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    Desarrollo, cultura y educaci贸n: algunas reflexiones sobre lo que deber铆a estudiar la psicolog铆a

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    Se recogen las reflexiones presentadas en el VII Congreso Internacional de Psicolog铆a y Educaci贸n y XXI Congreso de INFAD. La ciencia de la psicolog铆a trata de investigar y comprender la condici贸n humana. Considera que los m茅todos convencionales de investigaci贸n psicol贸gica no tienen en cuenta factores como la incidencia de la educaci贸n y la cultura, que el psic贸logo puede aprender del antrop贸logo, del soci贸logo y del historiador. Nunca se comprender谩 el comportamiento humano estudi谩ndolo fuera de contexto. Se necesita ir m谩s all谩 de los estudios convencionales sobre pensamiento l贸gico y asociativo y adentrarse en el 谩mbito del pensamiento narrativo. Esta investigaci贸n cultural es esencial para cultivar y mantener la profundidad y la extensi贸n de la psicolog铆a. La educaci贸n no es lo 煤nico, ni debe dedicarse exclusivamente, a la transmisi贸n del conocimiento establecido. Tambi茅n debe cultiva la conciencia de la condici贸n humana. La educaci贸n no es solo llegar a dominar un contenido, tambi茅n es lograr captar en qu茅 consiste conocer y comprender.This article collects his reflections presented at the VII International Congress of Psychology and Education and XXI Congress of INFAD. The science of psychology tries to investigate and understand the human condition. Considers that the conventional methods of psychological investigation do not take into account factors such as the incidence of education and culture, that the psychologist can learn of the anthropologist, sociologist and historian. Never can be understood the human behavior studying it out of context. We need to go beyond the conventional studies on logical thinking and associative and we need to go into the field of thought narrative. This cultural research is essential to cultivate and maintain the depth and extent of psychology. Education is not the only thing, nor should be devoted exclusively to the transmission of knowledge established. You must also cultivate the conscience of the human condition. Education is not the only content, it's also capture what is know and understand.peerReviewe