4 research outputs found

    Consideraciones sobre el uso de biofertilizantes como alternativa agro- biotecnológica sostenible para la seguridad alimentaria en México

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    Since the Postclassic, Mexica farmers unknowingly took advantage of the great microbial diversity present in the lake bed that they used as a substrate in their agricultural production schemes. Over the years, Mexican agriculture successfully evolved to intensify the countryside and managed to significantly increase agricultural productivity. However, the increased use of synthetic fertilizers as a solution to soil fertility problems led to high economic, environmental and social costs. This essay shows a critical reflection on the current situation in the use of biofertilizers in the Mexican countryside and future considerations to guarantee their successful use, and thus contribute to national food security in a sustainable wayDesde el Posclásico, sin saberlo, los agricultores mexicas aprovechaban la gran diversidad microbiana presente en el lecho de los lagos que utilizaban como sustrato en sus esquemas de producción agrícola. A través de los años, la agricultura mexicana evolucionó de forma exitosa a la intensificación del campo y logró incrementar significativamente la productividad agrícola. Sin embargo, la utilización incrementada de fertilizantes sintéticos como solución a los problemas de fertilidad del suelo condujo a elevados costos económicos, ambientales y sociales. El presente ensayo muestra una reflexión crítica sobre la situación actual en el uso de los biofertilizantes en el campo mexicano y consideraciones futuras para garantizar su uso exitoso, y así contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria nacional de forma sostenible

    Utilización de microorganismos para una agricultura sostenible en México: consideraciones y retos

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    Numerous plant species of agricultural interest establish symbiosis with soil microorganisms, such as microorganisms that promote plant growth,which provide great benefits because they help to reduce the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides used inagricultural production. Currently, Mexican agriculture is looking for environmentally friendly fertilization alternatives. That is why sustainable agriculture practices can only be successful when producers have all the means to implement them properly. This essay addresses issues on the considerations and challenges for the development ofasustainable agriculture in Mexico through the use of beneficial microorganisms, and it presents the current and future outlook on their use taking into account the benefit to the producer.Numerosas especies vegetales de interés agrícola establecen simbiosis con microorganismos edáficos, tal es el caso de microorganismos promotores del crecimiento vegetal; los cuales proporcionan grandes beneficios debido a que ayudan a disminuir el uso excesivo de fertilizantes y pesticidas utilizados en la producción agrícola. Actualmente, la agricultura mexicana busca alternativas de fertilización amigables con el medio ambiente. Es por ello que las prácticas de agricultura sostenible solamente pueden ser exitosas cuando los productores tienen todos los medios para implementarlas adecuadamente. El presente ensayo aborda temas sobre las consideraciones y retos para el desarrollo de una agricultura sostenible en México, mediante el uso de microorganismos benéficos, y presenta el panorama actual y futuro sobre su uso tomando en cuenta el beneficio para el productor

    Bacterial Succession through the Artisanal Process and Seasonal Effects Defining Bacterial Communities of Raw-Milk Adobera Cheese Revealed by High Throughput DNA Sequencing

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    The bacterial community of the artisanal Adobera cheese from Los Altos de Jalisco was described through high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene libraries. Samples were collected in two different seasons (dry and rainy) during four key steps of the manufacturing process (raw milk, fresh curd, matured curd, and cheese). Bacterial diversity was higher in early steps in comparison with the final elaboration stages. Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the most abundant phyla, strongly represented by the Streptococcaceae, Enterobacteriaceae and Lactobacillaceae families, and core bacteria genera such as Streptococcus spp., Lactococcus spp., and Lactobacillus spp. Undesirable bacteria, including Pseudomonas spp. and Acinetobacter spp., were also detected in raw milk but almost undetectable at the end of the cheese manufacturing process, and seemed to be displaced by lactic-acid bacteria-related genera. Seasonal effects were observed on the community structure but did not define the core microbiota composition. Predictive metabolism was related to membrane transport, and amino-acid, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism pathways. Our results contribute to deduce the role of bacteria involved in Adobera cheese manufacturing in terms of the metabolism involved, cheese microbial safety, and how undesirable bacterial populations could be regulated by process standardization as a potential tool to improve safety