2,097 research outputs found

    Sorting out mitochondrial proteins

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    Fabricación de cal en horno rotatorio; mejora de la calidad y aumento de la productividad

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    Not availableEn el año 1953, en la fábrica de cemento Norilsk, que contaba con dos hornos rotatorios de 46 m de largo, se emprendieron unos ensayos sobre fabricación de cal, por vía húmeda, en horno rotatorio. La pasta cruda tenía un 40% de agua. Estos ensayos no condujeron a ningún resultado satisfactorio; las pérdidas de polvo eran muy considerables y el consumo especifico de combustible demasiado elevado

    Graph-convolution neural network-based flexible docking utilizing coarse-grained distance matrix

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    Prediction of protein-ligand complexes for flexible proteins remains still a challenging problem in computational structural biology and drug design. Here we present two novel deep neural network approaches with significant improvement in efficiency and accuracy of binding mode prediction on a large and diverse set of protein systems compared to standard docking. Whereas the first graph convolutional network is used for re-ranking poses the second approach aims to generate and rank poses independent of standard docking approaches. This novel approach relies on the prediction of distance matrices between ligand atoms and protein C_alpha atoms thus incorporating side-chain flexibility implicitly

    Import of cytochrome c heme lyase into mitochondria

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    Cytochrome c heme lyase (CCHL) catalyses the covalent attachment of the heme group to apocytochrome c during its import into mitochondria. The enzyme is membrane-associated and is located within the intermembrane space. The precursor of CCHL synthesized in vitro was efficiently translocated into isolated mitochondria from Neurospora crassa. The imported CCHL, like the native protein, was correctly localized to the intermembrane space, where it was membrane-bound. As with the majority of mitochondrial precursor proteins, CCHL uses the MOM19-GIP receptor complex in the outer membrane for import. In contrast to proteins taking the general import route, CCHL was imported independently of both ATP-hydrolysis and an electrochemical potential as external energy sources. CCHL which lacks a cleavable signal sequence apparently does not traverse the inner membrane to reach the intermembrane space; rather, it translocates through the outer membrane only. Thus, CCHL represents an example of a novel, 'non-conservative' import pathway into the intermembrane space, thereby also showing that the import apparatus in the outer membrane acts separately from the import machinery in the inner membrane

    PharmDock: A Pharmacophore-Based Docking Program

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    Background Protein-based pharmacophore models are enriched with the information of potential interactions between ligands and the protein target. We have shown in a previous study that protein-based pharmacophore models can be applied for ligand pose prediction and pose ranking. In this publication, we present a new pharmacophore-based docking program PharmDock that combines pose sampling and ranking based on optimized protein-based pharmacophore models with local optimization using an empirical scoring function. Results Tests of PharmDock on ligand pose prediction, binding affinity estimation, compound ranking and virtual screening yielded comparable or better performance to existing and widely used docking programs. The docking program comes with an easy-to-use GUI within PyMOL. Two features have been incorporated in the program suite that allow for user-defined guidance of the docking process based on previous experimental data. Docking with those features demonstrated superior performance compared to unbiased docking. Conclusion A protein pharmacophore-based docking program, PharmDock, has been made available with a PyMOL plugin. PharmDock and the PyMOL plugin are freely available fromhttp://people.pharmacy.purdue.edu/~mlill/software/pharmdock webcite

    A crucial role of the mitochondrial protein import receptor MOM19 for the biogenesis of mitochondria

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    The novel genetic method of "sheltered RIP" (repeat induced point mutation) was used to generate a Neurospora crassa mutant in which MOM19, a component of the protein import machinery of the mitochondrial outer membrane, can be depleted. Deficiency in MOM19 resulted in a severe growth defect, but the cells remained viable. The number of mitochondrial profiles was not grossly changed, but mutant mitochondria were highly deficient in cristae membranes, cytochromes, and protein synthesis activity. Protein import into isolated mutant mitochondria was decreased by factors of 6 to 30 for most proteins from all suborganellar compartments. Proteins like the ADP/ATP carrier, MOM19, and cytochrome c, whose import into wild-type mitochondria occurs independently of MOM19 became imported normally showing that the reduced import activities are solely caused by a lack of MOM19. Depletion of MOM19 reveals a close functional relationship between MOM19 and MOM22, since loss of MOM19 led to decreased levels of MOM22 and reduced protein import through MOM22. Furthermore, MOM72 does not function as a general backup receptor for MOM19 suggesting that these two proteins have distinct precursor specificities. These findings demonstrate that the import receptor MOM19 fulfills an important role in the biogenesis of mitochondria and that it is essential for the formation of mitochondria competent in respiration and phosphorylation