33 research outputs found

    Student-athletes’ perceptions of coaches’ coaching competency at the Malaysian public institution of higher learning

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    This study was designed to evaluate the competency level of coaches at the higher institutions’ sports competitions organized by the Universities Sports Council of Malaysia. Multi-dimensional model of leadership behaviors and models of coaching effectiveness were used as the basis for the theoretical framework.A total of 322 student-athletes comprising 183 (57.2%) men and 137 (44.8%) women were participated in the questionnaire survey.Researchers have adapted the Coaching Competency Scale for data collection. The results of this study indicate that the coaches’ competency level were not differ significantly by gender and performance of student-athletes, but it was differed significantly by type of sport, between team and individual sports.The information from this study may help coaches to some extent in planning strategies for coaching athletes to ensure the effectiveness of its role as a coach

    Examining demographic and psychographic profiles of potential first-class undergraduates

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    Even though the discipline of psychology and education had gained its reputation all along, few studies have been conducted to determine the characteristics of the potential first-class undergraduate students.Thus, this study was designed to examine the demographic and psychographic profiles of the potential first class undergraduates in a Malaysian public university.The selected respondents comprised of 424 undergraduates who obtained at least 3.67 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) in their academic achievement in the period of their study. This study used a self-administered questionnaire that had adapted from the standardized measures. Validity and reliability of the instruments were found to be satisfactory.The results of the study indicate that the potential first-class undergraduates have the highest level on task orientation whereas time management scores the lowest.Also, the results reveal that more than 99% of the students have either moderate or high levels of psychographic attributes.In addition, the MANOVA results indicate that there are significant differences between male and female undergraduate students in their task orientation and leisure attitude.Likewise, significant differences between ethnic groups are found in task orientation, competitiveness, and general self-efficacy.Thus, the findings of this study are able to assist the higher education providers in providing coaching and mentoring to ensure more effective strategies could be developed to improve students’ needs and desires in pursuing their further education

    Student-athletes’ evaluation of coaches’ coaching competencies and their sport achievement motivation

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    The primary concerns of this study is whether universities’ sport coaches possess good coaching competency skills in bringing up potential athletes for the country.What are coaches’ coaching competency levels? Do their competencies capability able to contribute significantly to sport achievement motivation of student-athletes? Thus, this study was designed to evaluate the competency level of coaches and student-athletes’ achievement motivation at the Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) in sports competitions.A total of 322 student-athletes were participated in the questionnaire survey. Researchers have adapted the Coaching Competency Scale to measure four different dimensions of coaching competency and Sport Orientation Questionnaire to measure achievement motivation of student-athletes. Validity and reliability of the instrument were found to be satisfactory.The results of this study indicate that the coaches’ competency levels at the HEI were not differ significantly by gender and performance of student-athletes, but it was differed significantly by type of sport, between team and individual sports.In addition, this study showed that there was a moderate relationship between the competencies of sport coaches and achievement motivation among student-athletes.However, among the coaches’ coaching competencies, motivation competency of coaches was found to be significant contributor to student-athletes sport achievement motivation. The study provides important insights from the perspective of sport development programme at the related organizations which can be valuable in identifying and recruiting suitable coaches; and helping coaches to some extent in planning strategies for coaching athletes to ensure the effectiveness of its role as a coach

    Assessing students’ knowledge and soft skills competency in the industrial training programme: The employers’ perspective

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    The importance of developing soft skills competency among students should be the priority of all the Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in order to ensure their graduates are marketable. Therefore, it is essential for HEIs to distinguish the knowledge and soft skill levels of their students so that strategies and intervention could be implemented to rectify their capabilities.The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and soft skills competency from the employer’s viewpoints on the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) students participating in the industrial training programme. A total of 438 employers from different industrial backgrounds had participated in this study.A questionnaire consisting of five dimensions of soft skills which are basic knowledge, communication skills, practical skills, leadership, and attitude was utilized to collect data. The results of this study indicate that the employers were satisfied with the knowledge and soft skills competency portrayed by UUM students in preparing themselves for the real work environment. The employers from the service sectors were satisfied with students’ performance in all dimensions of soft skills measured. However, employers from the factory and commerce sector perceived as moderate satisfaction for all dimensions of soft skills.Additionally, the employers of the factory and commerce sector assessed by giving the lowest satisfaction score for “hands-on” skills, but generally they satisfied with the students’ communication skills. The information gathered can provide important insights from the perspective of organizations which is valuable in improving the overall hard and soft skills competency for future professionals and managers

    Demographic and psychographic profiles of the potential first class undergraduates at the Malaysian public university

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    Even though the discipline of psychology and education has gained in popularity during the last decade, few studies have been conducted to determine the characteristics of the potential first class undergraduate students.This study was designed to examine the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the potential first class undergraduates ill the Malaysian public universities.The selected respondents comprised of 424 undergraduates who obtained at least 3.67 of cumulative grade point average (CGPA)in their academic achievement in the entire duration of their study.This study uses a self-administered adapted questionnaire to collect data.The questionnaire consists of six dimensions on psychographic attributes,namely task orientation, competitiveness, skill mastery,general self-efficacy, time management, leisure attitude, and socio-demographic characteristics as well.The results of the study indicate that the potential first class students have the highest level on task orientation; whilst time management scores the lowest.In addition, the results reveal that more than 99% of the students have either moderate or high level of psychographic attributes.The MANOVA results indicate that there were significant differences between male and female students in their task orientation and leisure attitude.Likewise, significant differences between ethnic groups were found for task orientation, competitiveness, and general self-efficacy.Thus, the findings of this study are able to assist the university management in providing coaching and mentoring by ensuring students suited to their needs and desires for their study

    Emotional intelligence and psychographic profiles of the potential first class students

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    The study examined the correlation between emotional intelligence dimensions and psychographic attributes among Potential First Class students.The study also explored the differences between age and ethnicity factors on the level of psychographics attributes among 424 potential first class students (69 males and 355 females).The result showed significant relationship between emotional intelligence dimensions as well as significant correlation between psychographics attributes.Furthermore, significant relationship was found between emotional intelligence construct and psychographics attributes.In addition, the results showed that there were differences on the level of psychographics attributes based on the age and ethnicity factors.Lastly, the study recommended that emotional intelligence, and psychological constructs are important factors that could improve student success, especially for the university students

    Kajian kes keperluan tenaga kerja di Besgrade Products Sdn Bhd

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    Secara umumnya, industri perkayuan Malaysia merupakan industri yang kompetitif dan mempunyai potensi untuk terus berkembang.Disebabkan sebahagian besar daripada pengeluaran di dalam industri ini adalah untuk pasaran eksport, keadaan ekonomi global dan juga persaingan daripada negara pengeluar yang lain akan mempengaruhi kedudukan semasa industri ini.Justeru itu, bagi membolehkan pasaran ini berpotensi untuk terus maju ke hadapan, kualiti pengeluaran hasil kayu perlu ditingkatkan serta harga yang ditawarkan seharusnya lebih kompetitif.Secara umumnya, pergantungan yang tinggi kepada pekerja asing serta kurangnya penggunaan automasi boleh memberi kesan kepada kelangsungan dan kemapanan industri perkayuan Malaysia. Bagi meninjau dengan lebih mendalam tentang permasalahan industri ini satu kajian kes telah dilaksanakan ke atas Besgrade Products Sdn Bhd yang merupakan salah sebuah pengilang papan lapis terbesar di Malaysia. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan secara keseluruhannya, peratus pekerja asing di Besgrade Products Sdn Bhd adalah melebihi peratus pekerja tempatan dan ianya disumbang oleh jumlah pekerja asing yang tinggi bagi jawatan operator.Tempoh masa bekerja yang lama dan persekitaran kerja yang tidak selesa merupakan antara faktor penting yang menyebabkan kurangnya penyertaan pekerja tempatan. Pada masa yang sama, masalah komunikasi serta proses kelulusan permit yang rumit merupakan masalah yang dihadapi majikan berkaitan pengambilan pekerja asing.Berdasarkan kepada dapatan kajian, beberapa cadangan berkaitan tenaga kerja diketengahkan antaranya penjenamaan semula industri perkayuan agar ianya nampak lebih dinamik, menjamin kerjaya di masa hadapan dengan persekitaran kerja yang lebih kondusif; menawarkan kadar upah yang lebih kompetitif agar dapat menarik lebih ramai pekerja tempatan untuk bekerja; usaha ke arah automasi menerusi penggunaan teknologi yang seterusnya menggalakkan latihan pekerja mahir yang dapat mengendalikan mesin-mesin berteknologi tinggi ini; dan akhir sekali memantapkan dasar pengurangan kebergantungan kepada buruh asing dengan pengurangan secara beransur dan pada masa yang sama melatih pekerja tempatan dengan kemahiran yang perlu

    Measuring student performance in job market through industrial training: A study at Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    There is a lack of studies that investigate the impact of industrial training on university students. To fill this gap, a study was carried out to investigate and consequently measure the performance of students of Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) who are undertaking their industrial training in various organisations of different industrial backgrounds. Five skills are measured including students’ knowledge on basic knowledge, communication skills, attitude and discipline, hands-on skills and leadership. Questionnaire was sent to all organisations which participate in UUM’s industrial training programme and a total of 438 responded.The initial feedback indicated that industrial training is viewed by the respondents as essential and would benefit both university and the industry.The performances showed by the students are satisfactory and, in general, fulfil the organisations’ needs. The respondents also forwarded some interesting suggestions and ideas on how to improvise efforts to strengthen students’ skills

    Penilaian terhadap prestasi pelajar dan pengurusan program praktikum Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    Purpose – The main focus of this study is to obtain the feedback from organisations with regards to the performance of UUM’s practicum students and practicum programme management. Method – A total of 438 organisations from different industrial backgrounds participated in this study. Data collection was carried out by using a uestionnaire which consists of five main components measuring respondents’ profile, students’ performance, practicum programme management, performances comparison with other universities, and the suitability of the practicum programme. Findings – The feedback obtaimed indicates that the participating organisations are satisfi ed with the performance of UUM students in preparing themselves for real work environment.The practicum management system that is practised by Centre for University-Industry Link (UIL) is also considered well organised and efficient. In addition, this study shows that there is no obvious difference between UUM students’ performance and students of other universities. Value – Several suggestions to improve students’ skills and practicum management system are identified.Information gathered can provide important insights from the perspective of organizations which can be valuable in improving the industrial training/practicum programmes as well as the overall academic programmes for future professionals and managers

    A Study on Workforce Requirements at Besgrade Products Sdn. Bhd.

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    The Malaysian timber industry is a competitive industry that has the potential to grow. Since most of the production in this industry is for the export market, the global economic conditions and competition from other producing countries will nevertheless affect the performance of the industry. Therefore, in order for this market to expand, the quality of timber production should be further enhanced and offered at a more competitive price. Generally, issues related to high dependency on foreign workers and low level of automation are believed to seriously affect the viability and sustainability of the Malaysian timber industry. Following these issues, a case study was carried out on Besgrade Products Sdn. Bhd., which is one of the largest plywood manufacturers in Malaysia. The findings revealed that, in general, the percentage of foreign workers in the company is far higher than the percentage of local workers. It was also found that the majority of foreign workers occupied the operator position. Probing further into the problem facing by the firm in hiring local workers revealed that long working hours and unpleasant work environment are the major factors that contribute toward low participation of local workers. With regard to foreign workers, communication problems and “red tape†in permit approval are among the major issues. Based on the findings, various suggestions related to labour issues have been put forth. These include the rebranding of the timber industry to be more dynamic, providing a more conducive work environment, introducing competitive wages for local workers, intensifying efforts toward automation through the use of technology thereby promoting the training of skilled workers who can handle high technology machines, and finally establishing policies to gradually reduce the dependency on foreign labour while at the same time training local workers with the necessary skills