93 research outputs found

    PDGFRβ-P2A-CreERT2 mice: a genetic tool to target pericytes in angiogenesis.

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    Pericytes are essential mural cells distinguished by their association with small caliber blood vessels and the presence of a basement membrane shared with endothelial cells. Pericyte interaction with the endothelium plays an important role in angiogenesis; however, very few tools are currently available that allow for the targeting of pericytes in mouse models, limiting our ability to understand their biology. We have generated a novel mouse line expressing tamoxifen-inducible Cre-recombinase under the control of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor β promoter: PDGFRβ-P2A-CreER T2 . We evaluated the expression of the PDGFRβ-P2A-CreER T2 line by crossing it with fluorescent reporter lines and analyzed reporter signal in the angiogenic retina and brain at different time points after tamoxifen administration. Reporter lines showed labeling of NG2+, desmin+, PDGFRβ+ perivascular cells in the retina and the brain, indicating successful targeting of pericytes; however, signal from reporter lines was also observed in a small subset of glial cells both in the retina and the brain. We also evaluated recombination in tumors and found efficient recombination in perivascular cells associated with tumor vasculature. As a proof of principle, we used our newly generated driver to delete Notch signaling in perivascular cells and observed a loss of smooth muscle cells in retinal arteries, consistent with previously published studies evaluating Notch3 null mice. We conclude that the PDGFRβ-P2A-CreER T2 line is a powerful new tool to target pericytes and will aid the field in gaining a deeper understanding of the role of these cells in physiological and pathological settings.S

    Baseband Transceiver Design of a High Definition Radio FM System Using Joint Theoretical Analysis and FPGA Implementation

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    Advances in wireless communications have enabled various technologies for wireless digital communication. In the field of digital radio broadcasting, several specifications have been proposed, such as Eureka-147 and digital radio mondiale (DRM). These systems require a new spectrum assignment, which incurs heavy cost due to the depletion of the available spectrum. Therefore, the in-band on-channel (IBOC) system has been developed to work in the same band with the conventional analog radio and to provide digital broadcasting services. This paper discusses the function and algorithm of the high definition (HD) radio frequency modulation (FM) digital radio broadcasting system. Content includes data format allocation, constellation mapping, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation of the transmitter, timing synchronization, OFDM demodulation, integer and fraction carrier frequency (integer carrier frequency offset (ICFO) and fractional CFO (FCFO)) estimation, and channel estimation of the receiver. When we implement this system to the field programmable gate array (FPGA) based on a hardware platform, both theoretical and practical aspects have been considered to accommodate the available hardware resources

    Cre reporter strains produced by targeted insertion of EYFP and ECFP into the ROSA26 locus

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    BACKGROUND: Several Cre reporter strains of mice have been described, in which a lacZ gene is turned on in cells expressing Cre recombinase, as well as their daughter cells, following Cre-mediated excision of a loxP-flanked transcriptional "stop" sequence. These mice are useful for cell lineage tracing experiments as well as for monitoring the expression of Cre transgenes. The green fluorescent protein (GFP) and variants such as EYFP and ECFP offer an advantage over lacZ as a reporter, in that they can be easily visualized without recourse to the vital substrates required to visualize β-gal in living tissue. RESULTS: In view of the general utility of targeting the ubiquitously expressed ROSA26 locus, we constructed a generic ROSA26 targeting vector. We then generated two reporter lines of mice by inserting EYFP or ECFP cDNAs into the ROSA26 locus, preceded by a loxP-flanked stop sequence. These strains were tested by crossing them with transgenic strains expressing Cre in a ubiquitous (β-actin-Cre) or a cell-specific (Isl1-Cre and En1-Cre) pattern. The resulting EYFP or ECFP expression patterns indicated that the reporter strains function as faithful monitors of Cre activity. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to existing lacZ reporter lines, where lacZ expression cannot easily be detected in living tissue, the EYFP and ECFP reporter strains are useful for monitoring the expression of Cre and tracing the lineage of these cells and their descendants in cultured embryos or organs. The non-overlapping emission spectra of EYFP and ECFP make them ideal for double labeling studies in living tissues

    Exercise training with negative pressure ventilation improves exercise capacity in patients with severe restrictive lung disease: a prospective controlled study

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    BACKGROUND: Exercise training is of benefit for patients with restrictive lung disease. However, it tends to be intolerable for those with severe disease. We examined whether providing ventilatory assistance by using negative pressure ventilators (NPV) during exercise training is feasible for such patients and the effects of training. METHODS: 36 patients with restrictive lung disease were prospectively enrolled for a 12-week multidisciplinary rehabilitation program. During this program, half of them (n:18; 60.3 ± 11.6 years; 6 men; FVC: 32.5 ± 11.7% predicted ) received regular sessions of exercise training under NPV, whilst the 18 others (59.6 ± 12.3 years; 8 men; FVC: 37.7 ± 10.2% predicted) did not. Exercise capacity, pulmonary function, dyspnea and quality of life were measured. The primary endpoint was the between-group difference in change of 6 minute-walk distance (6MWD) after 12 weeks of rehabilitation. RESULTS: All patients in the NPV-exercise group were able to tolerate and completed the program. The between-group differences were significantly better in the NPV-exercise group in changes of 6MWD (34.1 ± 12.7 m vs. -32.5 ± 17.5 m; P = 0.011) and St George Score (−14.5 ± 3.6 vs. 11.8 ± 6.0; P < 0.01). There was an improvement in dyspnea sensation (Borg’s scale, from 1.4 ± 1.5 point to 0.8 ± 1.3 point, P = 0.049) and a small increase in FVC (from 0.85 ± 0.09 L to 0.91 ± 0.08 L, P = 0.029) in the NPV-exercise group compared to the control group. CONCLUSION: Exercise training with NPV support is feasible for patients with severe restrictive lung diseases, and improves exercise capacity and health-related quality of life

    Genetic Pharmacotherapy as an Early CNS Drug Development Strategy: Testing Glutaminase Inhibition for Schizophrenia Treatment in Adult Mice

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    Genetic pharmacotherapy is an early drug development strategy for the identification of novel CNS targets in mouse models prior to the development of specific ligands. Here for the first time, we have implemented this strategy to address the potential therapeutic value of a glutamate-based pharmacotherapy for schizophrenia involving inhibition of the glutamate recycling enzyme phosphate-activated glutaminase. Mice constitutively heterozygous for GLS1, the gene encoding glutaminase, manifest a schizophrenia resilience phenotype, a key dimension of which is an attenuated locomotor response to propsychotic amphetamine challenge. If resilience is due to glutaminase deficiency in adulthood, then glutaminase inhibitors should have therapeutic potential. However, this has been difficult to test given the dearth of neuroactive glutaminase inhibitors. So, we used genetic pharmacotherapy to ask whether adult induction of GLS1 heterozygosity would attenuate amphetamine responsiveness. We generated conditional floxGLS1 mice and crossed them with global CAGERT2cre∕+ mice to produce GLS1 iHET mice, susceptible to tamoxifen induction of GLS1 heterozygosity. One month after tamoxifen treatment of adult GLS1 iHET mice, we found a 50% reduction in GLS1 allelic abundance and glutaminase mRNA levels in the brain. While GLS1 iHET mice showed some recombination prior to tamoxifen, there was no impact on mRNA levels. We then asked whether induction of GLS heterozygosity would attenuate the locomotor response to propsychotic amphetamine challenge. Before tamoxifen, control and GLS1 iHET mice did not differ in their response to amphetamine. One month after tamoxifen treatment, amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion was blocked in GLS1 iHET mice. The block was largely maintained after 5 months. Thus, a genetically induced glutaminase reduction—mimicking pharmacological inhibition—strongly attenuated the response to a propsychotic challenge, suggesting that glutaminase may be a novel target for the pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia. These results demonstrate how genetic pharmacotherapy can be implemented to test a CNS target in advance of the development of specific neuroactive inhibitors. We discuss further the advantages, limitations, and feasibility of the wider application of genetic pharmacotherapy for neuropsychiatric drug development

    Mechanisms of neurodegeneration in a preclinical autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa knock-in model with a RhoD190N mutation

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    D190N, a missense mutation in rhodopsin, causes photoreceptor degeneration in patients with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). Two competing hypotheses have been developed to explain why D190N rod photoreceptors degenerate: (a) defective rhodopsin trafficking prevents proteins from correctly exiting the endoplasmic reticulum, leading to their accumulation, with deleterious effects or (b) elevated mutant rhodopsin expression and unabated signaling causes excitotoxicity. A knock-in D190N mouse model was engineered to delineate the mechanism of pathogenesis. Wild type (wt) and mutant rhodopsin appeared correctly localized in rod outer segments of D190N heterozygotes. Moreover, the rhodopsin glycosylation state in the mutants appeared similar to that in wt mice. Thus, it seems plausible that the injurious effect of the heterozygous mutation is not related to mistrafficking of the protein, but rather from constitutive rhodopsin activity and a greater propensity for chromophore isomerization even in the absence of light.We greatly appreciate the assistance of the members of the Bernard & Shirlee Brown Glaucoma laboratory, especially to Chun-Wei Hsu for technical support. SHT is a Burroughs-Wellcome Program in Biomedical Sciences Fellow, and is also supported by the Charles E. Culpeper-Partnership for Cures 07-CS3, Crowley Research Fund, Schneeweiss Stem Cell Fund, New York State N09G-302, Foundation Fighting Blindness [TA-NMT-0116-0692- COLU] (Owings Mills, MD), TS080017 from US Department of Defense, NIH Grants [P30EY019007, R01EY018213, R01EY024698, R01EY026682, R21AG050437], Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY), and Joel Hoffmann Scholarship. CSL is the Homer McK. Rees Scholar. JSP is a BEST2016 awardee (BEST/ 2016/030, Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte; Generalitat Valenciana) and his research is supported by a Prometeo Grant (PROMETEO/2016/094; Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte; Generalitat Valenciana) and by internal funds from Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir (2018-128-001). VBM is supported by NIH Grants K08EY020530, R01EY016822, The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Grant #2013103, and Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY); GV is supported by NIH Grants [F30EYE027986 and T32GM007337].Author manuscriptMedicin

    Nerve Growth Factor Promotes Gastric Tumorigenesis through Aberrant Cholinergic Signaling

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    Within the gastrointestinal stem cell niche, nerves help to regulate both normal and neoplastic stem cell dynamics. Here, we reveal the mechanisms underlying the cancer-nerve partnership. We find that Dclk1+ tuft cells and nerves are the main sources of acetylcholine (ACh) within the gastric mucosa. Cholinergic stimulation of the gastric epithelium induced nerve growth factor (NGF) expression, and in turn NGF overexpression within gastric epithelium expanded enteric nerves and promoted carcinogenesis. Ablation of Dclk1+ cells or blockade of NGF/Trk signaling inhibited epithelial proliferation and tumorigenesis in an ACh muscarinic receptor-3 (M3R)-dependent manner, in part through suppression of yes-associated protein (YAP) function. This feedforward ACh-NGF axis activates the gastric cancer niche and offers a compelling target for tumor treatment and prevention