5 research outputs found

    Wetting Regimes for Residual-Layer-Free Transfer Molding at Micro- and Nanoscales

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    Transfer molding offers a low-cost approach to large-area fabrication of isolated structures in a variety of materials when recessed features of the open-faced mold are filled without leaving a residual layer on the plateaus of the mold. Considering both macroscale dewetting and microscale capillary flow, a proposed map of wetting regimes for blade meniscus coating provides a guide for achieving discontinuous dewetting at maximum throughput. Dependence of meniscus morphology on the azimuthal orientation of the stamp provides insight into the dominant mechanisms for discontinuous dewetting of one-dimensional (1-D) patterns. Critical meniscus velocity is measured and residual-layer-free filling is demonstrated for 1-D patterned soft molds (stamps) with periods ranging from 140 nm to 6 μm. Transfer of isolated lines, and multilayer woodpile structures were achieved through plasma bonding. These results are relevant to other roll-to-roll compatible processes for scalable production of high-resolution structures across large areas

    Core@Double-Shell Structured Nanocomposites: A Route to High Dielectric Constant and Low Loss Material

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    This work reports the advances of utilizing a core@double-shell nanostructure to enhance the electrical energy storage capability and suppress the dielectric loss of polymer nanocomposites. Two types of core@double-shell barium titanate (BaTiO<sub>3</sub>) matrix-free nanocomposites were prepared using a surface initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) method to graft a poly­(2-hydroxylethyle methacrylate)-<i>block</i>-poly­(methyl methacrylate) and sodium polyacrylate-<i>block</i>-poly­(2-hydroxylethyle methacrylate) block copolymer from BaTiO<sub>3</sub> nanoparticles. The inner shell polymer is chosen to have either high dielectric constant or high electrical conductivity to provide large polarization, while the encapsulating outer shell polymer is chosen to be more insulating as to maintain a large resistivity and low loss. Finite element modeling was conducted to investigate the dielectric properties of the fabricated nanocomposites and the relaxation behavior of the grafted polymer. It demonstrates that confinement of the more conductive (lossy) phase in this multishell nanostructure is the key to achieving a high dielectric constant and maintaining a low loss. This promising multishell strategy could be generalized to a variety of polymers to develop novel nanocomposites

    Thermomechanical Properties of Bimodal Brush Modified Nanoparticle Composites

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    The enthalpic incompatibility of organic polymer matrices and high surface energy inorganic nanoparticles often leads to phase separation in polymer nanocomposites (PNC) precluding the realization of anticipated property enhancements. The grafting of polymer chains to nanoparticles holds promise as a means for controlling dispersion. A single population of polymer chains with tunable graft density (σ) and molecular weight (<i>N</i>) is observed to have antithetical enthalpic and entropic effects on interface compatibility. We report the use of bimodal polymer brushes with fundamentally decoupled enthalpic and entropic parameters. Bimodal polystyrene brushes were grafted from 15 nm colloidal silica nanoparticles by a previously reported consecutive RAFT (reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer) polymerization technique. The combination of a high graft density short brush and a low graft density long brush was found to cause improved nanoparticle dispersion in a polystyrene matrix when compared to single populations of long and short brushes of corresponding graft densities and molecular weights. A new quantitative model was developed to understand these results and was found capable of predicting dispersions in grafted nanoparticle composites in the allophobic dewetting regime. The bimodal-brush-graft particles were also found to be remarkably well dispersed in an entropically unfavorable higher molecular weight matrix. This facilitated a study of the role of matrix–brush entanglement on the thermomechanical properties of PNCs, isolated from the effects of particle dispersion. The best enhancements in glassy properties resulted from improved matrix–brush entanglement, attained by lowering the long chain graft density and increasing the long chain to matrix molecular weight ratio

    Bimodal Surface Ligand Engineering: The Key to Tunable Nanocomposites

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    Tuning the dispersion of inorganic nanoparticles within organic matrices is critical to optimizing polymer nanocomposite properties and is intrinsically difficult due to their strong enthalpic incompatibility. Conventional attempts to use polymer brushes to control nanoparticle dispersion are challenged by the need for high graft density to reduce particle core–core attractions and the need for low graft density to reduce the entropic penalty for matrix penetration into the brush. We validated a parametric phase diagram previously reported by Pryamtisyn et al. (Pryamtisyn, V.; Ganesan, V.; Panagiotopoulos, A. Z.; Liu, H.; Kumar, S. K. Modeling the Anisotropic Self-Assembly of Spherical Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles. <i>J. Chem. Phys.</i> <b>2009</b>, <i>131</i>, 221102) for predicting dispersion of monomodal-polymer-brush-modified nanoparticles in polymer matrices. The theoretical calculation successfully predicted the experimental observation that the monomodal-poly­(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS)-brush-grafted TiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles can only be well dispersed within a small molecular weight silicone matrix. We further extended the parametric phase diagram to analyze the dispersion behavior of bimodal-PDMS-brush-grafted particles, which is also in good agreement with experimental results. Utilizing a bimodal grafted polymer brush design, with densely grafted short brushes to shield particle surfaces and sparsely grafted long brushes that favor the entanglement with matrix chains, we dispersed TiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles in high molecular weight commercial silicone matrices and successfully prepared thick (about 5 mm) transparent high-refractive-index TiO<sub>2</sub>/silicone nanocomposites

    Tunable Multiscale Nanoparticle Ordering by Polymer Crystallization

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    While ∼75% of commercially utilized polymers are semicrystalline, the generally low mechanical modulus of these materials, especially for those possessing a glass transition temperature below room temperature, restricts their use for structural applications. Our focus in this paper is to address this deficiency through the controlled, multiscale assembly of nanoparticles (NPs), in particular by leveraging the kinetics of polymer crystallization. This process yields a multiscale NP structure that is templated by the lamellar semicrystalline polymer morphology and spans NPs engulfed by the growing crystals, NPs ordered into layers in the interlamellar zone [spacing of O (10–100 nm)], and NPs assembled into fractal objects at the interfibrillar scale, O (1–10 μm). The relative fraction of NPs in this hierarchy is readily manipulated by the crystallization speed. Adding NPs usually increases the Young’s modulus of the polymer, but the effects of multiscale ordering are nearly an order of magnitude larger than those for a state where the NPs are not ordered, i.e., randomly dispersed in the matrix. Since the material’s fracture toughness remains practically unaffected in this process, this assembly strategy allows us to create high modulus materials that retain the attractive high toughness and low density of polymers