18 research outputs found

    Observation of topologically distinct corner states in "bearded" photonic Kagome lattices

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    Kagome lattices represent an archetype of intriguing physics, attracting a great deal of interest in different branches of natural sciences, recently in the context of topological crystalline insulators. Here, we demonstrate two distinct classes of corner states in breathing Kagome lattices (BKLs) with "bearded" edge truncation, unveiling their topological origin. The in-phase corner states are found to exist only in the topologically nontrivial regime, characterized by a nonzero bulk polarization. In contrast, the out-of-phase corner states appear in both topologically trivial and nontrivial regimes, either as bound states in the continuum or as in-gap states depending on the lattice dimerization conditions. Furthermore, the out-of-phase corner states are highly localized, akin to flat-band compact localized states, and they manifest both real- and momentum-space topology. Experimentally, we observe both types of corner states in laser-written photonic bearded-edge BKLs, corroborated by numerical simulations. Our results not only deepen the current understanding of topological corner modes in BKLs, but also provide new insight into their physical origins, which may be applied to other topological BKL platforms beyond optics

    Comparison of transverse sections of pollen development in the control and <i>bcmf26a/b</i> anthers.

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    <p>(A to E) Semi-thin sections of anthers from the control plants. (F to J) Semi-thin sections of anthers from <i>bcmf26a/b</i> transformed plants. The pollen at the (A and F) pollen mother cell stage, (B and G) tetrad stage, (C and H) uninucleate stage, (D and I) binucleate microscope stage, (E and J) trinucleate microscope stage were observed. No obvious difference in pollen mother cell stage and tetrad stage was observed. The differences in pollen morphology between the control and <i>bcmf26a/b</i> were observed from the uninucleate microscope stage to the trinucleate microscope stage. aP, aborted pollen; E, epidermis; En, endothecium; ML, middle layer; Msp, microspore; P, pollen; Tp, tapetum; Tds, tetrads; Bm, binucleate microscope; MP, mature pollen. Scale bars = 50 μm.</p

    Additional file 2: of Systematic analysis of the lysine malonylome in common wheat

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    Table S1. The identified lysine malonylation sites in wheat. Table S2 Conservation of lysine malonylated proteins. Table S3 The distribution of proteins in GO terms. Table S4 Protein GO enrichment based on cellular component, molecular function and biological process. Table S5 Protein pathway enrichment analysis. Table S6 Protein domain enrichment analysis. Table S7 Protein interaction network of identified proteins. (XLSX 141 kb

    Pollen morphologies of the <i>bcmf26a/b</i> and control lines.

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    <p>(A and B) Alexander staining of pollen grains from the control plants and <i>bcmf26a/b</i> plants. (A) Mature pollen grains of the control plants were bright red upon staining with Alexander solution, whereas (B) the nonviable pollen grains from <i>bcmf26a/b</i> were blue-green. (C–F) DAPI staining observation of pollen grains from the (C and D) control plants and <i>bcmf26a/b</i> plants underfluorescence and (D and F) bright-field microscopy. (E and F) Mature pollen grains of control plants contained normal sperm nucleus and vegetative nuclei. Whereas, (C and E) the nuclei were absent in <i>bcmf26a/b</i> nonviable pollen grains. (G–N) SEM observation of pollen grains from control plants and <i>bcmf26a/b</i> plants. (G and H) (G and H) Mature pollen grains of control plants were uniformly spheroid and had finely reticulate ornamentation on their surface; whereas, (I–N) the irregular pollen grains from <i>bcmf26a/b</i> exhibited abnormal pollen wall and germinal furrows. Scale bars of A—F = 50 μm.</p

    Sequence characterization and phylogenetic tree analysis.

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    <p>(A) The phylogenetic trees of PG genes from <i>Brassica campestris</i> and <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> genomes were generated using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method with 1000 bootstrap repeats (part of data displayed). <i>At4g33440</i>, <i>BcMF26a</i>, and <i>BcMF26b</i> are indicated by solid circle and triangles, respectively. (B) <i>BcMF26a</i>, <i>BcMF26b</i>, <i>At4g33440</i>, and their flanking regions representing ~45 kb of chromosomes are drawn to scale. Collinear conserved blocks are identified. The black solid lines indicate noncolinear chromosome fragments. The dotted lines represent the other regions of the chromosomes, which are not drawn to scale. The positions of <i>BcMF26a</i>, <i>BcMF26b</i>, and their orthologous gene <i>At4g33440</i> in <i>A</i>. <i>thaliana</i> are labeled with blue, red and green, respectively. Segmental chromosomal duplication and rearrangement are shown. (C) Phylogenetic tree constructed based on the amino acid sequence of <i>BcMF26a</i>, <i>BcMF26b</i>, <i>At4g33440</i>, and 35 PG genes from different plant species in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0131173#pone.0131173.s010" target="_blank">S2 Table</a> by NJ method. Confidence values from the bootstrap test (1000 replicates) are indicated by the numbers on the tree. The genes were clustered into six clades (Clade A to Clade F). <i>BcMF26a</i>, <i>BcMF26b</i>, and <i>At4g33440</i> are grouped in Clade E.</p

    <i>BcMF26a</i> and <i>BcMF26b</i> Are Duplicated Polygalacturonase Genes with Divergent Expression Patterns and Functions in Pollen Development and Pollen Tube Formation in <i>Brassica campestris</i>

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    <div><p>Polygalacturonase (PG) is one of the cell wall hydrolytic enzymes involving in pectin degradation. A comparison of two highly conserved duplicated PG genes, namely, <i>Brassica campestris Male Fertility 26a</i> (<i>BcMF26a</i>) and <i>BcMF26b</i>, revealed the different features of their expression patterns and functions. We found that these two genes were orthologous genes of <i>At4g33440</i>, and they originated from a chromosomal segmental duplication. Although structurally similar, their regulatory and intron sequences largely diverged. QRT-PCR analysis showed that the expression level of <i>BcMF26b </i>was higher than that of <i>BcMF26a</i> in almost all the tested organs and tissues in <i>Brassica campestris</i>. Promoter activity analysis showed that, at reproductive development stages, <i>BcMF26b</i> promoter was active in tapetum, pollen grains, and pistils, whereas <i>BcMF26a</i> promoter was only active in pistils. In the subcellular localization experiment, BcMF26a and BcMF26b proteins could be localized to the cell wall. When the two genes were co-inhibited, pollen intine was formed abnormally and pollen tubes could not grow or stretch. Moreover, the knockout mutants of <i>At4g33440</i> delayed the growth of pollen tubes. Therefore, <i>BcMF26a/b</i> can participate in the construction of pollen wall by modulating intine information and <i>BcMF26b</i> may play a major role in co-inhibiting transformed plants.</p></div

    QRT-PCR analysis of <i>BcMF26a and BcMF26b</i> in different tissues and organs of <i>Brassica campestris</i>.

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    <p>(A) Relative expression patterns of <i>BcMF26a</i> and <i>BcMF26b</i> in roots (R), stems (St), leaves (L), inflorescences (Inf), and siliques (Si). Both <i>BcMF26a</i> and <i>BcMF26b</i> could express in all the five tested tissues. The transcript level of <i>BcMF26b</i> was higher than that of <i>BcMF26a</i>. (B) The relative expression levels of <i>BcMF26a</i> and <i>BcMF26b</i> in flower buds of ‘<i>Bcajh97-01A/B</i>’. The relative expression level of <i>BcMF26b</i> was much higher than that of <i>BcMF26a</i> in all the flower buds examined. The relative expression levels of both genes were much higher in buds of ‘<i>Bcajh97-01B</i>’ than those of ‘<i>Bcajh97-01A</i>’, except B3. A1–A5 and B1–B5 indicate flower buds at five developmental stages (Stage I to Stage V), namely, pollen mother cell stage, tetrad stage, uninucleate microspore stage, binucleate microspore stage, and mature pollen stage. (C) Relative expression levels of <i>BcMF26a</i> and <i>BcMF26b</i> in separate flower organs of B5, including sepals (Se), petals (Pe), stamens (Sta), and pistils (Pi). <i>BcMF26b</i> mainly expressed in stamens and pistils. The relative expression level of <i>BcMF26b</i> was much higher than that of <i>BcMF26a</i>. Standard errors for three independent experiments are shown.</p

    Subcellular localization of BcMF26a-GFP and BcMF26b-GFP fusion proteins in onion epidermal cells.

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    <p>(A, C, and E) Fluorescence images of plasmolyzed cells transformed with pFGC–BcMF26a: GFP, pFGC–BcMF26b: GFP, and pFGC: GFP, respectively. (B, D and F) Bright field image of the corresponding onion epidermal cells. (A and C) The fluorescence signal of the target proteins could be observed in the cytoplasm, cell wall, and space between the membrane and cell wall. (E) The fluorescence in the control cell could only be observed in the cytoplasm. Scale bars = 50 μm.</p