4 research outputs found

    Alokasi Waktu Kerja dan Peran Istri Nelayan dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Keluarga di Kelurahan Petoaha Kecamatan Nambo Kota Kendari

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    This research aimed (1) To describe the working time allocation and role of the fisherman's wife as a fish seller for activities in the household, social activities and economic activities, (2) To know the contribution of fisherman's wife in improving family economy and (3) To know the relation between family income and working time allocation of fisherman's wife. This research was conducted in the Petoaha, the districts of Nambo. The population of this research was the entire of the fisherman's wife of Petoaha, the districts of Nambo as a fish seller. Sample determination using purposive sampling technique. The number of samples is determined using Slovin formula and based on the calculation result using the formula, the total sample is 43 respondents. The results of this research showed that the average allocation of working time and the role of fisherman's wife for household activities is 66.56%, social activities 1.29% and economic activities 14.94%. The average income contribution of fishermen's wife to family income is 42%. The relationship between family income and the fisherman's wife working is the family income in the lower category, the allocation time of fisherman's wife in economy activity increasin

    Analysis of Potential Development of Inland Fishery in the District of East Kolaka

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    The existence of Fishery Potential resources in the county of East Kolaka is a comparatif advantage that will be valuable if it is supported by analysis of potency about inland fishery development according to the area characteristics. The objectives of this research are to analyze the strategies and potencies of inland fishery in East Kolaka. The research location was focused on the center of inland fishery development in all districts areas. The method of data analyses were consist of qualitative, quantitative and spatial analyses. From the result of this research, it can be concluded that: (a) The district of Ladongi and Mowewe are considerably accepted as the center of fish breeding, (b) the center of fish maturation in the development of inland fishery is divided into five subclusters, (ponds, rawa, bendungan/waduk, river and persawahan, (c) the center of inland fish pocessing consists of two subclusters which are cullinary and fishery product diversivication

    Fishing Technology Conversion, Differentiation, And Social Mobility Of Fisherman In Lagasa Village Of Muna Regency

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    The modernization through the improvement, the application of technology of fishing utility, the funding support which affects on the activity and organization of fisherman and eventually causes the transformation in the society. The aim of this research was to analyze the impact of fishing technology conversion to social structure of Bajo tribe fisherman. The methods used to collect the primer and secondary data from informant were: completed questionnaire, deep interview with both informants and respondents, and live observation (participate observation). Analysis of data was performed descriptively which is concept development, collect the evidences but did not perform the hypothesis trial, and analyze the variable relationship for hypothesis testing by applying the quantitative and qualitative tabulation. The results of this research was the fishing technology conversion in fisherman society brings up many impacts on various aspects in fisherman's life. The application of every type old technology affected on the consequences or impacts such as the work pattern, social structure, and the fisherman prosperity level. The relationship between the ponggawa as the owner of production utility and the sawi as the worker is not the exploitative characteristic, because both of them still apply the cultural values which help each other not only in teamwork but also in relationship pattern in their daily life. So that the characteristic of the relationship pattern is not exploitative and require each other. The difference does not show the polarization indication because the Bajo tradition to help each other is still applied