422 research outputs found

    Stream Monitoring and Preliminary Co-Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage and Municipal Wastewater along Dunkard Creek Area

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    This study investigated coal-mine drainage (AMD) and municipal wastewater (MWW) contaminant concentrations and conducted the combined treatment in phases I and II: phase I, evaluating the effects of mixing the two based on the extent of acid neutralization and metals removal; phase II: conducting anaerobic batch reactor treatment of AMD and MWW under varying COD/sulfate ratios (0.04-5.0). In phase I, acid mine drainage water quality conditions are as follows: pH 4.5, acidity 467.5 mg/L as CaCO3, alkalinity 96.0 mg/L as CaCO3, Cl- 11.8 mg/L, SO4 2- 1722 mg/L, TDS 2757.5 mg/L, TSS 9.8 mg/L, BOD 14.7 mg/L, Fe 138.1 mg/L, Mg 110.8 mg/L. Mn 7.5 mg/L, Al 8.1 mg/L, Na 114.2 mg/L, and Ca 233.5 mg/L. Results of the mixing experiments indicated significant removal of selected metals (Fe 85~98%, Mg 0~65%, Mn 63~89%, Al 98~99%, Na 0~30%), acidity (77~95%) from the mine water and pH was raised to above 6.3. The Phase II results suggested under the wide range of COD/ sulfate ratios, COD and sulfate removal varied from 37.4%-100% and 0%-93.5% respectively. During biological treatment, alkalinity was generated which leads to pH increase to around 7.6-8.5. The results suggested feasibility of the proposed technology for co-treatment of AMD and MWW. A conceptual design of co-treatment system which is expected to remove a matrix of pollutants has been provided to utilize all the locally available water resources to achieve the optimum treatment efficiency. The technology also offers an opportunity to significantly reduce capital and operating costs compared to the existing treatment methodologies used. Featured Application: In this study, we have measured the concentrations of contaminants in acid mine drainage (AMD) and municipal wastewater (MWW) and conducted the combined treatment in phases I and II. This is significant because in previous years there was a massive fish kill that is linked to the high total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity content in the water. With the current proposed combined treatment technology, it shows high potential in reducing TDS and salinity content in the combined wastewater which will prevent similar accident (Dunkard creek fish kill in 2019) happening again

    Strain Softening of Siltstones in Consolidation Process

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    Strain softening is the mechanical behavior of soil and rock materials and is important in understanding soft rock foundation. To investigate the mechanical behavior of siltstone, a sedimentary soft rock, consolidation tests using constant-strain rate loading were conducted using the consolidation ring to constrain lateral deformation. Using Quaternary siltstones distributed in the Boso Peninsula, central Japan as specimens, strain softening in the consolidation process was confirmed in some formations using two test machines at Kyoto University and Nagoya Institute of Technology. Just before the yielding, stress decreased suddenly at increasing strain. The stress at the time of the softening differed even for specimens taken from the same formation. Furthermore, micro-focus X-ray CT images taken before and after the tests indicated that the specimens had no macro cracks inside. This suggests that strain softening is not due to brittle failure in local areas but due to the softening of the framework structure of the siltstone itself

    Hybrid plasmonic modes for enhanced refractive index sensing

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    Compared to single nanoparticles, strongly coupled plasmonic nanoparticles provide attractive advantages owing to their ability to exhibit multiple resonances with unique spectral features and higher local field intensity. These enhanced plasmonic properties of coupled metal nanoparticles have been used for various applications including realization of strong light-matter interaction, photocatalysis, and sensing applications. In this article, we review the basic physics of hybrid plasmonic modes in coupled metallic nanodimers and assess their potentials for refractive index sensing. In particular, we overview various modes of hybrid plasmons including bonding and antibonding modes in symmetric nanodimers, Fano resonances in asymmetric nanodimers, charge transfer plasmons in linked nanoparticle dimers, hybrid plasmon modes in nanoshells, and gap modes in particle-on-mirror configurations. Beyond the dimeric nanosystems, we also showcase the potentials of hybrid plasmonic modes in periodic nanoparticle arrays for sensing applications. Finally, based on the critical assessment of the recent researches on coupled plasmonic modes, the outlook on the future prospects of hybrid plasmon based refractometric sensing are discussed We believe that, given their tunable resonances and ultranarrow spectral signatures, coupled metal nanoparticles are expected to play key roles in developing precise plasmonic nanodevices with extreme sensitivity

    Evaluating Picture Description Speech for Dementia Detection using Image-text Alignment

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    Using picture description speech for dementia detection has been studied for 30 years. Despite the long history, previous models focus on identifying the differences in speech patterns between healthy subjects and patients with dementia but do not utilize the picture information directly. In this paper, we propose the first dementia detection models that take both the picture and the description texts as inputs and incorporate knowledge from large pre-trained image-text alignment models. We observe the difference between dementia and healthy samples in terms of the text's relevance to the picture and the focused area of the picture. We thus consider such a difference could be used to enhance dementia detection accuracy. Specifically, we use the text's relevance to the picture to rank and filter the sentences of the samples. We also identified focused areas of the picture as topics and categorized the sentences according to the focused areas. We propose three advanced models that pre-processed the samples based on their relevance to the picture, sub-image, and focused areas. The evaluation results show that our advanced models, with knowledge of the picture and large image-text alignment models, achieve state-of-the-art performance with the best detection accuracy at 83.44%, which is higher than the text-only baseline model at 79.91%. Lastly, we visualize the sample and picture results to explain the advantages of our models

    Linking PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR to Histone Modification in Plant Shade Avoidance

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    Shade avoidance syndrome (SAS) allows a plant grown in a densely populated environment to maximize opportunities to access to sunlight. Although it is well established that SAS is accompanied by gene expression changes, the underlying molecular mechanism needs to be elucidated. Here, we identify the H3K4me3/H3K36me3-binding proteins, Morf Related Gene (MRG) group proteins MRG1 and MRG2, as positive regulators of shade-induced hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). MRG2 binds PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR7 (PIF7) and regulates the expression of several common downstream target genes, including YUCCA8 and IAA19 involved in the auxin biosynthesis or response pathway and PRE1 involved in brassinosteroid regulation of cell elongation. In response to shade, PIF7 and MRG2 are enriched at the promoter and gene-body regions and are necessary for increase of histone H4 and H3 acetylation to promote target gene expression. Our study uncovers a mechanism in which the shade-responsive factor PIF7 recruits MRG1/MRG2 that binds H3K4me3/H3K36me3 and brings histone-acetylases to induce histone acetylations to promote expression of shade responsive genes, providing thus a molecular mechanistic link coupling the environmental light to epigenetic modification in regulation of hypocotyl elongation in plant SAS

    Negative flat band magnetism in a spin-orbit coupled correlated kagome magnet

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    It has long been speculated that electronic flat band systems can be a fertile ground for hosting novel emergent phenomena including unconventional magnetism and superconductivity. Although flat bands are known to exist in a few systems such as heavy fermion materials and twisted bilayer graphene, their microscopic roles and underlying mechanisms in generating emergent behavior remain elusive. Here we use scanning tunneling microscopy to elucidate the atomically resolved electronic states and their magnetic response in the kagome magnet Co3Sn2S2. We observe a pronounced peak at the Fermi level, which is identified to arise from the kinetically frustrated kagome flat band. Increasing magnetic field up to +-8T, this state exhibits an anomalous magnetization-polarized Zeeman shift, dominated by an orbital moment in opposite to the field direction. Such negative magnetism can be understood as spin-orbit coupling induced quantum phase effects tied to non-trivial flat band systems. We image the flat band peak, resolve the associated negative magnetism, and provide its connection to the Berry curvature field, showing that Co3Sn2S2 is a rare example of kagome magnet where the low energy physics can be dominated by the spin-orbit coupled flat band. Our methodology of probing band-resolved ordering phenomena such as spin-orbit magnetism can also be applied in future experiments to elucidate other exotic phenomena including flat band superconductivity and anomalous quantum transport.Comment: Nature Physics onlin

    Genome maps across 26 human populations reveal population-specific patterns of structural variation.

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    Large structural variants (SVs) in the human genome are difficult to detect and study by conventional sequencing technologies. With long-range genome analysis platforms, such as optical mapping, one can identify large SVs (>2 kb) across the genome in one experiment. Analyzing optical genome maps of 154 individuals from the 26 populations sequenced in the 1000 Genomes Project, we find that phylogenetic population patterns of large SVs are similar to those of single nucleotide variations in 86% of the human genome, while ~2% of the genome has high structural complexity. We are able to characterize SVs in many intractable regions of the genome, including segmental duplications and subtelomeric, pericentromeric, and acrocentric areas. In addition, we discover ~60 Mb of non-redundant genome content missing in the reference genome sequence assembly. Our results highlight the need for a comprehensive set of alternate haplotypes from different populations to represent SV patterns in the genome

    Study of Drug Metabolism by Xanthine Oxidase

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    In this work, we report the studies of drug metabolism by xanthine oxidase (XOD) with electrochemical techniques. Firstly, a pair of stable, well-defined and quasi-reversible oxidation/reduction peaks is obtained with the formal potential at −413.1 mV (vs. SCE) after embedding XOD in salmon sperm DNA membrane on the surface of pyrolytic graphite electrode. Then, a new steady peak can be observed at −730 mV (vs. SCE) upon the addition of 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) to the electrochemical system, indicating the metabolism of 6-MP by XOD. Furthermore, the chronoamperometric response shows that the current of the catalytic peak located at −730 mV increases with addition of 6-MP in a concentration-dependent manner, and the increase of the chronoamperometric current can be inhibited by an XOD inhibitor, quercetin. Therefore, our results prove that XOD/DNA modified electrode can be efficiently used to study the metabolism of 6-MP, which may provide a convenient approach for in vitro studies on enzyme-catalyzed drug metabolism