14 research outputs found

    Assessing Functional Deficits at Optic Neuritis Onset in EAE Mice Using Manganese-Enhanced MRI (MEMRI) and Diffusion fMRI

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    Optic neuritis: ON) is frequently a first sign of multiple sclerosis: MS), which is an inflammatory demyelinative disease of the central nerve system: CNS), including brain, optic nerve, and spinal cord. Investigating ON provides an approach to improve MS diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: EAE) is a widely used animal model of MS and exhibits pathologies similar to the human disease. Magnetic resonance imaging: MRI) is a non-invasive tool to detect disease progress and as a standard diagnose procedure for MS in the clinic. In biological samples, the hydrogen nuclei are used to produce the MR signal due to its abundance in water and fat. As a result of tissue microstructural differences, 1H nuclei exhibit tissue-specific and pathology-specific relaxation and diffusion properties, which are reflected in the resulting MR image contrast. Therefore, the pathologies of MS, such as inflammation, demyelination, and axonal injury can be detected using different MR-related tools, including T1- and T2-weighted imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging, and so on. Importantly, direct non-invasive assessment of functional deficits could be important for understanding pathology mechanisms or provide a useful bio-index to validate treatment strategies. In this dissertation, manganese-enhanced MRI: MEMRI) and diffusion fMRI were introduced to explore the functional deficits, including axonal transport disruption and axon-activity dysfunction, at optic neuritis onset in EAE mice

    Diffusion basis spectrum imaging detects subclinical traumatic optic neuropathy in a closed-head impact mouse model of traumatic brain injury

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    INTRODUCTION: Traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) is the optic nerve injury secondary to brain trauma leading to visual impairment and vision loss. Current clinical visual function assessments often fail to detect TON due to slow disease progression and clinically silent lesions resulting in potentially delayed or missed treatment in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). METHODS: Diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) is a novel imaging modality that can potentially fill this diagnostic gap. Twenty-two, 16-week-old, male mice were equally divided into a sham or TBI (induced by moderate Closed-Head Impact Model of Engineered Rotational Acceleration device) group. Briefly, mice were anesthetized with isoflurane (5% for 2.5 min followed by 2.5% maintenance during injury induction), had a helmet placed over the head, and were placed in a holder prior to a 2.1-joule impact. Serial visual acuity (VA) assessments, using the Virtual Optometry System, and DBSI scans were performed in both groups of mice. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and histological analysis of optic nerves was also performed after RESULTS: VA of the TBI mice showed unilateral or bilateral impairment. DBSI of the optic nerves exhibited bilateral involvement. IHC results of the optic nerves revealed axonal loss, myelin injury, axonal injury, and increased cellularity in the optic nerves of the TBI mice. Increased DBSI axon volume, decreased DBSI λ CONCLUSION: DBSI provides an imaging modality capable of detecting subclinical changes of indirect TON in TBI mice

    Diffusion basis spectrum imaging detects axonal loss after transient dexamethasone treatment in optic neuritis mice

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    Optic neuritis is a frequent first symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS) for which corticosteroids are a widely employed treatment option. The Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial (ONTT) reported that corticosteroid treatment does not improve long-term visual acuity, although the evolution of underlying pathologies is unclear. In this study, we employed non-invasive diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI)-derived fiber volume to quantify 11% axonal loss 2 months after corticosteroid treatment (vs. baseline) in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mouse optic nerves affected by optic neuritis. Longitudinal DBSI was performed at baseline (before immunization), after a 2-week corticosteroid treatment period, and 1 and 2 months after treatment, followed by histological validation of neuropathology. Pathological metrics employed to assess the optic nerve revealed axonal protection and anti-inflammatory effects of dexamethasone treatment that were transient. Two months after treatment, axonal injury and loss were indistinguishable between PBS- and dexamethasone-treated optic nerves, similar to results of the human ONTT. Our findings in mice further support that corticosteroid treatment alone is not sufficient to prevent eventual axonal loss in ON, and strongly support the potential of DBSI as a

    Diffusion basis spectrum imaging measures anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects of fingolimod on murine optic neuritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To prospectively determine whether diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) detects, differentiates and quantitates coexisting inflammation, demyelination, axonal injury and axon loss in mice with optic neuritis (ON) due to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), and to determine if DBSI accurately measures effects of fingolimod on underlying pathology. METHODS: EAE was induced in 7-week-old C57BL/6 female mice. Visual acuity (VA) was assessed daily to detect onset of ON after which daily oral-treatment with either fingolimod (1 mg/kg) or saline was given for ten weeks. In vivo DBSI scans of optic nerves were performed at baseline, 2-, 6- and 10-weeks post treatment. DBSI-derived metrics including restricted isotropic diffusion tensor fraction (putatively reflecting cellularity), non-restricted isotropic diffusion tensor fraction (putatively reflecting vasogenic edema), DBSI-derived axonal volume, axial diffusivity, λ RESULTS: Optic nerves of fingolimod-treated mice exhibited significantly better (p \u3c 0.05) VA than saline-treated group at each time point. During ten-week of treatment, DBSI-derived non-restricted and restricted-isotropic-diffusion-tensor fractions, and axonal volumes were not significantly different (p \u3e 0.05) from the baseline values in fingolimod-treated mice. Transient DBSI-λ CONCLUSION: DBSI was used to assess changes of the underlying optic nerve pathologies in EAE mice with ON, exhibiting great potential as a noninvasive outcome measure for monitoring disease progression and therapeutic efficacy for MS

    Diffusion basis spectrum imaging as an adjunct to conventional MRI leads to earlier diagnosis of high-grade glioma tumor progression versus treatment effect

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    BACKGROUND: Following chemoradiotherapy for high-grade glioma (HGG), it is often challenging to distinguish treatment changes from true tumor progression using conventional MRI. The diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) hindered fraction is associated with tissue edema or necrosis, which are common treatment-related changes. We hypothesized that DBSI hindered fraction may augment conventional imaging for earlier diagnosis of progression versus treatment effect. METHODS: Adult patients were prospectively recruited if they had a known histologic diagnosis of HGG and completed standard-of-care chemoradiotherapy. DBSI and conventional MRI data were acquired longitudinally beginning 4 weeks post-radiation. Conventional MRI and DBSI metrics were compared with respect to their ability to diagnose progression versus treatment effect. RESULTS: Twelve HGG patients were enrolled between August 2019 and February 2020, and 9 were ultimately analyzed (5 progression, 4 treatment effect). Within new or enlarging contrast-enhancing regions, DBSI hindered fraction was significantly higher in the treatment effect group compared to progression group ( CONCLUSIONS: In the first longitudinal prospective study of DBSI in adult HGG patients, we found that in new or enlarging contrast-enhancing regions following therapy, DBSI hindered fraction is elevated in cases of treatment effect compared to those with progression. Hindered fraction map may be a valuable adjunct to conventional MRI to distinguish tumor progression from treatment effect

    Diffusion MRI quantifies early axonal loss in the presence of nerve swelling

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    Abstract Background Magnetic resonance imaging markers have been widely used to detect and quantify white matter pathologies in multiple sclerosis. We have recently developed a diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) to distinguish and quantify co-existing axonal injury, demyelination, and inflammation in multiple sclerosis patients and animal models. It could serve as a longitudinal marker for axonal loss, a primary cause of permanent neurological impairments and disease progression. Methods Eight 10-week-old female C57BL/6 mice underwent optic nerve DBSI, followed by a week-long recuperation prior to active immunization for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Visual acuity of all mice was assessed daily. Longitudinal DBSI was performed in mouse optic nerves at baseline (naïve, before immunization), before, during, and after the onset of optic neuritis. Tissues were perfusion fixed after final in vivo scans. The correlation between DBSI detected pathologies and corresponding immunohistochemistry markers was quantitatively assessed. Results In this cohort of EAE mice, monocular vision impairment occurred in all animals. In vivo DBSI detected, differentiated, and quantified optic nerve inflammation, demyelination, and axonal injury/loss, correlating nerve pathologies with visual acuity at different time points of acute optic neuritis. DBSI quantified, in the presence of optic nerve swelling, ~15% axonal loss at the onset of optic neuritis in EAE mice. Conclusions Our findings support the notion that axonal loss could occur early in EAE mice. DBSI detected pathologies in the posterior visual pathway unreachable by optical coherence tomography and without confounding inflammation induced optic nerve swelling. DBSI could thus decipher the interrelationship among various pathological components and the role each plays in disease progression. Quantification of the rate of axonal loss could potentially serve as the biomarker to predict treatment outcome and to determine when progressive disease starts

    Diffusion Basis Spectrum and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Detect Hippocampal Inflammation and Dendritic Injury in a Virus-Induced Mouse Model of Epilepsy

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    Hippocampal CA1 inflammation and dendritic loss are common in epilepsy. Quantitative detection of coexisting brain inflammation and injury could be beneficial in monitoring disease progression and assessing therapeutic efficacy. In this work, we used conventional diffusion tensor imaging (DTI, known to detect axonal injury and demyelination) and a novel diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI, known to detect axonal injury, demyelination, and inflammation) to detect hippocampal CA1 lesions resulting from neuronal dendritic injury/loss and concomitant inflammation in Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV)-induced seizure mice. Following the cross-sectional ex vivo diffusion magnetic resonance imaging measurements, immunohistochemistry was performed to validate DTI and DBSI findings. Both DTI and DBSI detected immunohistochemistry-confirmed dendritic injury in the hippocampal CA1 region. Additionally, DBSI-derived restricted isotropic diffusion tensor fraction correlated with 4',6-diamidine-2'-phenylindole dihydrochloride (DAPI)-positive nucleus counts, and DBSI-derived fiber fraction correlated with dendrite density assessed by microtubule-associated protein 2 staining. DTI-derived fractional anisotropy (FA) correlated with dendrite density and negatively correlated with DAPI-positive nucleus counts. Although both DTI and DBSI detected hippocampal injury/inflammation, DTI-FA was less specific than DBSI-derived pathological metrics for hippocampal CA1 dendritic injury and inflammation in TMEV-induced seizure mice

    Therapeutic enhancement of blood-brain and blood-tumor barriers permeability by laser interstitial thermal therapy

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    BACKGROUND: The blood-brain and blood-tumor barriers (BBB and BTB), which restrict the entry of most drugs into the brain and tumor, respectively, are a significant challenge in the treatment of glioblastoma. Laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) is a minimally invasive surgical technique increasingly used clinically for tumor cell ablation. Recent evidence suggests that LITT might locally disrupt BBB integrity, creating a potential therapeutic window of opportunity to deliver otherwise brain-impermeant agents. METHODS: We established a LITT mouse model to test if laser therapy can increase BBB/BTB permeability in vivo. Mice underwent orthotopic glioblastoma tumor implantation followed by LITT in combination with BBB tracers or the anticancer drug doxorubicin. BBB/BTB permeability was measured using fluorimetry, microscopy, and immunofluorescence. An in vitro endothelial cell model was also used to corroborate findings. RESULTS: LITT substantially disrupted the BBB and BTB locally, with increased permeability up to 30 days after the intervention. Remarkably, molecules as large as human immunoglobulin extravasated through blood vessels and permeated laser-treated brain tissue and tumors. Mechanistically, LITT decreased tight junction integrity and increased brain endothelial cell transcytosis. Treatment of mice bearing glioblastoma tumors with LITT and adjuvant doxorubicin, which is typically brain-impermeant, significantly increased animal survival. CONCLUSIONS: Together, these results suggest that LITT can locally disrupt the BBB and BTB, enabling the targeted delivery of systemic therapies, including, potentially, antibody-based agents