception, However, the perceptual significance of speech dynamics does not compel us to conclude that the input to the speech production system is dynamic (gestural). Parsimony would seem to dictate that dynamic motor commands be put on hold until physiological and biomechanical response characteristics of the speech production system are better understood. Second, are speech units articulatory or perceptual? This is a question that derives from much quoted programmatic statements by Stetson and Jakobson. Evidence was reviewed showing that speech movements, like nonspeech actions, are adaptively organized and can be planned so as to facilitate the listener’s task by enhancing the perceptual correlates of phonetic categories. However, there is also data indicating that these categories have a strong isomorphism with articulatory processes. The implication of this conclusion is that the question of where in the speech chain units are best defined may be a spurious one
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