3 research outputs found

    Olefin-maleinsav-anhidrid alapú kompatibilizáló adalékok hatásának vizsgálata hulladék elasztomert tartalmazó polimerekben

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    kompatibilizáló adalék, hulladék újrahasznosítás, hulladék gumiőrlemény/poliolefin blendek, olefin-maleinsav-anhidrid alapú kompatibilizáló adalék, oszcillációs reometria,compatibilizing additive, waste management, waste ground tyre rubber/polyolefin blend, olefin-maleic-anhydride based compatibilizing additive, oscillatory rheometry, Kompatibilisierungsmittel, Gummigranulat/Polyolefin Blend, Abfall-Wiederverwertung, Olefin-Maleinsäureanhydrid basierende Kompatibilisierungsmittel, Oszillationsrheometri

    FT-IR combined with oscillatory rheology: How to evaluate chemical structure of ester derivatives of MA-containing compatibilizers

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    Ester derivatives of experimental olefin-maleic anhydride copolymers synthesized at the University of Pannonia have been investigated by both classical and instrumental analytical methods that contribute to a deeper understanding of how that type of additives functions as compatibilizers for plastics and rubbers. Titration-based acid and saponification numbers have provided limited information about the chemical structure of the experimental copolymer compounds. A prompt, precise and low-cost method or combination of methods has been required to access to the ratio of the various derivatives not only straight after esterification but also for quality control during long-term storage considering the even stricter sustainability aspects either. Reproduction and scaling-up synthesises can be also followed by the combined measuring techniques of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and oscillatory rheometry. Structural changes occurred in the additives could be followed through monitoring their Ester Indices (EI) during the measurement, which can be connected also to the long-term properties. Experimental additives (AD) like AD-1 and AD-2 types with lower EI values of 21.5 % and 32.1 %, respectively, resulted in higher upper limits of the linear viscoelastic (LVE) range (15 % and 10 %). Conversely, the higher EI values of AD-3 and AD-4 led to significantly lower or even immeasurable upper limits of the LVE range. Additives with solid behaviour showed slight dependence on frequency above the crossover point that indicated strong connections disappearing

    How introduction of deposit-refund system (DRS) changes recycling of non-drinking bottle PET wastes

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    Under the era of circular economy, the deposit-refund system (DRS) for e.g. polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is thought to be a good choice to achieve a more structured plastic recycling. The present research has the aim to make a comprehensive description and a practical guideline in order to evaluate how collection and separation system influence the quality and efficiency of mechanical recycling of PET. The DRS has been symbolized by manually collected bottles with (BCL) and without (B) caps and labels. Samples have been given from the selective income (SI) and the sorting residue (SR) of a manual selective waste sorting plant and PET fraction of refuse derived fuel (RDF). Based on preliminary qualification results such as melt flow indices (MFI), PET bottles are worth selecting into the main colours like water clear, blue, and all the others together, referred to as PET-A, PET-B, and PET-D fractions of the sorting plant. The SR seemed to be a beneficial raw material for PET recycling as both mechanical and rheological properties were proper enough. PET separated from the Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plant as RDF showed the worst processing and mechanical properties, but both can be improved with deeper precleaning. X-ray tomography (CT) scans have shown a correlation between the source of waste and the gas void structure which influence the macroscopic mechanical properties