1,620 research outputs found

    Efficient iterative method for solving the Dirac-Kohn-Sham density functional theory

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    We present for the first time an efficient iterative method to directly solve the four-component Dirac-Kohn-Sham (DKS) density functional theory. Due to the existence of the negative energy continuum in the DKS operator, the existing iterative techniques for solving the Kohn-Sham systems cannot be efficiently applied to solve the DKS systems. The key component of our method is a novel filtering step (F) which acts as a preconditioner in the framework of the locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient (LOBPCG) method. The resulting method, dubbed the LOBPCG-F method, is able to compute the desired eigenvalues and eigenvectors in the positive energy band without computing any state in the negative energy band. The LOBPCG-F method introduces mild extra cost compared to the standard LOBPCG method and can be easily implemented. We demonstrate our method in the pseudopotential framework with a planewave basis set which naturally satisfies the kinetic balance prescription. Numerical results for Pt2_{2}, Au2_{2}, TlF, and Bi2_{2}Se3_{3} indicate that the LOBPCG-F method is a robust and efficient method for investigating the relativistic effect in systems containing heavy elements.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Deep Recurrent Survival Analysis

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    Survival analysis is a hotspot in statistical research for modeling time-to-event information with data censorship handling, which has been widely used in many applications such as clinical research, information system and other fields with survivorship bias. Many works have been proposed for survival analysis ranging from traditional statistic methods to machine learning models. However, the existing methodologies either utilize counting-based statistics on the segmented data, or have a pre-assumption on the event probability distribution w.r.t. time. Moreover, few works consider sequential patterns within the feature space. In this paper, we propose a Deep Recurrent Survival Analysis model which combines deep learning for conditional probability prediction at fine-grained level of the data, and survival analysis for tackling the censorship. By capturing the time dependency through modeling the conditional probability of the event for each sample, our method predicts the likelihood of the true event occurrence and estimates the survival rate over time, i.e., the probability of the non-occurrence of the event, for the censored data. Meanwhile, without assuming any specific form of the event probability distribution, our model shows great advantages over the previous works on fitting various sophisticated data distributions. In the experiments on the three real-world tasks from different fields, our model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions under various metrics.Comment: AAAI 2019. Supplemental material, slides, code: https://github.com/rk2900/drs

    86 PFLOPS Deep Potential Molecular Dynamics simulation of 100 million atoms with ab initio accuracy

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    We present the GPU version of DeePMD-kit, which, upon training a deep neural network model using ab initio data, can drive extremely large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with ab initio accuracy. Our tests show that the GPU version is 7 times faster than the CPU version with the same power consumption. The code can scale up to the entire Summit supercomputer. For a copper system of 113, 246, 208 atoms, the code can perform one nanosecond MD simulation per day, reaching a peak performance of 86 PFLOPS (43% of the peak). Such unprecedented ability to perform MD simulation with ab initio accuracy opens up the possibility of studying many important issues in materials and molecules, such as heterogeneous catalysis, electrochemical cells, irradiation damage, crack propagation, and biochemical reactions.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figure

    Sampled in Pairs and Driven by Text: A New Graph Embedding Framework

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    In graphs with rich texts, incorporating textual information with structural information would benefit constructing expressive graph embeddings. Among various graph embedding models, random walk (RW)-based is one of the most popular and successful groups. However, it is challenged by two issues when applied on graphs with rich texts: (i) sampling efficiency: deriving from the training objective of RW-based models (e.g., DeepWalk and node2vec), we show that RW-based models are likely to generate large amounts of redundant training samples due to three main drawbacks. (ii) text utilization: these models have difficulty in dealing with zero-shot scenarios where graph embedding models have to infer graph structures directly from texts. To solve these problems, we propose a novel framework, namely Text-driven Graph Embedding with Pairs Sampling (TGE-PS). TGE-PS uses Pairs Sampling (PS) to improve the sampling strategy of RW, being able to reduce ~99% training samples while preserving competitive performance. TGE-PS uses Text-driven Graph Embedding (TGE), an inductive graph embedding approach, to generate node embeddings from texts. Since each node contains rich texts, TGE is able to generate high-quality embeddings and provide reasonable predictions on existence of links to unseen nodes. We evaluate TGE-PS on several real-world datasets, and experiment results demonstrate that TGE-PS produces state-of-the-art results on both traditional and zero-shot link prediction tasks.Comment: Accepted by WWW 2019 (The World Wide Web Conference. ACM, 2019

    Machine-Learned Invertible Coarse Graining for Multiscale Molecular Modeling

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    Multiscale molecular modeling is widely applied in scientific research of molecular properties over large time and length scales. Two specific challenges are commonly present in multiscale modeling, provided that information between the coarse and fine representations of molecules needs to be properly exchanged: One is to construct coarse grained (CG) models by passing information from the fine to coarse levels; the other is to restore finer molecular details given CG configurations. Although these two problems are commonly addressed independently, in this work, we present a theory connecting them, and develop a methodology called Cycle Coarse Graining (CCG) to solve both problems in a unified manner. In CCG, reconstruction can be achieved via a tractable optimization process, leading to a general method to retrieve fine details from CG simulations, which in turn, delivers a new solution to the CG problem, yielding an efficient way to calculate free energies in a rare-event-free manner. CCG thus provides a systematic way for multiscale molecular modeling, where the finer details of CG simulations can be efficiently retrieved, and the CG models can be improved consistently.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, plus S

    Class Incremental Learning via Likelihood Ratio Based Task Prediction

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    Class incremental learning (CIL) is a challenging setting of continual learning, which learns a series of tasks sequentially. Each task consists of a set of unique classes. The key feature of CIL is that no task identifier (or task-id) is provided at test time. Predicting the task-id for each test sample is a challenging problem. An emerging theory-guided approach (called TIL+OOD) is to train a task-specific model for each task in a shared network for all tasks based on a task-incremental learning (TIL) method to deal with catastrophic forgetting. The model for each task is an out-of-distribution (OOD) detector rather than a conventional classifier. The OOD detector can perform both within-task (in-distribution (IND)) class prediction and OOD detection. The OOD detection capability is the key to task-id prediction during inference. However, this paper argues that using a traditional OOD detector for task-id prediction is sub-optimal because additional information (e.g., the replay data and the learned tasks) available in CIL can be exploited to design a better and principled method for task-id prediction. We call the new method TPL (Task-id Prediction based on Likelihood Ratio). TPL markedly outperforms strong CIL baselines and has negligible catastrophic forgetting. The code of TPL is publicly available at https://github.com/linhaowei1/TPL