78 research outputs found

    A note on free paratopological groups

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    In this paper, we mainly discuss some generalized metric properties and the character of the free paratopological groups, and extend several results valid for free topological groups to free paratopological groups.Comment: 12 page

    Topologically subordered rectifiable spaces and compactifications

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    A topological space GG is said to be a {\it rectifiable space} provided that there are a surjective homeomorphism Ο•:GΓ—Gβ†’GΓ—G\phi :G\times G\rightarrow G\times G and an element e∈Ge\in G such that Ο€1βˆ˜Ο•=Ο€1\pi_{1}\circ \phi =\pi_{1} and for every x∈Gx\in G we have Ο•(x,x)=(x,e)\phi (x, x)=(x, e), where Ο€1:GΓ—Gβ†’G\pi_{1}: G\times G\rightarrow G is the projection to the first coordinate. In this paper, we mainly discuss the rectifiable spaces which are suborderable, and show that if a rectifiable space is suborderable then it is metrizable or a totally disconnected P-space, which improves a theorem of A.V. Arhangel'ski\v\i\ in \cite{A20092}. As an applications, we discuss the remainders of the Hausdorff compactifications of GO-spaces which are rectifiable, and we mainly concerned with the following statement, and under what condition Ξ¦\Phi it is true. Statement: Suppose that GG is a non-locally compact GO-space which is rectifiable, and that Y=bGβˆ–GY=bG\setminus G has (locally) a property-Ξ¦\Phi. Then GG and bGbG are separable and metrizable. Moreover, we also consieder some related matters about the remainders of the Hausdorff compactifications of rectifiable spaces.Comment: 14 pages (replace

    Local properties on the remainders of the topological groups

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    When does a topological group GG have a Hausdorff compactification bGbG with a remainder belonging to a given class of spaces? In this paper, we mainly improve some results of A.V. Arhangel'ski\v{\i} and C. Liu's. Let GG be a non-locally compact topological group and bGbG be a compactification of GG. The following facts are established: (1) If bGβˆ–GbG\setminus G has a locally a point-countable pp-metabase and Ο€\pi-character of bGβˆ–GbG\setminus G is countable, then GG and bGbG are separable and metrizable; (2) If bGβˆ–GbG\setminus G has locally a δθ\delta\theta-base, then GG and bGbG are separable and metrizable; (3) If bGβˆ–GbG\setminus G has locally a quasi-GΞ΄G_{\delta}-diagonal, then GG and bGbG are separable and metrizable. Finally, we give a partial answer for a question, which was posed by C. Liu in \cite{LC}.Comment: 10pages (replace

    On paratopological groups

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    In this paper, we firstly construct a Hausdorff non-submetrizable paratopological group GG in which every point is a GδG_{\delta}-set, which gives a negative answer to Arhangel'ski\v{\i}\ and Tkachenko's question [Topological Groups and Related Structures, Atlantis Press and World Sci., 2008]. We prove that each first-countable Abelian paratopological group is submetrizable. Moreover, we discuss developable paratopological groups and construct a non-metrizable, Moore paratopological group. Further, we prove that a regular, countable, locally kωk_{\omega}-paratopological group is a discrete topological group or contains a closed copy of SωS_{\omega}. Finally, we discuss some properties on non-H-closed paratopological groups, and show that Sorgenfrey line is not H-closed, which gives a negative answer to Arhangel'ski\v{\i}\ and Tkachenko's question [Topological Groups and Related Structures, Atlantis Press and World Sci., 2008]. Some questions are posed.Comment: 14 page
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