772 research outputs found

    Blessing with Wind

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    Port development under the background of One Belt One Road

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    Probiotic actions on diseases: implications for therapeutic treatments

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    The ecology of gut microflora, which colonizes all body surfaces, has long coevolved with its hosts in a complicated fashion. Health benefits conferred by gut microflora include defense against invading pathogens, improvement of nutritional bioavailability, and development of the regional and systemic immune systems. The past decade has witnessed growing interest in the fact that the gut microflora affects the host's energy homeostasis by means of various mechanisms, including supplying nourishment from indigestible compounds, producing small biomolecules responsible for lipid profiles, and participating in the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of nutrition. Much in vitro and in vivo research has indicated that aberrant gut microflora plays an important role in the pathogenesis of a wide spectrum of diseases. This is accomplished by a shift in focus, from laying an emphasis on pharmacotherapy to placing more effort on gut microflora normalization. The objectives of this review include illustrating trends in the clinical application of probiotics on diseases, as well as discussing current methodology limitations on probiotic selection. Furthermore, it is expected to shed light on the nature of probiotics, with the aim of giving greater insight into the implications for clinical use of probiotics in the treatment of diseases

    Establishment And Regulation Of Epithelial Enhancers By P63

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    The transcription factor p63 is a key mediator of epidermal commitment, development, and differentiation. Point mutations in p63 in human patients lead to developmental defects, including orofacial clefting, one of the most common congenital defects in humans. To date, knowledge is limited about how pivotal is p63’s role in human craniofacial development, due in part to a lack of tractable models to study de novo expression of p63 and its role at developmentally regulated genes. Using an inducible trans-differentiation model, combined with epigenomic sequencing and multi-cohort meta-analysis of GWAS data, we show that p63 establishes enhancers at craniofacial development genes to modulate their transcription. We further identify histone methyltransferase KMT2D as a key interacting partner of p63 at these enhancers and identify a novel role for this histone methyltransferase in maintaining epithelial homeostasis. Our results demonstrate that disease-specific substitution mutation in the DNA binding domain or SAM protein interaction domain of p63 respectively eliminate or reduce establishment of these enhancers. Finally, we show enhancers established by p63 are highly enriched for SNPs associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip +/- cleft palate (CL/P). These orthogonal approaches indicate a strong molecular link between p63 enhancer function and CL/P, illuminating molecular mechanisms underlying this developmental defect and revealing vital regulatory elements and new candidate causative genes

    Lactobacillus plantarum MYL26 induces endotoxin tolerance phenotype in Caco-2 cells

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    Background: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the major types of chronic inflammatory bowel diseaseoccurring in the colon and small intestine. A growing body of research has proposed that probiotics are able toattenuate the inflammatory symptoms of these diseases in vitro and in vivo. However, the mechanism of probioticactions remains unclear.Results: Our results suggested Lactobacillus plantarum MYL26 inhibited inflammation in Caco-2 cells throughregulation of gene expressions of TOLLIP, SOCS1, SOCS3, and IκBα, rather than SHIP-1 and IRAK-3.Conclusions: We proposed that live/ heat-killed Lactobacillus plantarum MYL26 and bacterial cell wall extracttreatments impaired TLR4-NFκb signal transduction through Tollip, SOCS-1 and SOCS-3 activation, thus inducing LPStolerance. Our findings suggest that either heat-killed probiotics or probiotic cell wall extracts are able to attenuateinflammation through pathways similar to that of live bacteria

    Necrophilous Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Diverse Habitats in Taiwan

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    Ants are a highly diverse group that not only are often strongly associated with certain habitat types, but also can be found on carcasses and, therefore, in crime scenes. In the present study, a survey of the necrophilous ants in Taiwan was conducted and a preliminary species checklist was provided for the first time. The aim of this study was primarily to offer information on Taiwanese ant species of forensic significance. A total of 50 ant species/morphospecies from 26 genera were collected from large scale regions in Taiwan using combination pig liver bait and pitfall traps, bringing the Taiwanese necrophilous ants up to 55 species from 33 genera within the known Taiwanese ant fauna of 288 species from 71 genera. Seventeen species found in this study are tramp or potentially exotic species, which often dominated the baits. Use of pitfall traps increased the diversity of ants collected relative to hand-collecting from the carcass, adding useful data. These necrophilous ants may play important roles in carcass decomposition and can be useful in reconstructing crime scenes, as certain ants are more common in certain habitat types. This checklist and accompanying habitat information of these ants is likely the first such comprehensive data in Taiwan applying ants to the field of forensic entomology

    Personal Exposure to Submicrometer Particles and Heart Rate Variability in Human Subjects

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    We conducted a study on two panels of human subjects—9 young adults and 10 elderly patients with lung function impairments—to evaluate whether submicrometer particulate air pollution was associated with heart rate variability (HRV). We measured these subjects’ electrocardiography and personal exposure to number concentrations of submicrometer particles with a size range of 0.02–1 μm (NC(0.02–1)) continuously during daytime periods. We used linear mixed-effects models to estimate the relationship between NC(0.02–1) and log(10)-transformed HRV, including standard deviation of all normal-to-normal intervals (SDNN), square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals (r-MSSD), low frequency (LF, 0.04–0.15 Hz), and high frequency (HF, 0.15–0.40 Hz), adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, tobacco exposure, and temperature. For the young panel, a 10,000-particle/cm(3) increase in NC(0.02–1) with 1–4 hr moving average exposure was associated with 0.68–1.35% decreases in SDNN, 1.85–2.58% decreases in r-MSSD, 1.32–1.61% decreases in LF, and 1.57–2.60% decreases in HF. For the elderly panel, a 10,000-particle/cm(3) increase in NC(0.02–1) with 1–3 hr moving average exposure was associated with 1.72–3.00% decreases in SDNN, 2.72–4.65% decreases in r-MSSD, 3.34–5.04% decreases in LF, and 3.61–5.61% decreases in HF. In conclusion, exposure to NC(0.02–1) was associated with decreases in both time-domain and frequency-domain HRV indices in human subjects

    Event Stream-based Visual Object Tracking: A High-Resolution Benchmark Dataset and A Novel Baseline

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    Tracking using bio-inspired event cameras has drawn more and more attention in recent years. Existing works either utilize aligned RGB and event data for accurate tracking or directly learn an event-based tracker. The first category needs more cost for inference and the second one may be easily influenced by noisy events or sparse spatial resolution. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical knowledge distillation framework that can fully utilize multi-modal / multi-view information during training to facilitate knowledge transfer, enabling us to achieve high-speed and low-latency visual tracking during testing by using only event signals. Specifically, a teacher Transformer-based multi-modal tracking framework is first trained by feeding the RGB frame and event stream simultaneously. Then, we design a new hierarchical knowledge distillation strategy which includes pairwise similarity, feature representation, and response maps-based knowledge distillation to guide the learning of the student Transformer network. Moreover, since existing event-based tracking datasets are all low-resolution (346×260346 \times 260), we propose the first large-scale high-resolution (1280×7201280 \times 720) dataset named EventVOT. It contains 1141 videos and covers a wide range of categories such as pedestrians, vehicles, UAVs, ping pongs, etc. Extensive experiments on both low-resolution (FE240hz, VisEvent, COESOT), and our newly proposed high-resolution EventVOT dataset fully validated the effectiveness of our proposed method. The dataset, evaluation toolkit, and source code are available on \url{https://github.com/Event-AHU/EventVOT_Benchmark

    Poincaré Plot of Fingertip Photoplethysmogram Pulse Amplitude Suitable to Assess Diabetes Status

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    Multiscale entropy (MSE), an estimate of the complexity of physiological signals has been used for assessing diabetes status. This method requires much computation effort. Our study aimed to examine the Poincaré plot, an easier method for computation to differentiate the diabetes status. We selected subjects and divided them into three groups including the non- diabetes (HbA1c ≤ 6.5%, n=22), diabetes with good control (6.5% < HbA1c < 8%, n=23), and diabetes with poor control (HbA1c ≥ 8%, n=17). Poincaré method used consecutive 250 data points of PPG pulse amplitudes from each subject’s right index fingertip. This method resulted in SSR, the standard deviation of the original photoplethysmogram (PPG) pulse amplitude (SD1) and the standard deviation of the interval 1 PPG pulse amplitude (SD2) ratio. The SSR in the three groups of non-diabetes, diabetes with good control and diabetes with poor control were 0.50, 0.28, and 0.23, respectively and differed between groups (P < 0.05).  Our findings suggested that the Poincaré plot of right-hand PPG pulse amplitude may be convenient to evaluate diabetes status