354 research outputs found

    The age of imagination: imagining play and invention: implications for creative development

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    This paper presents findings from The Irish Neighbourhood Play Study; a national, cross-border research project which recorded children’s play patterns in Ireland during 2012. The study incorporated 1688 families across 240 communities. Data was established on the play choices of children aged from birth to 14 years. Multiple differentials were explored including socio-economic and geographical environments. This paper focuses on the findings within imaginary play patterns for the full cohort. As such, it presents the play patterns for imaginary play in children aged birth-14 years. The findings are discussed in the context of developmental patterns with particular emphasis on the relationship between imaginary play and the development of creativity. Creativity is a key concept within contemporary education. Its central nexus is problem solving in the face of uncertainty. Within a rapidly changing world, it is a key skill requirement for today’s children as they grow towards efficacy within instability. The relationship between the development of creativity and children’s engagement with imaginary play practices are explored in this paper. ©IATED (2017). Reproduced in Research Online with permission

    Improving Outcomes for Refugee Children: A case study on the impact of Montessori education along the Thai-Burma border

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    There are 25 million displaced children worldwide, and those receiving schooling are often educated in overcrowded classrooms. Montessori is a child-centred educational method that provides an alternative model to traditional educational approaches. In this model, students are able to direct their own learning and develop at their own pace, working with materials rather than in supervised groups or with direct teacher instruction. Because most children are working alone, teachers have more time to work one-on-one with children even when student-teacher ratios are quite large. This gives teachers increased opportunity to tailor their teaching to the specific needs and strengths of each student. We conducted an evaluation of Montessori classroom conversion for displaced students on the Thai-Myanmar border. We administered the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) to 66 children before and after classroom conversion and across treatment and control classroom conditions. We then conducted difference in difference testing. All domains showed meaningful improvements in ASQ scores, with the Montessori students gaining 18 points relative to the traditional students (p = 0.33). However, only the personal-social domain of the ASQ was statistically significant (8.8 point gain for the Montessori students relative to the control, p < 0.05) in our underpowered sample

    STEAM to R-SLAMET Modification: An Integrative Thematic Play Based Learning with R-SLAMETS Content in Early Child-hood Education

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    STEAM-based learning is a global issue in early-childhood education practice. STEAM content becomes an integrative thematic approach as the main pillar of learning in kindergarten. This study aims to develop a conceptual and practical approach in the implementation of children's education by applying a modification from STEAM Learning to R-SLAMET. The research used a qualitative case study method with data collection through focus group discussions (FGD), involving early-childhood educator's research participants (n = 35), interviews, observation, document analysis such as videos, photos and portfolios. The study found several ideal categories through the use of narrative data analysis techniques. The findings show that educators gain an understanding of the change in learning orientation from competency indicators to play-based learning.&nbsp;Developing thematic play activities into continuum playing scenarios. STEAM learning content modification (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) to R-SLAMETS content (Religion, Science, Literacy, Art, Math, Engineering, Technology and Social study) in daily class activity.&nbsp;Children activities with R-SLAMETS content can be developed based on an integrative learning flow that empowers loose part media with local materials learning resources. &nbsp;Keyword: STEAM to R-SLAMETS, Early Childhood Education, Integrative Thematic Learning References Ali, E., Kaitlyn M, C., Hussain, A., &amp; Akhtar, Z. (2018). the Effects of Play-Based Learning on Early Childhood Education and Development. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 7(43), 4682–4685. https://doi.org/10.14260/jemds/2018/1044 Ata Aktürk, A., &amp; Demircan, O. (2017). A Review of Studies on STEM and STEAM Education in Early Childhood. Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 18(2), 757–776. Azizah, W. A., Sarwi, S., &amp; Ellianawati, E. (2020). Implementation of Project -Based Learning Model (PjBL) Using STREAM-Based Approach in Elementary Schools. Journal of Primary Education, 9(3), 238–247. https://doi.org/10.15294/jpe.v9i3.39950 Badmus, O. (2018). Evolution of STEM, STEAM and STREAM Education in Africa: The Implication of the Knowledge Gap. In Contemporary Issues in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics Teacher Education in Nigeria. Björklund, C., &amp; Ahlskog-Björkman, E. (2017). Approaches to teaching in thematic work: early childhood teachers’ integration of mathematics and art. International Journal of Early Years Education, 25(2), 98–111. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669760.2017.1287061 Broadhead, P. (2003). Early Years Play and Learning. In Early Years Play and Learning. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203465257 Canning, N. (2010). The influence of the outdoor environment: Den-making in three different contexts. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 18(4), 555–566. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2010.525961 Clapp, E. P., Solis, S. L., Ho, C. K. N., &amp; Sachdeva, A. R. (2019). Complicating STEAM: A Critical Look at the Arts in the STEAM Agenda. Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation, 1–4. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2262-4_54-1 Colucci, L., Burnard, P., Cooke, C., Davies, R., Gray, D., &amp; Trowsdale, J. (2017). Reviewing the potential and challenges of developing STEAM education through creative pedagogies for 21st learning: how can school curricula be broadened towards a more responsive, dynamic, and inclusive form of education? BERA Research Commission, August, 1–105. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.22452.76161 Conradty, C., &amp; Bogner, F. X. (2018). From STEM to STEAM: How to Monitor Creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 30(3), 233–240. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2018.1488195 Conradty, C., &amp; Bogner, F. X. (2019). From STEM to STEAM: Cracking the Code? How Creativity &amp; Motivation Interacts with Inquiry-based Learning. Creativity Research Journal, 31(3), 284–295. https://doi.org/10.1080/10400419.2019.1641678 Cook, K. L., &amp; Bush, S. B. (2018). Design thinking in integrated STEAM learning: Surveying the landscape and exploring exemplars in elementary grades. School Science and Mathematics, 118(3–4), 93–103. https://doi.org/10.1111/ssm.12268 Costantino, T. (2018). STEAM by another name: Transdisciplinary practice in art and design education. Arts Education Policy Review, 119(2), 100–106. https://doi.org/10.1080/10632913.2017.1292973 Danniels, E., &amp; Pyle, A. (2018). Defining Play-based Learning. In Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development (Play-Based, Issue February, pp. 1–5). OISE University of Toronto. DeJarnette, N. K. (2018). Implementing STEAM in the Early Childhood Classroom. European Journal of STEM Education, 3(3), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.20897/ejsteme/3878 Dell’Erba, M. (2019). Policy Considerations for STEAM Education. Policy Brief, 1–10. Doyle, K. (2019). The languages and literacies of the STEAM content areas. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 27(1), 38–50. http://proxy.libraries.smu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&amp;db=eue&amp;AN=133954204&amp;site=ehost-live&amp;scope=site Edwards, S. (2017). Play-based learning and intentional teaching: Forever different? Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 42(2), 4–11. https://doi.org/10.23965/ajec.42.2.01 Faas, S., Wu, S.-C., &amp; Geiger, S. (2017). The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Education: A Critical Perspective on Current Policies and Practices in Germany and Hong Kong. Global Education Review, 4(2), 75–91. Fesseha, E., &amp; Pyle, A. (2016). Conceptualising play-based learning from kindergarten teachers’ perspectives. International Journal of Early Years Education, 24(3), 361–377. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669760.2016.1174105 Finch, C. R., Frantz, N. R., Mooney, M., &amp; Aneke, N. O. (1997). Designing the Thematic Curriculum: An All Aspects Approach MDS-956. 97. Gess, A. H. (2019). STEAM Education. STEAM Education, November, 2011–2014. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04003-1 Gronlund, G. (n.d.). “ Addressing Standards through Play-Based Learning in Preschool and Kindergarten .” Gronlund, G. (2015). Planning for Play-Based Curriculum Based on Individualized Goals to Help Each Child Thrive in Preschool and Kindergarten Gaye Gronlund. Gull, C., Bogunovich, J., Goldstein, S. L., &amp; Rosengarten, T. (2019). Definitions of Loose Parts in Early Childhood Outdoor Classrooms: A Scoping Review. The International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 6(3), 37–52. Hapidin, Pujianti, Y., Hartati, S., Nurani, Y., &amp; Dhieni, N. (2020). The continuous professional development for early childhood teachers through lesson study in implementing play based curriculum (case study in Jakarta, Indonesia). International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 12(10), 17–25. Hennessey, P. (2016). Full – Day Kindergarten Play-Based Learning : Promoting a Common Understanding. Education and Early Childhood Development, April, 1–76. gov.nl.ca/edu Henriksen, D. (2017). Creating STEAM with Design Thinking: Beyond STEM and Arts Integration. Steam, 3(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.5642/steam.20170301.11 Inglese, P., Barbera, G., La Mantia, T., On, P., Presentation, T., Reid, R., Vasa, S. F., Maag, J. W., Wright, G., Irsyadi, F. Y. Al, Nugroho, Y. S., Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Edwards, S., Moore, D., Boyd, W., Miller, E., Almon, J., Cramer, S. C., Wilkes-Gillan, S., … Halperin, J. M. (2014). Young Children’s Play and Environmental Education in Early Childhood Education. PLoS ONE, 2(3), 9–25. https://doi.org/10.1586/ern.12.106 Jacman, H. (2012). Early Education Curriculum. Pedagogical Development Unit, FEBRUARY 2011, 163. https://www.eursc.eu/Syllabuses/2011-01-D-15-en-4.pdf Jay, J. A., &amp; Knaus, M. (2018). Embedding play-based learning into junior primary (Year 1 and 2) Curriculum in WA. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(1), 112–126. https://doi.org/10.14221/ajte.2018v43n1.7 Kennedy, A., &amp; Barblett, L. (2010). Supporting the Early Years Learning Framework. Research in Practise Series, 17(3), 1–12. Keung, C. P. C., &amp; Cheung, A. C. K. (2019). Towards Holistic Supporting of Play-Based Learning Implementation in Kindergartens: A Mixed Method Study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47(5), 627–640. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-019-00956-2 Keung, C. P. C., &amp; Fung, C. K. H. (2020). Exploring kindergarten teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in the development of play-based learning. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46(2), 244–247. https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2020.1724656 Krogh, S., &amp; Morehouse, P. (2014). The Early Childhood Curriculum : Inquiry Learning Through Integration. Liao, C. (2016). From Interdisciplinary to Transdisciplinary: An Arts-Integrated Approach to STEAM Education. Art Education, 69(6), 44–49. https://doi.org/10.1080/00043125.2016.1224873 Lillard, A. S., Lerner, M. D., Hopkins, E. J., Dore, R. A., Smith, E. D., &amp; Palmquist, C. M. (2013). The impact of pretend play on children’s development: A review of the evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 139(1), 1–34. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0029321 Maxwell, L. E., Mitchell, M. R., &amp; Evans, G. W. (2008). Effects of Play Equipment and Loose Parts on Preschool Children’s Outdoor Play Behavior: An Observational Study and Design Intervention. Children, Youth and Environments, 18(2), 37–63. McLaughlin, T., &amp; Cherrington, S. (2018). Creating a rich curriculum through intentional teaching. Early Childhood Folio, 22(1), 33. https://doi.org/10.18296/ecf.0050 Mengmeng, Z., Xiantong, Y., &amp; Xinghua, W. (2019). Construction of STEAM Curriculum Model and Case Design in Kindergarten. American Journal of Educational Research, 7(7), 485–490. https://doi.org/10.12691/education-7-7-8 Milara, I. S., Pitkänen, K., Laru, J., Iwata, M., Orduña, M. C., &amp; Riekki, J. (2020). STEAM in Oulu: Scaffolding the development of a Community of Practice for local educators around STEAM and digital fabrication. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 26, 100197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcci.2020.100197 Moomaw, S. (2012). STEM Begins in the Early Years. School Science and Mathematics, 112(2), 57–58. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1949-8594.2011.00119.x Peng, Q. (2017). Study on Three Positions Framing Kindergarten Play-Based Curriculum in China: Through Analyses of the Attitudes of Teachers to Early Linguistic Education. Studies in English Language Teaching, 5(3), 543. https://doi.org/10.22158/selt.v5n3p543 Pyle, A., &amp; Bigelow, A. (2015). Play in Kindergarten: An Interview and Observational Study in Three Canadian Classrooms. Early Childhood Education Journal, 43(5), 385–393. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-014-0666-1 Pyle, A., &amp; Danniels, E. (2017). A Continuum of Play-Based Learning: The Role of the Teacher in Play-Based Pedagogy and the Fear of Hijacking Play. Early Education and Development, 28(3), 274–289. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2016.1220771 Quigley, C. F., Herro, D., &amp; Jamil, F. M. (2017). Developing a Conceptual Model of STEAM Teaching Practices. School Science and Mathematics, 117(1–2), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1111/ssm.12201 Ridgers, N. D., Knowles, Z. R., &amp; Sayers, J. (2012). Encouraging play in the natural environment: A child-focused case study of Forest School. Children’s Geographies, 10(1), 49–65. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733285.2011.638176 Ridwan, A., Rahmawati, Y., &amp; Hadinugrahaningsih, T. (2017). Steam Integration in Chemistry Learning for Developing 21st Century Skills. MIER Journail of Educational Studies, Trends &amp; Practices, 7(2), 184–194. Rolling, J. H. (2016). Reinventing the STEAM Engine for Art + Design Education. Art Education, 69(4), 4–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/00043125.2016.1176848 Sancar-Tokmak, H. (2015). The effect of curriculum-generated play instruction on the mathematics teaching efficacies of early childhood education pre-service teachers. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 23(1), 5–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2013.788315 Sawangmek, S. (2019). Trends and Issues on STEM and STEAM Education in Early Childhood. Képzés És Gyakorlat, 17(2019/3-4), 97–106. https://doi.org/10.17165/tp.2019.3-4.8 Science, A. I. (n.d.). STEM Project-Based Learning. Spencer, R., Joshi, N., Branje, K., Lee McIsaac, J., Cawley, J., Rehman, L., FL Kirk, S., &amp; Stone, M. (2019). Educator perceptions on the benefits and challenges of loose parts play in the outdoor environments of childcare centres. AIMS Public Health, 6(4), 461–476. https://doi.org/10.3934/publichealth.2019.4.461 Taylor, J., Bond, E., &amp; Woods, M. 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J., Jensen, H., Liu, C., Neale, D., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Whitebread, Solis, S. L., &amp; David. (2017). Learning through play : a review of the evidence (Issue November). The LEGO Foundation

    Symbolic Play and Language Acquisition: The Dynamics of Infant-Caretaker Communication during Symbolic Play

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    Infant symbolic play and language acquisition have long been linked. While both activities are inherently social and their acquisition is typically scaffolded by a competent other (Vygotsky, 1978), most studies investigating the symbolic play-language link have considered it in contexts of solitary play. This thesis examines the dynamic nature of the relationship in a semi-naturalistic setting. Fifty-two infant-caretaker dyads engaged in a 20-minute play session that manipulated play type through the use of different toy sets (symbolic versus non-symbolic). Study 1 showed that play contexts influenced language: in symbolic play, infants spoke more and their language and interactions were more complex. CDS was more interactionally demanding (more questions and mimetics) in symbolic play, while in non-symbolic play it was more directive (imperatives and naming). Study 2 established that conversational turn dynamics patterns differed: there were more conversational turns in symbolic play, turn transitions were longer, and infants were more likely to control entire turn sequences. Study 3 demonstrated that symbolic play allowed for greater and richer content alignment: there were more semantic repetitions and infants were more likely to choose the topic of conversation than their parents. Study 4 revealed more complex and demanding epistemic exchanges of information in symbolic play: infants were more likely to inform, assert, and build on previous information when they spoke. Parents were more likely to actively engage the infants in symbolic play by seeking or requesting information, but the ambiguity of symbolic play also meant that it was more difficult for participants to understand each other. When combined, the results of these four studies suggest that symbolic play is a challenging but communicatively rich environment for infants' language development, constituting a zone of proximal development deriving from the need to establish shared intentionality during interaction

    The Power Of Play In Early Childhood Education

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    This literature review synthesizes research on how early childhood classrooms use play as a learning tool for students. The review of literature examines different types of play and how children develop in relation to play. Play in the classroom is often viewed as a reward for completing schoolwork, but in preschool classrooms and beyond, play offers a wide variety of learning opportunities and aids in the development of new skills. This literature review uses scholarly articles and journals to examine the different types of early childhood play in the classroom and how children develop in relation to being able to play. Research published within the last ten years on the topic of play in the classroom reveals evidence that children are in fact learning while participating in play

    Childhood fantasy play relates to adult socio‐emotional competence

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    Childhood fantasy play and creation of imaginary companions are thought to confer socio‐emotional benefits in children, but little is known about how they relate to socio‐emotional competence in adulthood. A total of 341 adults (81 males) aged 18 and above (M = 31.47, SD = 12.62) completed an online survey examining their fantasy play as a child, their childhood imaginary companion status, and their adult socio‐emotional competence. Adults who reported higher levels of childhood fantasy play were found to be significantly more prosocial, empathetic, and emotionally intelligent than their counterparts after controlling for demographic factors. Recall of a childhood imaginary companion, however, was significantly related only to higher scores for perspective‐taking and did not explain unique variance in any adult competence measure. Findings suggest that engagement in fantasy play during childhood may be a precursor to later socio‐emotional competence, while benefits previously associated with imaginary companions specifically may not extend into adulthood

    The innovative nation begins in early childhood

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    Published version of the paper reproduced here with permission from the publisher.The Turnbull Government's 'innovation agenda' can be viewed from many different perspectives. When viewing the innovation agenda from an early childhood perspective we ask the following questions: What role might Early Childhood Education play in developing an innovative nation and what might a 'culture of innovation' look like in Australian Early Childhood settings? These questions point to some of the challenges and possibilities Australian Early Childhood Education as we advance into the 21st century. Let’s consider why the new national policy directives designed to promote a 'culture of innovation' in areas including Science, Technology and Business must include our very youngest citizens

    American Mom

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    A reflection of my short film American Mo

    Effects of a Pretend Play Intervention on Executive Functioning Tasks

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    Honorable Mention for 2013. Paper written for course: PSYC 350, Professor Tracy Gleason

    The Impact of Play-based Learning

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    This action research study investigated if students can make appropriate academic growth in a play-based preschool classroom. This action research answered the question: can students make appropriate academic growth in a play-based classroom? Appropriate academic growth defined as, the amount of growth needed for each individual child to be progressing towards being at or above benchmark in certain areas by the end of the school year. The preschool students were engaging in a play-based learning classroom with learning experiences specifically planned out by the teacher based on the theme at the time or areas of development being assessed. This research study was conducted throughout the school year from September to May. Data was collected three times a year using the IGDIs screener and documentation was taken throughout the year using Teaching Strategies GOLD