85 research outputs found


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    Pendahuluan: Kandidiasis vulvovaginalis (KVV) merupakan suatu infeksi pada area vagina dan vulva yang disebabkan oleh jamur Candida baik spesies Candida albicans maupun Candida non-albicans. Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan salah satu faktor predisposisi KVV yang dapat memicu dan memperburuk KVV. Metode: Dilaporkan satu kasus KVV pada anak dengan DM tipe 1 dengan kadar gula darah tidak terkendali Kasus: Seorang anak perempuan berusia 11 tahun, berat badan 20 kg dengan keluhan utama keputihan berwarna putih susu dari kemaluan sejak 2 hari, tidak berbau, gatal, tanpa rasa terbakar, disuria minimal dan edema pada kemaluan. Keluhan ini baru pertama kali dirasakan oleh pasien. Riwayat DM sejak 3 tahun lalu. Pemeriksaan fisik terdapat makula eritematus, berbatas tidak jelas, duh tubuh dan edema pada regio vulva, sedangkan  regio vagina ditemukan duh tubuh berwarna putih seperti susu pecah, tanpa edema, erosi dan fisura. Hasil laboratorium gula darah acak (GDA) 396 mg/dL, HbA1C 9,1%. Pemeriksaan Gram dan sediaan basah ditemukan blastospora dan pseudohifa. Kultur dari media CHROMagar Candida menunjukan species C. albicans. Diagnosis KVV ditegakkan  berdasarkan anamnesis, pemeriksan fisik dan penunjang. Hasil: Pada pasien diberikan terapi ketokonazol 2 x 100 mg per hari, nistatin 100.000 IU salep dua kali sehari, insulin prandial maupun basal, serta edukasi untuk menjaga higenitas personal. Pemberin terapi selama 2 minggy memberikan kesembuhan pada pasien. Kesimpulan: Pemberian obat anti jamur dengan dosis dan durasi yang tepat disertai GDA <200 mg/dL disertai edukasi yang sesuai  akan memberikan perbaikan klinis pada pasien KVV dengan diabetes melitus tipe 1 serta mencegah rekurensi

    Pola Pergeseran Penyebab Kandidiasis Vulvovaginalis

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    Latar belakang: Kandidiasis vulvovaginalis (KVV) merupakan penyakit infeksi dengan gejala dan keluhan keradangan pada vulva dan vagina yang disebabkan oleh jamur spesies Candida. C. albicans merupakan spesies terbanyak penyebab KVV, tetapi kejadian yang disebabkan oleh spesies non-albicans tampak semakin meningkat dengan berbagai komplikasi yang ditimbulkannya. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi pola pergeseran spesies penyebab KVV untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan pengobatan pasien. Metode: Studi retrospektif dengan sumber data sekunder yang tersedia dari hasil penelitian KVV di Divisi Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) Unit Rawat Jalan (URJ) Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya periode tahun 1997 – 2017. Hasil: Sebanyak 7 penelitian mengenai KVV telah didapatkan dalam rentang waktu tersebut. Pasien KVV sebagian besar adalah wanita yang sudah menikah, usia seksual aktif, dan mengeluhkan adanya duh tubuh berwarna putih disertai rasa gatal pada kemaluan. Mayoritas C. albicans didapatkan pada penelitian tahun 1997, 2010, 2015, dan 2017, sebesar 100%, 52,8%, 71,4%, dan 62,1%, sedangkan mayoritas C. non-albicans pada penelitian tahun 2004, 2005, dan 2009, sebesar 65,2%, 52,6%, dan 52,9%. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini telah menunjukkan pola pergeseran spesies penyebab KVV selama 20 tahun terakhir, yaitu dari dominasi C. albicans pada 1997, kemudian C. non-albicans pada tahun 2004, 2005, dan 2009, kembali lagi pada dominasi C. albicans yaitu pada tahun 2010, 2015, dan 2017

    Profile and Evaluation of Dermatophytosis

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    Background: Dermatophytosis is an infection of the tissues, for example, the stratum corneum of the epidermis, hair, and nails, which is caused by dermatophyte fungi group. This retrospective study has never been done before and the 2011-2013 election was conducted due to changes in the health insurance system at RSUD Dr. Soetomo. Purpose: To evaluated patient management of dermatophytosis in Mycology Division Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo General Hospital 2011-2013. Methods: A descriptive retrospective study the aim to evaluated general description, epidemiology, clinical manifestation, establisment diagnosis, management and repeated control new patient dermatophytosis. Results: Percentage new case  dermatophytes infection increased, but the number of visits to URJ for 3 years decreased. The most diagnosis is  tinea corporis. Most cases come from Surabaya. The most patient complaints are itching. The most efflorescence is polycyclic. Griseofulvin is the most therapeutic choice given in the case of tinea corporis. Conclusions: In this study most cases of dermatophytosis is tinea korporis. The diagnosis approach of dermatophytosis diagnosis was obtained by anamnesis, physical examination, and additional examination. Most of dermatophytosis  treated with antifungal griseofulvin


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    Saat ini setiap pekerjaan di instansi baik pemerintah atau pun swasta terlibat dengan pengolahan dan pengarsipan data. Termasuk pada pengolahan data penduduk di kelurahan. Saat ini pengarsipan masih dilakukan secara manual menyebabkan beberapa arsip tercecer dan hilang seiring dengan perpindahan jabatan kepengurusan dari tahun ke tahun. Pemanfaatan kemajuan TIK perlu diterapkan untuk menyederhanakan permasalahan yang ditemui pada pengolahan data penduduk di tingkat kelurahan. Solusi penyelesaian masalah yang terjadi adalah dengan metode waterfall dengan membuat website aplikasi pendataan penduduk yang dapat diakses kapan saja dan dimana saja. Hasil dari aplikasi website ini adalah memudahkan dalam penyimpanan data dengan database, pembuatan laporan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Kata Kunci : Data Penduduk, Kelurahan, Pengolaha

    Ph value of infant’s skin is higher on diaper area compared to nondiaper area

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    Prolonged use of diaper may alter skin barrier function due to exposure to irritants from feces and urine, concurrent mechanical friction and occlusion, thus render the skin prone to inflammation and infection. Measurement of skin pH value may be used to document skin barrier function, especially in tropical countries such as Indonesia, and to expose the difference between diapered and non-diapered skin. The purpose of this study is to compare the pH value between baby’s diapered and non-diapered skin. In this cross-sectional study, the skin pH of 43 healthy babies aged 6 to 12 months were measured using pH-meter on diaper and non-diaper area of the skin. pH values were documented and compared. The mean pH value of diaper area was 6,11 ± 0,72 g/m2/h (95% CI, 4,88 – 8,02) and non-diaper area was 5,91 ± 0,69 g/m2/h (95% CI, 4,53 – 7,69), with significant difference (p=0,005). pH values increased significantly on diaper area compared to nondiaper area, revealing impaired barrier function on diapered skin, despite no pathological skin changes

    Parker ink-KOH stain, Chicago Sky Blue (CSB) stain, and Fungi Culture, for The Diagnosis of Superficial Dermatomycoses

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    Background: Superficial dermatomycoses are infections of skin, nails, and hair that can be divided into dermatophyte, pityriasis versicolor (PV), and candidiasis based on the causative pathogens. Rapid diagnosis is important to initiate the treatment earlier. To establish the diagnosis, direct microscopy using potassium hydroxide and culture examinations could be performed. Although the routine examination using Parker ink-KOH staining could be done in very short time, it was lacking of color contrast and requiring considerable skill interpretation. Various contrast dyes are available including a new contrast Chicago Sky Blue (CSB) staining. Purpose: To evaluate the result of Parker ink-KOH stain, CSB stain, and culture for the diagnosis of superficial dermatomycoses. Methods: The study was an observational descriptive research. Skin scrappings from patients with clinical diagnosis of superficial dematomycoses in Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo General Hospital were examined using Parker ink-KOH stain, CSB stain, then interpreted by a researcher and analysts. The samples were also cultured. Results: A total of 45 samples, 71.1% revealed dermatophyte patients, 22.2% PV patients, and 6.7% candidiasis patients. The fungal filaments were detected in Parker ink-KOH stain by researcher 91.11% of the samples and by analysts 95.56%. CSB stain were detected 100% in all the samples by both observers. The culture was positive in 71.1% samples. Conclusion: CSB stain provides a good color contrast and shown a promising examination as it is rapid, simple, and easy to interpret for the diagnosis of superficial dermatomycoses, thus it is suitable to apply for inexperienced clinicians in dermtology clinical setting and laboratory

    Profile of New Patients with Candida Infection in Skin and Nail

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    Background: Candidiasis are different groups of infection which is caused by Candida albicans and other spesies in the genus Candida can invade hair, skin, nail, mucous membrane and systemic. Purpose: To evaluate profile, process of diagnosis, treatment and follow up of patient with candida infection on the skin and nails. Methods: This research was performed retrospectively to new patients with candida infection of skin and nails in period of 2011-2013. Result: There were 137 patients in period 2011-2013, which are 114 new patients with infection in skin and 23 patients with nails involvement. Most of them were women, respectively in 2011 (54.3%) 2012 (80%) and 2013 (56.6%). Most types of skin disorder is candida intertriginosa (62.2%) and candidiasis of skin and nails (91.3%). Conclusion: Overview of  new cases of candida infections of skin and nails tend to decrease. Key words: Candidiasis spp, candida infection of skin and nails

    Higher Level Zinc Serum in Multibacillary Leprosy With Erythema Nodosum Leprosum compared to Patients Without Reaction

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    Background: Leprosy is an infectious disease that causes a redistribution of nutrients in the body, including zinc, and low food intake of zinc causes decreased serum zinc levels. The number of bacteria M. leprae in multibacillary (MB) type leprosy and acute inflammatory process in Erythema Nodosum Leprosum (ENL) reaction affect the levels of zinc. Purpose: To analyze differences in the results of serum zinc levels in MB patients without reactions and ENL. Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted on forty-eight patients with a diagnosis of MB leprosy in Dermato and venereology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya. Patient's blood had been taken to examine serum zinc levels. Result: The mean serum zinc levels of MB patients without reaction 78.49 g/dL, while ENL 175.83 g/dL. Conclusion: The mean serum zinc levels of MB patients with ENL is higher than without reaction. Key words: MB leprosy, ENL, cross sectional, serum zinc

    Long Term Effects of Combination of Metabolite Product Amniotic Membrane Stem Cell (MP-AMSC) and Vitamin C after Fractional CO2 Laser for Photoaging Treatment

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    Background: Metabolite Products Amniotic Membrane Stem Cell (MP-AMSC) originating from the amniotic membrane has a skin rejuvenation effect by stimulating collagen synthesis. Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant in photoaging treatment. It is expected that the application of a combination of MP-AMSC and vitamin C after fractional CO2 laser treatment as Laser-Assisted Drug Delivery (LADD) to provide better long-term effects on clinical improvement of photoaged skin. As the drug penetration reaching the target, long-term effects and no side effects are expected. This promises as an option for photoaging therapy in the future. Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the long-term effects of a combination of topical MP-AMSC mixtures and vitamin C after fractional CO2 laser treatment on wrinkles, spots, pores, and skin tones. Methods: Thirty adult women with photoaged skins were selected as samples, and were observed for wrinkles, spots, pores, and skin tones examination. The observation involved computer-simulated photographic devices, Facial Skin Scope System Janus-II for three months after the topical administration of MP-AMSC mixture and vitamin C, three times fractional CO2 laser, tretinoin 0.025% cream, and sun protection factor (SPF) 30 sunscreen as maintenance therapy. Result: The data analysis result was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusion: There was a long-term effect of the application of a mixture of topical MP-AMSC and vitamin C after fractional CO2 laser treatment, and no side effect was observed

    Clinical and Cure Profile of Tinea Capitis Patients

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    Background: Tinea capitis (TC) is a superficial mycoses infection of hair follicles and hair shaft caused by dermatophytes of the genus Trichophyton and Microsporum. Tinea capitis can cause hair loss and scales with varying degrees of inflammatory response. The incidence varies depending on geographical location and factors that affect the incidence rate. It is important to know the incidence also the clinical and cure profile of tinea capitis to provide benefits in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Purpose: To evaluate the clinical and cure profile of TC patients at the Dermatology and Venereology Outpatient Clinic of Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital Surabaya from January 2019 to January 2020. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study based on medical records with a total sampling technique. Result: Of the 10 TC patients, who were the research subjects, TC predominantly affected males and at 5–11 years age group. The highest risk factor was a history of contact with cats. Scales were the most common clinical feature. Microsporum canis was the most common causative species, ectothrix arthrospores was revealed during the direct microscopic examination, Wood lamp's fluorescence was mostly yellow-green, and cigarette-shaped hair was the most common dermoscopic finding. Eighty percent of subjects were diagnosed with gray patch type. Conclusion: The diagnosis of TC was established based on the patient's history, clinical examination, and supporting examination
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