5 research outputs found

    Learning Sparse Multivariate Polynomials over a Field with Queries and Counterexamples

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    We consider the problem of learning a polynomial over an arbitrary field F defined on a set of boolean variables. We present the first provably effective algorithm for exactly identifying such polynomials using membership and equivalence queries. Our algorithm runs in time polynomial in n, the number of variables, and t, the number of nonzero terms appearing in the polynomial. The algorithm makes at most nt + 2 equivalence queries, and at most (nt + 1)(t + 3t)=2 membership queries. Our algorithm is equally effective for learning a generalized type of polynomial defined on certain kinds of semilattices. We also present an extension of our algorithm for learning multilinear polynomials when the domain of each variable is the entire field F .

    Toward efficient agnostic learning

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    In this paper we initiate an investigation of generalizations of the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning model that attempt to significantly weaken the target function assumptions. The ultimate goal in this direction is informally termed agnostic learning, in which we make virtually no assumptions on the target function. The name derives from the fact that as designers of learning algorithms, we give up the belief that Nature (as represented by the target function) has a simple or succinct explanation. We give anumber of positive and negative results that provide an initial outline of the possibilities for agnostic learning. Our results include hardness results for the most obvious generalization of the PAC model to an agnostic setting, an efficient and general agnostic learning method based on dynamic programming, relationships between loss functions for agnostic learning, and an algorithm for a learning problem that involves hidden variables

    Toward Efficient Agnostic Learning

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    . In this paper we initiate an investigation of generalizations of the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning model that attempt to significantly weaken the target function assumptions. The ultimate goal in this direction is informally termed agnostic learning, in which we make virtually no assumptions on the target function. The name derives from the fact that as designers of learning algorithms, we give up the belief that Nature (as represented by the target function) has a simple or succinct explanation. We give a number of positive and negative results that provide an initial outline of the possibilities for agnostic learning. Our results include hardness results for the most obvious generalization of the PAC model to an agnostic setting, an efficient and general agnostic learning method based on dynamic programming, relationships between loss functions for agnostic learning, and an algorithm for a learning problem that involves hidden variables. Keywords: machine learning,..