4 research outputs found

    Fronteiras e Travessias:

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    This essay is a way to approach the migration process of Venezuelans to Brazil, through occasional visualsperceived by transiting on avenues and streets in the city of Boa Vista, capital of the state of Roraima. The objective is to organize in an array of images the meanings behind the borders and symbolic crossings about this phenomenon, comprehending the human displacements as dynamic, interactive and changeable processes, that do tell about others and, at the same time, about us. The frame of this constructive narrative is made in the visual inscription of Venezuelan immigrants in the city and the diverse fragments of this tense coexistence, by indicating situations of vulnerability of those who seek refuge in Brazil and the important hybrid and cultural appropriations in what nowadays presents itself as one of the most expressive migration phenomenon in the country.RESUMOEste ensaio é uma forma de olhar o processo migratório de venezuelanos para o Brasil, em enquadramentos ocasionais ao transitar por avenidas e ruas da cidade de Boa Vista, Capital de Roraima. O objetivo é organizar em algumas imagens os sentidos das fronteiras e travessias simbólicas sobre esse fenômeno, compreendendo os deslocamentos humanos como processos dinâmicos, interativos e cambiantes, a dizer do outro e simultaneamente a dizer de nós. O recorte dessa construção narrativa se faz na inscrição visual dos imigrantes venezuelanos na cidade e nos diversificados fragmentos dessa coexistência tensionada, ao indicar situações de vulnerabilidade dos que buscam refúgio no Brasil e de importantes apropriações híbridas e culturais acerca do que atualmente se configura como um dos fenômenos migratórios mais expressivos no país.Palavras-chave: Migração; Venezuela-Brasil; fronteiras; Boa Vista ABSTRACTThis essay is a way to approach the migration process of Venezuelans to Brazil, through occasional visuals perceived by transiting on avenues and streets in the city of Boa Vista, capital of the state of Roraima. The objective is to organize in a array of images the meanings behind the borders and symbolic crossings about this phenomenon, comprehending the human displacements as dynamic, interactive and changeable processes, that do tell about others and, at the same time, about us. The frame of this constructive narrative is made in the visual inscription of Venezuelan immigrants in the city and the diverse fragments of this tense coexistence, by indicating situations of vulnerability of those who seek refuge in Brazil and the important hybrid and cultural appropriations in what nowadays presents itself as one of the most expressive migration phenomenon in the country.Key-Words: migration; Venezuela-Brazil; borders; Boa Vist


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    A cidade informa. Esta afirmação que está no centro da escrita do presente artigo é direcionada para refletir o processo migratório de venezuelanos para o Brasil, no cenário de Boa Vista, capital de Roraima. A abordagem se baseia em duas questões fundamentais: o que os estímulos visuais da cidade comunicam? E como os migrantes venezuelanos constroem e significam essa experiência em ruas, esquinas, praças e outros espaços públicos? Sob a forma caminhante, organizam-se as apropriações simbólicas entre o que diz o olhar mais panorâmico sobre a urbe e as narrativas dos migrantes. Um campo analítico, baseado em algumas situações concretas, onde a percepção visual e a vivência dos sujeitos se amalgamam na elaboração de uma interpretação possível a partir desses fluxos e tensões culturais

    Plant stand failures effect in genetic parameters estimation procedure in Eucalyptus sp.

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    The objective of this work was to verify the influence of the percentage of failures in a forest genetics experiment in the estimation of genetic parameters. The study consisted in the evaluation of two experiments of full‑sib families under randomized complete block design with three replicates conducted in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experiment I was evaluated in January 2002, with approximately 60 months of age. The experiment II was evaluated in January 2003, with 45 months of age. In both experiments, the evaluations consisted of the measurement of the diameter at breast height and plant height. For all the investigated genetic parameters, an increase in the amplitude of the estimates was verified due to the increase in the number of experimental failures. Variances and negative heritabilities were detected, from 35% of failure, indicating that in such cases, this proportion of failure may be problematic to estimate genetic values, to estimate the gain with the selective process and for make decision