129 research outputs found

    Bridging semantic gap: learning and integrating semantics for content-based retrieval

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    Digital cameras have entered ordinary homes and produced^incredibly large number of photos. As a typical example of broad image domain, unconstrained consumer photos vary significantly. Unlike professional or domain-specific images, the objects in the photos are ill-posed, occluded, and cluttered with poor lighting, focus, and exposure. Content-based image retrieval research has yet to bridge the semantic gap between computable low-level information and high-level user interpretation. In this thesis, we address the issue of semantic gap with a structured learning framework to allow modular extraction of visual semantics. Semantic image regions (e.g. face, building, sky etc) are learned statistically, detected directly from image without segmentation, reconciled across multiple scales, and aggregated spatially to form compact semantic index. To circumvent the ambiguity and subjectivity in a query, a new query method that allows spatial arrangement of visual semantics is proposed. A query is represented as a disjunctive normal form of visual query terms and processed using fuzzy set operators. A drawback of supervised learning is the manual labeling of regions as training samples. In this thesis, a new learning framework to discover local semantic patterns and to generate their samples for training with minimal human intervention has been developed. The discovered patterns can be visualized and used in semantic indexing. In addition, three new class-based indexing schemes are explored. The winnertake- all scheme supports class-based image retrieval. The class relative scheme and the local classification scheme compute inter-class memberships and local class patterns as indexes for similarity matching respectively. A Bayesian formulation is proposed to unify local and global indexes in image comparison and ranking that resulted in superior image retrieval performance over those of single indexes. Query-by-example experiments on 2400 consumer photos with 16 semantic queries show that the proposed approaches have significantly better (18% to 55%) average precisions than a high-dimension feature fusion approach. The thesis has paved two promising research directions, namely the semantics design approach and the semantics discovery approach. They form elegant dual frameworks that exploits pattern classifiers in learning and integrating local and global image semantics

    Active video summarization: Customized summaries via on-line interaction with the user

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    To facilitate the browsing of long videos, automatic video summarization provides an excerpt that represents its content. In the case of egocentric and consumer videos, due to their personal nature, adapting the summary to specific user's preferences is desirable. Current approaches to customizable video summarization obtain the user's preferences prior to the summarization process. As a result, the user needs to manually modify the summary to further meet the preferences. In this paper, we introduce Active Video Summarization (AVS), an interactive approach to gather the user's preferences while creating the summary. AVS asks questions about the summary to update it on-line until the user is satisfied. To minimize the interaction, the best segment to inquire next is inferred from the previous feedback. We evaluate AVS in the commonly used UTEgo dataset. We also introduce a new dataset for customized video summarization (CSumm) recorded with a Google Glass. The results show that AVS achieves an excellent compromise between usability and quality. In 41% of the videos, AVS is considered the best over all tested baselines, including summaries manually generated. Also, when looking for specific events in the video, AVS provides an average level of satisfaction higher than those of all other baselines after only six questions to the user

    On the Robustness, Generalization, and Forgetting of Shape-Texture Debiased Continual Learning

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    Tremendous progress has been made in continual learning to maintain good performance on old tasks when learning new tasks by tackling the catastrophic forgetting problem of neural networks. This paper advances continual learning by further considering its out-of-distribution robustness, in response to the vulnerability of continually trained models to distribution shifts (e.g., due to data corruptions and domain shifts) in inference. To this end, we propose shape-texture debiased continual learning. The key idea is to learn generalizable and robust representations for each task with shape-texture debiased training. In order to transform standard continual learning to shape-texture debiased continual learning, we propose shape-texture debiased data generation and online shape-texture debiased self-distillation. Experiments on six datasets demonstrate the benefits of our approach in improving generalization and robustness, as well as reducing forgetting. Our analysis on the flatness of the loss landscape explains the advantages. Moreover, our approach can be easily combined with new advanced architectures such as vision transformer, and applied to more challenging scenarios such as exemplar-free continual learning

    Exploiting Semantic Role Contextualized Video Features for Multi-Instance Text-Video Retrieval EPIC-KITCHENS-100 Multi-Instance Retrieval Challenge 2022

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    In this report, we present our approach for EPIC-KITCHENS-100 Multi-Instance Retrieval Challenge 2022. We first parse sentences into semantic roles corresponding to verbs and nouns; then utilize self-attentions to exploit semantic role contextualized video features along with textual features via triplet losses in multiple embedding spaces. Our method overpasses the strong baseline in normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG), which is more valuable for semantic similarity. Our submission is ranked 3rd for nDCG and ranked 4th for mAP.Comment: Ranked joint 3rd place in the Multi-Instance Retrieval Challenge at EPIC@CVPR2022. (v2: ref error is corrected

    Towards Debiasing Frame Length Bias in Text-Video Retrieval via Causal Intervention

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    Many studies focus on improving pretraining or developing new backbones in text-video retrieval. However, existing methods may suffer from the learning and inference bias issue, as recent research suggests in other text-video-related tasks. For instance, spatial appearance features on action recognition or temporal object co-occurrences on video scene graph generation could induce spurious correlations. In this work, we present a unique and systematic study of a temporal bias due to frame length discrepancy between training and test sets of trimmed video clips, which is the first such attempt for a text-video retrieval task, to the best of our knowledge. We first hypothesise and verify the bias on how it would affect the model illustrated with a baseline study. Then, we propose a causal debiasing approach and perform extensive experiments and ablation studies on the Epic-Kitchens-100, YouCook2, and MSR-VTT datasets. Our model overpasses the baseline and SOTA on nDCG, a semantic-relevancy-focused evaluation metric which proves the bias is mitigated, as well as on the other conventional metrics.Comment: Accepted by the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2023. Project Page: https://buraksatar.github.io/FrameLengthBia

    Finding any Waldo: zero-shot invariant and efficient visual search

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    Searching for a target object in a cluttered scene constitutes a fundamental challenge in daily vision. Visual search must be selective enough to discriminate the target from distractors, invariant to changes in the appearance of the target, efficient to avoid exhaustive exploration of the image, and must generalize to locate novel target objects with zero-shot training. Previous work has focused on searching for perfect matches of a target after extensive category-specific training. Here we show for the first time that humans can efficiently and invariantly search for natural objects in complex scenes. To gain insight into the mechanisms that guide visual search, we propose a biologically inspired computational model that can locate targets without exhaustive sampling and generalize to novel objects. The model provides an approximation to the mechanisms integrating bottom-up and top-down signals during search in natural scenes.Comment: Number of figures: 6 Number of supplementary figures: 1

    Masked Diffusion with Task-awareness for Procedure Planning in Instructional Videos

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    A key challenge with procedure planning in instructional videos lies in how to handle a large decision space consisting of a multitude of action types that belong to various tasks. To understand real-world video content, an AI agent must proficiently discern these action types (e.g., pour milk, pour water, open lid, close lid, etc.) based on brief visual observation. Moreover, it must adeptly capture the intricate semantic relation of the action types and task goals, along with the variable action sequences. Recently, notable progress has been made via the integration of diffusion models and visual representation learning to address the challenge. However, existing models employ rudimentary mechanisms to utilize task information to manage the decision space. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a simple yet effective enhancement - a masked diffusion model. The introduced mask acts akin to a task-oriented attention filter, enabling the diffusion/denoising process to concentrate on a subset of action types. Furthermore, to bolster the accuracy of task classification, we harness more potent visual representation learning techniques. In particular, we learn a joint visual-text embedding, where a text embedding is generated by prompting a pre-trained vision-language model to focus on human actions. We evaluate the method on three public datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performance on multiple metrics. Code is available at https://github.com/ffzzy840304/Masked-PDPP.Comment: 7 pages (main text excluding references), 3 figures, 7 table

    Identifying Hard Noise in Long-Tailed Sample Distribution

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    Conventional de-noising methods rely on the assumption that all samples are independent and identically distributed, so the resultant classifier, though disturbed by noise, can still easily identify the noises as the outliers of training distribution. However, the assumption is unrealistic in large-scale data that is inevitably long-tailed. Such imbalanced training data makes a classifier less discriminative for the tail classes, whose previously "easy" noises are now turned into "hard" ones -- they are almost as outliers as the clean tail samples. We introduce this new challenge as Noisy Long-Tailed Classification (NLT). Not surprisingly, we find that most de-noising methods fail to identify the hard noises, resulting in significant performance drop on the three proposed NLT benchmarks: ImageNet-NLT, Animal10-NLT, and Food101-NLT. To this end, we design an iterative noisy learning framework called Hard-to-Easy (H2E). Our bootstrapping philosophy is to first learn a classifier as noise identifier invariant to the class and context distributional changes, reducing "hard" noises to "easy" ones, whose removal further improves the invariance. Experimental results show that our H2E outperforms state-of-the-art de-noising methods and their ablations on long-tailed settings while maintaining a stable performance on the conventional balanced settings. Datasets and codes are available at https://github.com/yxymessi/H2E-FrameworkComment: Accepted to ECCV2022(Oral) ; Datasets and codes are available at https://github.com/yxymessi/H2E-Framewor