27,249 research outputs found

    On the nature of the spin-polarized hole states in a quasi-two-dimensional GaMnAs ferromagnetic layer

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    A self-consistent calculation of the density of states and the spectral density function is performed in a two-dimensional spin-polarized hole system based on a multiple-scattering approximation. Using parameters corresponding to GaMnAs thin layers, a wide range of Mn concentrations and hole densities have been explored to understand the nature, localized or extended, of the spin-polarized holes at the Fermi level for several values of the average magnetization of the Mn ystem. We show that, for a certain interval of Mn and hole densities, an increase on the magnetic order of the Mn ions come together with a change of the nature of the states at the Fermi level. This fact provides a delocalization of spin-polarized extended states anti-aligned to the average Mn magnetization, and a higher spin-polarization of the hole gas. These results are consistent with the occurrence of ferromagnetism with relatively high transition temperatures observed in some thin film samples and multilayered structures of this material.Comment: 3 page

    Dynamics and Constraints of the Massive Gravitons Dark Matter Flat Cosmologies

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    We discuss the dynamics of the universe within the framework of Massive Graviton Dark Matter scenario (MGCDM) in which gravitons are geometrically treated as massive particles. In this modified gravity theory, the main effect of the gravitons is to alter the density evolution of the cold dark matter component in such a way that the Universe evolves to an accelerating expanding regime, as presently observed. Tight constraints on the main cosmological parameters of the MGCDM model are derived by performing a joint likelihood analysis involving the recent supernovae type Ia data, the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) shift parameter and the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs) as traced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) red luminous galaxies. The linear evolution of small density fluctuations is also analysed in detail. It is found that the growth factor of the MGCDM model is slightly different (∌1−4\sim1-4%) from the one provided by the conventional flat Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology. The growth rate of clustering predicted by MGCDM and Λ\LambdaCDM models are confronted to the observations and the corresponding best fit values of the growth index (Îł\gamma) are also determined. By using the expectations of realistic future X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster surveys we derive the dark-matter halo mass function and the corresponding redshift distribution of cluster-size halos for the MGCDM model. Finally, we also show that the Hubble flow differences between the MGCDM and the Λ\LambdaCDM models provide a halo redshift distribution departing significantly from the ones predicted by other DE models. These results suggest that the MGCDM model can observationally be distinguished from Λ\LambdaCDM and also from a large number of dark energy models recently proposed in the literature.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review D (12 pages, 4 figures

    Studies of the photoionization cross sections of CH_4

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    We present cross sections and asymmetry parameters for photoionization of the 1t_2 orbital of CH_4 using static‐exchange continuum orbitals of CH^+_4 to represent the photoelectron wave function. The calculations are done in the fixed‐nuclei approximation at a single internuclear geometry. To approximate the near‐threshold behavior of these cross sections, we assumed that the photoelectron spectrum is a composite of three electronic bands associated with the Jahn–Teller components of the distorted ion. The resulting cross sections reproduce the sharp rise seen at threshold in the experimental data and are in good agreement with experiment at higher energy. The agreement between the calculated and measured photoelectron asymmetry parameters is, however, less satisfactory

    On the equivalence of Lambda(t) and gravitationally induced particle production cosmologies

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    The correspondence between cosmological models powered by a decaying vacuum energy density and gravitationally induced particle production is investigated. Although being physically different in the physics behind them we show that both classes of cosmologies under certain conditions can exhibit the same dynamic and thermodynamic behavior. Our method is applied to obtain three specific models that may be described either as Lambda(t)CDM or gravitationally induced particle creation cosmologies. In the point of view of particle production models, the later class of cosmologies can be interpreted as a kind of one-component unification of the dark sector. By using current type Ia supernovae data, recent estimates of the cosmic microwave background shift parameter and baryon acoustic oscillations measurements we also perform a statistical analysis to test the observational viability within the two equivalent classes of models and we obtain the best-fit of the free parameters. By adopting the Akaike information criterion we also determine the rank of the models considered here. Finally, the particle production cosmologies (and the associated decaying Lambda(t)-models) are modeled in the framework of field theory by a phenomenological scalar field model.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, new comments and 8 references added. Accepted for publication in Physics Letters
