9,733 research outputs found

    Soil Traversing Arthropod Populations as Sampled by Pitfall Traps in Sunflower and Three Adjacent Habitats in Northeast Arkansas

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    Soil traversing arthropod populations were sampled by pitfall traps in sunflower (Helianthus spp.) and three adjacent habitats during the months of July, August and September of 1980 and May, June, July and August of 1981. In1980, four varieties of sunflower (Ellar, Hybrid 670, 891 and S-345) were planted. A single variety of sunflower (Ellar) was planted in1981. The three adjacent habitats in both 1980 and 1981 were a pine stand, grass border and fence row. Of 1,748 specimens collected in 1980, 17 orders and 48 families were represented. Four orders comprised 78% of the total catch: Hymenoptera (45%), Acari (17%), Collembola(11%) and Coleoptera (5%). In 1981, 20 orders and 64 families were represented in a total of 26,693 trapped specimens. Four orders composed 88% of the total catch: Collembola (57%), Acari (14%), Hymenoptera (11%) and Homoptera (6%). Family composition and seasonal occurrence are discussed and compared for habitats sampled. Weather data are presented and discussed in relation to arthropod activit

    Pentatomidae of Arkansas

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    A total of 30 genera and 53 species and subspecies of Pentatomidae are reported as occurring or possibly occurring in Arkansas. Fifty species and subspecies contained in 29 genera were collected or recorded from previously collected material. Based on distributional records in the literature, three additional species and one genus are listed as probably occurring in Arkansas. County and seasonal records are reported for each taxon

    Délocalisation outre frontière de l’emploi : Le point sur l’activité législative aux États-Unis

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    Notes d'analyse de la Chaire d’études politiques et économiques américaines (CÉPÉA)Série Politique commercialeCette note explore les réactions législatives récentes du gouvernement fédéral et des états américains face au phénomène de la délocalisation outre frontière de l’emploi. Elle propose un définition de ce type de politiques, un aperçu de son évolution rapide au cours des deux dernières années et un tableau détaillé des projets de loi à l’étude au Congrès fédéral et dans les législatures des états, en mettant l’accent sur les principaux destinataires des exportations québécoises.This note explores recent legislative reactions at the federal and state levels to offshore outsourcing. It proposes a definition of this notion, an assessment of its recent evolution, as well as a detailed picture of bills under consideration in the U.S. Congress and state legislatures, with an emphasis on the principal destinations for Quebec’s exports.CÉPÉA ; CÉRIUM ; Ministère des Relations internationales du Québe

    Is Caffeine Effective In Reducing Pain Perception During Exercise Performance In Healthy Adults?

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this selective EBM review is to determine whether or not caffeine products are effective in reducing pain perception during exercise performance in healthy adults. STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review of three English language, randomized controlled trials published in 2012 and 2013. DATA SOURCES: Three randomized control trials (two double-blind and one single-blind) which compare caffeine administration to placebo for reduction in pain perception during exercise performance in health adults were obtained using PubMed. OUTCOMES MEASURED: Clinical outcomes of leg pain perception experienced during exercise were measured according to a Pain Intensity Scale, ranged 0-10, developed by Cook et al. (1998). RESULTS: Duncan & Hankey (2013) showed that caffeine ingestion prior to exercise reduced leg muscle pain perception in regularly active adults (p= \u3c0.01) compared to placebo group. Two studies by Astorino et al (2012) showed no significant reduction in leg pain perception during exercise that followed caffeine ingestion (F5,75 = 2.04, p = 0.16, ƞ2 = 0.12; F1,9= 0.96, P = 0.35, ƞ2= 0.10). CONCLUSIONS: The results of the RCTs show that the efficacy of caffeine ingestion prior to exercise performance in reducing leg pain perception is debatable based on opposing results from recent research on this matter. A common limitation to these studies is the small sample size – future studies are needed to incorporate greater sample sizes and incorporation of subjects of different fitness levels to improve generalizeability of results to the general population

    After-School Art

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    Furman students get a taste of teaching while sharing art at Legacy Charter Schoo

    Restoring Furman\u27s Lake

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    The new bridge and floating marsh islands have enhanced the aesthetics of Furman\u27s campus, which is consistently ranked among the country\u27s most beautiful
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