52 research outputs found

    Partitioning clustering algorithms for protein sequence data sets

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome-sequencing projects are currently producing an enormous amount of new sequences and cause the rapid increasing of protein sequence databases. The unsupervised classification of these data into functional groups or families, clustering, has become one of the principal research objectives in structural and functional genomics. Computer programs to automatically and accurately classify sequences into families become a necessity. A significant number of methods have addressed the clustering of protein sequences and most of them can be categorized in three major groups: hierarchical, graph-based and partitioning methods. Among the various sequence clustering methods in literature, hierarchical and graph-based approaches have been widely used. Although partitioning clustering techniques are extremely used in other fields, few applications have been found in the field of protein sequence clustering. It is not fully demonstrated if partitioning methods can be applied to protein sequence data and if these methods can be efficient compared to the published clustering methods.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed four partitioning clustering approaches using Smith-Waterman local-alignment algorithm to determine pair-wise similarities of sequences. Four different sets of protein sequences were used as evaluation data sets for the proposed methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that these methods outperform several other published clustering methods in terms of correctly predicting a classifier and especially in terms of the correctness of the provided prediction. The software is available to academic users from the authors upon request.</p

    Dialogue Homme-Machine pour l'accès à l'information géographique, Accès intelligent aux documents multimédias sur l'Internet

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    @inproceedings{CN-LIMAM-2002, author = {Limam, M. O. A.}, title = {Dialogue Homme-Machine pour l'accès à l'information géographique, Accès intelligent aux documents multimédias sur l'Internet}, booktitle = {Journées Francophones D'Accès Intelligent aux Documents Multimédias sur l'Internet, Media Net}, year = {2002}, address = {Sousse, Tunisie}, pages = {105-116} }National audienc

    Génération de texte guidée par un focus : description textuelle de schémas géographiques

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    @inproceedings{CN-LIMAM-2002-3, author = {Limam, M. O. A. and Gaio, M.}, title = {Génération de texte guidée par un focus : description textuelle de schémas géographiques}, booktitle = {5ème colloque international sur le document électronique (CIDE'02)}, year = {2002}, address = {Hammamet, Tunisie}, pages = {289-308} }National audienc

    Intéraction bimodale pour l'accès à l'information

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    @inproceedings{CN-LIMAM-2002-2, author = {Limam, M. O. A. and Gaio, M.}, title = {Intéraction bimodale pour l'accès à l'information}, booktitle = {14eme conférence Francophone sur l'Intéraction Homme-Machine (IHM'02)}, year = {2002}, address = {Poitiers, France} }National audienc

    Construction and specification of spatial configurations in a geographical information retrieval context

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    @inproceedings{CI-LIMAM-2004, author = {Limam, M. O. A. and Gaio G.}, title = {Construction and specification of spatial configurations in a geographical information retrieval context}, booktitle = {proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics'04)}, year = {2004}, address = {Gavle, Sweden}, month = {June} }International audienc

    Feedback sémantique dans un environnement de recherche d'informations géographiques

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    @inproceedings{CN-LIMAM-2003, author = {Limam, M. O. A. and Dumoncel, F. and Gaio, M.}, title = {Feedback sémantique dans un environnement de recherche d'informations géographiques}, booktitle = {15eme conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM'03)}, year = {2003}, address = {Caen, France}, month = {novembre} }National audienc

    A Design Environment for Audio Services

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    @inproceedings{CI-LIMAM-2005, author = {Limam, M. O. A. and Madelaine J. and Enjalbert P.}, title = {A Design Environment for Audio Services}, booktitle = {11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI'05)}, year = {2005}, address = {Las Vegas, Nevada, USA}, month = {July}, publisher = {Mira Digital Publishing} }International audienc

    An end user dedicated new language for geographical

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    @inproceedings{CI-LIMAM-2003, author = {Limam, M. O. A. and Gaio, M. and Madelaine J.}, title = {An end user dedicated new language for geographical}, booktitle = {International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI'03)}, year = {2003}, address = {Crete, Greece} }International audienc
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