260 research outputs found

    Thermal radiation from optically driven Kerr (χ(3)\chi^{(3)}) photonic cavities

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    We study thermal radiation from nonlinear (χ(3)\chi^{(3)}) photonic cavities coupled to external channels and subject to incident monochromatic light. Our work extends related work on nonlinear mechanical oscillators [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 110602 (2006)] to the problem of thermal radiation, demonstrating that bistability can enhance thermal radiation by orders of magnitude and result in strong lineshape alternations, including "super-narrow spectral peaks" occurring at the onset of kinetic phase transitions. We show that when the cavities are designed so as to have perfect linear absorptivity (rate matching), such thermally activated transitions can be exploited to dramatically tune the output power and radiative properties of the cavity, leading to a kind of Kerr-mediated thermo-optic effect. Finally, we demonstrate that in certain parameter regimes, the output radiation exhibits Stokes and anti-Stokes side peaks whose relative magnitudes can be altered by tuning the internal temperature of the cavity relative to its surroundings, a consequence of strong correlations and interference between the emitted and reflected radiation

    Topology optimization of freeform large-area metasurfaces

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    We demonstrate optimization of optical metasurfaces over 10510^5--10610^6 degrees of freedom in two and three dimensions, 100--1000+ wavelengths (λ\lambda) in diameter, with 100+ parameters per λ2\lambda^2. In particular, we show how topology optimization, with one degree of freedom per high-resolution "pixel," can be extended to large areas with the help of a locally periodic approximation that was previously only used for a few parameters per λ2\lambda^2. In this way, we can computationally discover completely unexpected metasurface designs for challenging multi-frequency, multi-angle problems, including designs for fully coupled multi-layer structures with arbitrary per-layer patterns. Unlike typical metasurface designs based on subwavelength unit cells, our approach can discover both sub- and supra-wavelength patterns and can obtain both the near and far fields

    Enhanced nonlinear frequency conversion and Purcell enhancement at exceptional points

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    We derive analytical formulas quantifying radiative emission from subwavelength emitters embedded in triply resonant nonlinear χ(2)\chi^{(2)} cavities supporting exceptional points (EP) made of dark and leaky modes. We show that the up-converted radiation rate in such a system can be greatly enhanced---by up to two orders of magnitude---compared to typical Purcell factors achievable in non-degenerate cavities, for both monochromatic and broadband emitters. We provide a proof-of-concept demonstration by studying an inverse-designed 2D photonic-crystal slab that supports an EP formed out of a Dirac cone at the emission frequency and a phase-matched, leaky-mode resonance at the second harmonic frequency

    Unidirectional Invisibility Induced by PT-Symmetric Periodic Structures

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    Parity-time (PT) symmetric periodic structures, near the spontaneous PT-symmetry breaking point, can act as unidirectional invisible media. In this regime, the reflection from one end is diminished while it is enhanced from the other. Furthermore, the transmission coefficient and phase are indistinguishable from those expected in the absence of a grating. The phenomenon is robust even in the presence of Kerr nonlinearities, and it can also effectively suppress optical bistabilities

    Topology Optimized Multi-layered Meta-optics

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    We propose a general topology optimization framework for metasurface inverse design that can automatically discover highly complex multi-layered meta-structures with increased functionalities. In particular, we present topology-optimized multi-layered geometries exhibiting angular phase control, including a single-piece nanophotonic metalens with angular aberration correction as well as an angle-convergent metalens that focuses light onto the same focal spot regardless of the angle of incidence

    Overlapping domains for topology optimization of large-area metasurfaces

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    We introduce an overlapping-domain approach to large-area metasurface design, in which each simulated domain consists of a unit cell and overlapping regions from the neighboring cells plus PML absorbers. We show that our approach generates greatly improved metalens quality compared to designs produced using a locally periodic approximation, thanks to 10×\sim 10\times better accuracy with similar computational cost. We use the new approach with topology optimization to design large-area (200λ200\lambda) high-NA (0.71) multichrome and broadband achromatic lenses with high focusing efficiency (50%\sim 50\%), greatly improving upon previously reported works

    High-efficiency degenerate four wave-mixing in triply resonant nanobeam cavities

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    We demonstrate high-efficiency, degenerate four-wave mixing in triply resonant Kerr χ(3)\chi^(3) photonic crystal (PhC) nanobeam cavities. Using a combination of temporal coupled mode theory and nonlinear finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations, we study the nonlinear dynamics of resonant four-wave mixing processes and demonstrate the possibility of observing high-efficiency limit cycles and steady-state conversion corresponding to 100\approx 100% depletion of the pump light at low powers, even including effects due to losses, self- and cross-phase modulation, and imperfect frequency matching. Assuming operation in the telecom range, we predict close to perfect quantum efficiencies at reasonably low \sim 50 mW input powers in silicon micrometer-scale cavities

    Nonlinear Multi-Resonant Cavity Quantum Photonics Gyroscopes Quantum Light Navigation

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    We propose an on-chip all-optical gyroscope based on nonlinear multi-resonant cavity quantum photonics in thin film χ(2)\chi^{(2)} resonators -- Quantum-Optic Nonlinear Gyro or QONG in short. The key feature of our gyroscope is co-arisal and co-accumulation of quantum correlations, nonlinear wave mixing and non-inertial signals, all inside the same sensor-resonator. We theoretically analyze the Fisher Information of our QONGs under fundamental quantum noise conditions. Using Bayesian optimization, we maximize the Fisher Information and show that 900×\sim 900\times improvement is possible over the shot-noise limited linear gyroscope with the same footprint, intrinsic quality factors and power budget.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, journal artica