112 research outputs found

    Mixing efficiency on plant cell growth and proteinase production in a stirred tank reactor

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    Mixing efficiency is one of the most significant factors in bioprocess productivity. The major role of agitation is to improve broth homogenization, mass and heat transfer inside the bioreactors

    Cinética do crescimento de células em suspensão de Cynara cardunculus em reactores biológicos

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    Tese de Doutoramento, Biotecnologia Vegetal, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias, Universidade do Algarve, 1994A espécie vegetal Cynara cardunculus L., vulgarmente conhecida por cardo das hortas ou cardo do coalho, encontra-se disseminada por toda a bacia mediterrânica, quer sob a forma espontânea quer sob a forma cultivada. Para além de diversas aplicações no campo terapêutico, das suas folhas e raízes, é reconhecida a elevada capacidade das flores para coagular o leite. Esta propriedade tem sido atribuída à presença de proteases na planta e tem possibilitado a utilização, no nosso país, das flores secas desta planta, no fabrico artesanal de queijo.The thistle Cynara cardunculus L. is wide spread in the mediterranean and is traditionally used in Portugal in farm house cheese-making, due to the milk clotting activity of the proteases. It has also been used, since early days, as medicine and has several curative properties

    The performance of an aerated stirred tank reactor on VHG batch fermentations

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    The quest for new and renewable energy sources has greatly increased due to the depletion of fossil fuels reserves. Agro-food wastes appear as a cheap and renewable energy source that can contain great amounts of carbon to be transformed in bioethanol that can be used as additive to gasoline

    Reactores para cultura de células vegetais

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    As plantas são um valioso recurso natural para obtenção, de diversos produtos químicos com aplicações medicinais, na indústria alimentar, na indústria de detergentes, de curtumes, pesticidas, tintas entre outras. Usualmente estes compostos são obtidos por via extractiva em que a indústria química tem tido um papel determinante. Cerca de 25% dos medicamentos farmacêuticos que hoje se utiliza, são obtidos por extracção química a partir da planta in vivo. Estes produtos são, em geral, compostos com uma estrutura química nãoproteica e complexa. Os compostos de origem vegetal mais interessantes do ponto de vista comercial são aqueles em que a síntese química, devido à complexidade da estrutura molecular, é pouco viável quer por razões tecnológicas ou económicas, ou em que a síntese realizada por microrganismos não seja possível.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alleviation of salt stress using exogenous proline on a citrus cell line

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    Salinity constitutes an important abiotic problem since ancient times, world-wide, for it leads to a decrease in productivity of crops with agronomic value. Under salt stress conditions, plant cells develop strategies to cope with Na+ and Cl-, including exclusion and compartmentalisation, induction of antioxidant enzymatic systems and compatible solutes accumulation, such as proline. The precise function of this osmolyte still remains unclear. Proline may act on osmotic adjustment, as a free radical scavenger, protecting enzymes and avoiding DNA damages. It has been also suggested the role of proline in prevention of lipid peroxidation and as a signalling/regulatory molecule. A salt-sensitive Citrus sinensis ‘Valencia late’ cell line has a smaller growth rate and accumulates proline in the presence of NaCl (>200 mM). The addition of external proline to this cell line was evaluated in terms of cell metabolism. A positive influence on the relieve of salt stress symptoms due to the presence of exogenous proline 5 mM and 100 mM NaCl was obtained, with increased growth of this salt sensitive citrus cell line.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Saline stress and cell toxicity evaluation using suspended plant cell cultures of horticultural crops grown in a bioreactor

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    Crop salt damage consists, usually, of leaf burn and defoliation, and it is associated with accumulation of toxic levels of sodium and/or chloride in leaf cells (Storey and Walker, 1999). The cell and tissue culture are simple biological systems that offer a direct approach to the metabolic changes. The plant cell growth in a controlled environment, as a bioreactor, is a unique tool for cell ion transport studies. Cell suspension culture of citrus cell line was exposed to a medium containing different sodium chloride concentrations (0mM, 42.7mM and 85.5mM). The growth profile of control cells (absence of NaCl) and 85.5mM cells were similar. The lack of inhibition of biomass accumulation, of all tested saline conditions clearly showed that the level of NaCl concentration used was not toxic for the cell metabolism. Also its ability to resist to 85.5mM NaCl can be on evidence that this suspension cel culture might have salt tolerance characteristics

    Sustainable bioethanol production using agro-industrial by-products

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    This work aimed to evaluate a sustainable bioethanol production by a laboratorial isolate strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, along with the use of agro-industrial by-products as carbon source. The effect of several carbon sources and their concentrations was studied using carob pod extract (CPE) and beet molasses (BM) and compared with glucose and sucrose as conventional carbohydrates at different concentrations, 15, 20 and 30 g/l.No significant difference was found between maximum ethanol production obtained with CPE, BM, glucose and sucrose fermentations profiles. It was obtained values of 10.65 g/l and 10.5 g/l ethanol, respectively for sucrose and CPE at 30g/l, which can be improved using higher substrate concentration

    Production of bioethanol from sweet potato, agro industrial wastes

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    One fraction of the existent petroleum is not extractable or the difficulties associated to extraction are very expensive making them unviable. This situation leads to a decrease in petroleum stocks all over the world and a resulting increment on its price, affecting in particular the transportation sector, since there is no relevant alternative to fossil petroleum

    Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material of carob pulp in Batch, SSF and NSSF processes for ethanol production

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    The progress of technologies for fuel ethanol production is a priority, because this biofuel is one of the most important resources used as renewable energy sources

    Application of the focused beam reflectance measurement method (FBRM) to the characterization of plant cells in suspension culture

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    The ability to determine biomass levels and organism morphological characteristics is of importance in many bioprocesses
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