88,140 research outputs found

    Interaction of Close-in Planets with the Magnetosphere of their Host Stars I: Diffusion, Ohmic Dissipation of Time Dependent Field, Planetary Inflation, and Mass Loss

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    The unanticipated discovery of the first close-in planet around 51 Peg has rekindled the notion that shortly after their formation outside the snow line, some planets may have migrated to the proximity of their host stars because of their tidal interaction with their nascent disks. If these planets indeed migrated to their present-day location, their survival would require a halting mechanism in the proximity of their host stars. Most T Tauri stars have strong magnetic fields which can clear out a cavity in the innermost regions of their circumstellar disks and impose magnetic induction on the nearby young planets. Here we consider the possibility that a magnetic coupling between young stars and planets could quench the planet's orbital evolution. After a brief discussion of the complexity of the full problem, we focus our discussion on evaluating the permeation and ohmic dissipation of the time dependent component of the stellar magnetic field in the planet's interior. Adopting a model first introduced by C. G. Campbell for interacting binary stars, we determine the modulation of the planetary response to the tilted magnetic field of a non-synchronously spinning star. We first compute the conductivity in the young planets, which indicates that the stellar field can penetrate well into the planet's envelope in a synodic period. For various orbital configurations, we show that the energy dissipation rate inside the planet is sufficient to induce short-period planets to inflate. This process results in mass loss via Roche lobe overflow and in the halting of the planet's orbital migration.Comment: 47 pages, 12 figure

    Toward a Deterministic Model of Planetary Formation VII: Eccentricity Distribution of Gas Giants

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    The ubiquity of planets and diversity of planetary systems reveal planet formation encompass many complex and competing processes. In this series of papers, we develop and upgrade a population synthesis model as a tool to identify the dominant physical effects and to calibrate the range of physical conditions. Recent planet searches leads to the discovery of many multiple-planet systems. Any theoretical models of their origins must take into account dynamical interaction between emerging protoplanets. Here, we introduce a prescription to approximate the close encounters between multiple planets. We apply this method to simulate the growth, migration, and dynamical interaction of planetary systems. Our models show that in relatively massive disks, several gas giants and rocky/icy planets emerge, migrate, and undergo dynamical instability. Secular perturbation between planets leads to orbital crossings, eccentricity excitation, and planetary ejection. In disks with modest masses, two or less gas giants form with multiple super-Earths. Orbital stability in these systems is generally maintained and they retain the kinematic structure after gas in their natal disks is depleted. These results reproduce the observed planetary mass-eccentricity and semimajor axis-eccentricity correlations. They also suggest that emerging gas giants can scatter residual cores to the outer disk regions. Subsequent in situ gas accretion onto these cores can lead to the formation of distant (> 30AU) gas giants with nearly circular orbits.Comment: 54 pages, 14 Figures; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Thermal instabilities in protogalactic clouds

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    The means by which a protogalaxy can fragment to form the first generation of stars and globular clusters remains an important problem in astrophysics. Gravitational instabilities grow on timescales too long to drive fragmentation before the background density grows by many orders of magnitude (see Murray and Lin 1989a, and references therein). Thermal instability provides a much more likely mechanism. After its initial collapse, a protogalactic cloud is expected to be shock heated to its virial temperature approx. 10(exp 6) K. Cooling by H and He+ below 10(exp 6) K has a negative slope, so that the cloud is subject to strong thermal instabilities. Density enhancements may then grow rapidly, fragmenting the protogalaxy as it cools to lower temperatures. The role of dynamical effects upon the growth of perturbations is considered here. The method used is similar to that used in Murray and Lin (1989a; see also the Erratum to appear September 15), which examined the growth of thermal instabilities with a one-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamics code, written for spherical symmetry. Perturbed regions therefore take the form of shells. The dynamical variables are integrated explicitly, while the temperature, ionization fraction, and molecular fraction are integrated implicitly, and account is taken for non-equilibrium values of these quantities

    Toward a Deterministic Model of Planetary Formation IV: Effects of Type-I Migration

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    In a further development of a deterministic planet-formation model (Ida & Lin 2004), we consider the effect of type-I migration of protoplanetary embryos due to their tidal interaction with their nascent disks. During the early embedded phase of protostellar disks, although embryos rapidly emerge in regions interior to the ice line, uninhibited type-I migration leads to their efficient self-clearing. But, embryos continue to form from residual planetesimals at increasingly large radii, repeatedly migrate inward, and provide a main channel of heavy element accretion onto their host stars. During the advanced stages of disk evolution (a few Myr), the gas surface density declines to values comparable to or smaller than that of the minimum mass nebula model and type-I migration is no longer an effective disruption mechanism for mars-mass embryos. Over wide ranges of initial disk surface densities and type-I migration efficiency, the surviving population of embryos interior to the ice line has a total mass several times that of the Earth. With this reservoir, there is an adequate inventory of residual embryos to subsequently assemble into rocky planets similar to those around the Sun. But, the onset of efficient gas accretion requires the emergence and retention of cores, more massive than a few M_earth, prior to the severe depletion of the disk gas. The formation probability of gas giant planets and hence the predicted mass and semimajor axis distributions of extrasolar gas giants are sensitively determined by the strength of type-I migration. We suggest that the observed fraction of solar-type stars with gas giant planets can be reproduced only if the actual type-I migration time scale is an order of magnitude longer than that deduced from linear theories.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Eccentricity Evolution of Extrasolar Multiple Planetary Systems due to the Depletion of Nascent Protostellar Disks

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    Most extrasolar planets are observed to have eccentricities much larger than those in the solar system. Some of these planets have sibling planets, with comparable masses, orbiting around the same host stars. In these multiple planetary systems, eccentricity is modulated by the planets' mutual secular interaction as a consequence of angular momentum exchange between them. For mature planets, the eigenfrequencies of this modulation are determined by their mass and semi-major axis ratios. But, prior to the disk depletion, self gravity of the planets' nascent disks dominates the precession eigenfrequencies. We examine here the initial evolution of young planets' eccentricity due to the apsidal libration or circulation induced by both the secular interaction between them and the self gravity of their nascent disks. We show that as the latter effect declines adiabatically with disk depletion, the modulation amplitude of the planets' relative phase of periapse is approximately invariant despite the time-asymmetrical exchange of angular momentum between planets. However, as the young planets' orbits pass through a state of secular resonance, their mean eccentricities undergo systematic quantitative changes. For applications, we analyze the eccentricity evolution of planets around Upsilon Andromedae and HD168443 during the epoch of protostellar disk depletion. We find that the disk depletion can change the planets' eccentricity ratio. However, the relatively large amplitude of the planets' eccentricity cannot be excited if all the planets had small initial eccentricities.Comment: 50 pages including 11 figures, submitted to Ap

    Three-region inequalities for the second order elliptic equation with discontinuous coefficients and size estimate

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    In this paper, we would like to derive a quantitative uniqueness estimate, the three-region inequality, for the second order elliptic equation with jump discontinuous coefficients. The derivation of the inequality relies on the Carleman estimate proved in our previous work. We then apply the three-region inequality to study the size estimate problem with one boundary measurement.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur
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