45 research outputs found

    Hybrid Active Filter Untuk Meredam Resonansi Harmonisa Pada Sistem Pembangkitan Di Industri

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    The paper describes a hybrid active filter for reducing harmonics resonance in the industrial power generation system. The system involves a low/medium power active filter and a tuned passive filter on the 5th harmonics. The experiment result shows a prospective result that could reduce the 5th and 7th harmonics significantly

    Analisa Keandalan Tampungan Waduk Di Embung Tambak Pocok Bangkalan

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    . Domestic water demand is analyzed based on the number of population and the standard of water demand in served administrative region. To estimate the water supply, this study used the models of NRECA and F.J. Mock. For analyzing reservoir reliability based on the simulation discharge result of F.J. Mock and NRECA during 20 years there was needed discharge data generated by using Thomas Fiering method. Simulation result of small-dam reliability by carrying out the simulation process every discharge data of generated result along 20 years with the projection during 20 years indicated that discharge result of NRECA was failure in 2004 and it assumes that there is no parameter change in catchment, it had the possibility of reliability on 100% in 2007 and 25% in 2026. however, discharge result of F.J. Mock had the possibility of reliability on 100% and it was happened in 2007, and 25% in 2026 for the whole simulation of discharge. There was no discharge data in study location, so minimum discharge was the optional one. Based on the two methods, the Qmin of F.J. Mock has the reliability level of 100% in 2007 until 2026. However Qmin of NRECA has only the ability to serve the whole population (100%) in 2007 but for the next years there was decreasing until 25% in 2026

    Simulasi Filter Aktif Hibrid Konfigurasi Seri-Seri Dan Unjuk Kerjanya Untuk Meredam Harmonisa Pada Beban Induction Furnace

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    Harmonics Filter's USAge had been widely recommended to overcome harmonics problem which occurred because of non-linear load presence in many industrial plants and manufacturing machines. On the previous research[1,2] it is obvious that both Active Filter and Hybrid Active Filter in Parallel Configuration made a satisfaction results for damping voltage and current harmonics. This paper descript in more depth on one of many types in harmonics filter named Hybrid Active Filter in Serie-Serie Configuration, thus it simulated to reduce harmonics that happened in a load such as vacuum casting induction furnace 9 kW, 13.8 kVA, 200V, 3 Ph, 50/60 Hz. The methods used still the same with the previous filter's simulated. This research (Hybrid Active Filter in Serie-Serie Configuration) produced on %ITHD for 11.86 % and %VTHD for 1.88%. In this case, both %ITHD and %VTHD are fulfilling IEEE 519

    Simulasi Filter Pasif Dan Perbandingan Unjuk Kerjanya Dengan Filter Aktif Dan Filter Aktif Hibrid Dalam Meredam Harmonisa Pada Induction Furnace

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    This paper describe about simulation of Passive Filter in analysis to reduce harmonics that happened in a load such as vacuum casting induction furnace 9 kW, 13.8 kVA, 200V, 3 Ph, 50/60 Hz, also gives comparison with Hybrid Active Filter and Active Filter which made satisfaction result on the previous research. The best result achieved on the use of Hybrid Active Filter on %ITHD for 4.27 % and %VTHD for 3.83%, while Active Filter gave on %ITHD for 5.14 % and %VTHD for 3.82%. There are 17.23% and 0.44% lower in %VTHD and %ITHD if compared with result achieved by Passive Filter. Both of them are suited with %THD standard. But the result achieved by Hybrid active Filter gave most satisfactory value compared with Passive Filter\u27s for17.65% and 0.43% lower in %VTHD and %ITHD.. Simulation on Passive Filter produced on %ITHD for 22.37 % and %VTHD for 4.26%. In this case, %ITHD standard for applying Passive Filter could not be fulfilled

    Studi Optimasi Pola Tanam Daerah Irigasi Kosinggolan Di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow

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    Irrigation areas of Kosinggolan which is spread in Dumoga plains has potential broad in 5381 acres and irrigated functional areas 3865 acres at this time. After 28 years in operation Kosinggolan weir discharge decreased that effect on agricultural production. Due to the discharge limitations in Kosinggolan implementing the provision of irrigation water the class system is divided into three planting periods. Linier Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis to the crop pattern has been using Solver facility from Microsoft Excel. Based on the results ofthe conducted optimization analysis obtained extensive results optimum crop rice at dry conditions, condition low, under normal conditions and sufficient conditions: crop rice from 1450 – 3865 acres. While the maximum profit results in dry conditions, under conditions of low, under normal conditions and sufficient conditions: from Rp 11.133.750.357,00 until Rp33,200,350,000,00. For sensitivity analysis results of obtained land area sensitive: in dry conditions between, the low condition, under normal conditionsand the sufficient conditions: from 0–9307 acres. Keywords: irrigation, linier optimization, sensitivit

    Ocena zgodności syntetycznego hydrogramu jednostkowego (przypadek górnej części zlewni cząstkowej Brantas, Prowincja Wschodniej Jawy, Indonezja)

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    This study intends to analyse the suitable hydrograph in upstream Brantas sub watershed. The methodology consists of comparing the result of hydrograph due to the methods of Nakayasu synthetic unit hydrograph (SUH), Limantara synthetic unit hydrograph, and the observed unit hydrograph. In detail, this study intends to know the difference of hydrograph parameters: α and Tg as recommended by Nakayasu and in the study location; to know the influence of main river length which is used in the methods of Nakayasu and Limantara to the time of concentration; to know the hydrograph ordinate deviation between Nakayasu and Limantara due to the observed hydrograph. Result is hoped for recommending the suitable hydrograph in upstream Brantas subwatershed so that it can be used accurately for the further design of water resources structure.Celem badań była analiza hydrogramu dla górnej części zlewni cząstkowej Brantas. Porównano hydrogram uzyskany metodą syntetycznego hydrogramu jednostkowego wg Nakayasu, syntetycznego hydrogramu jednostkowego wg Limantary i obserwowanego hydrogramu jednostkowego. Badania zmierzały przede wszystkim do poznania różnic wartości parametrów hydrogramu: α i Tg zalecanych przez Nakayasu i mierzonych na obszarze badań, poznania wpływu długości rzeki (używanego w metodach Nakayasu i Limantary) na czas koncentracji oraz określenie odchyleń rzędnej hydrogramu między metodą Nakayasu i Limantary w powiązaniu z obserwowanym hydrogramem. Oczekiwano, że wyniki dadzą podstawy do zalecenia hydrogramu odpowiedniego dla górnej części zlewni Brantas, by mógł on być stosowany do przyszłego planowania struktury zasobów wodnych

    Potensi Astaxantin Sebagai Senyawa Antikanker

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    Astaxantin merupakan salah satu golongan karotenoid xantofil yang memiliki peran penting dalam menjaga kesehatan tubuh. Pada berbagai studi telah dibuktikan peran astaxantin dalam melindungi sel dan jaringan dari kerusakan terutama akibat stres oksidatif yang juga dapat memicu terjadinya kanker. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mengenai potensi astaxantin sebagai senyawa antikanker