1,003 research outputs found

    Deep Imaging of the Double Quasar 0957+561: New Constraints on H_0

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    We present new results from extremely deep, high-resolution images of the field around the double quasar QSO 0957+561. A possible gravitational arc system near the double quasar has recently been reported, which, if real, would set strong constraints on determinations of the Hubble constant from the time delay in the double quasar. We find that both the morphology and the colors of the claimed arc systems suggest that they are chance alignments of three and two different objects, and not gravitationally lensed arcs. Hence, the constraints on H0H_0-determinations from the arcs are not valid. Also, a small group of galaxies at z=0.5z=0.5 near the line-of-sight which was required to have a very large mass in the physically interesting arc models, is most likely insignificant. From our deep images we are able to use weak lensing of faint background galaxies in the field to map the gravitational potential in the main cluster. This sets new constraints on determinations of H0H_0. We find that the Hubble constant is constrained to be less than 70km/(s Mpc), if the time delay between the two images of the QSO is equal to or larger than 1.1 years.Comment: (uuencoded and compressed postscipt including 3 figures); 14 page

    Development of a POE Lubricant for Rotary Compressors Using HFC Refrigerants

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    Asymmetries in the CMB anisotropy field

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    We report on the results from two independent but complementary statistical analyses of the WMAP first-year data, based on the power spectrum and N-point correlation functions. We focus on large and intermediate scales (larger than about 3 degrees) and compare the observed data against Monte Carlo ensembles with WMAP-like properties. In both analyses, we measure the amplitudes of the large-scale fluctuations on opposing hemispheres and study the ratio of the two amplitudes. The power-spectrum analysis shows that this ratio for WMAP, as measured along the axis of maximum asymmetry, is high at the 95%-99% level (depending on the particular multipole range included). The axis of maximum asymmetry of the WMAP data is weakly dependent on the multipole range under consideration but tends to lie close to the ecliptic axis. In the N-point correlation function analysis we focus on the northern and southern hemispheres defined in ecliptic coordinates, and we find that the ratio of the large-scale fluctuation amplitudes is high at the 98%-99% level. Furthermore, the results are stable with respect to choice of Galactic cut and also with respect to frequency band. A similar asymmetry is found in the COBE-DMR map, and the axis of maximum asymmetry is close to the one found in the WMAP data.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; version to appear in ApJ, textual improvements, added reference

    Increasing evidence for hemispherical power asymmetry in the five-year WMAP data

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    (Abridged)Motivated by the recent results of Hansen et al. (2008) concerning a noticeable hemispherical power asymmetry in the WMAP data on small angular scales, we revisit the dipole modulated signal model introduced by Gordon et al. (2005). This model assumes that the true CMB signal consists of a Gaussian isotropic random field modulated by a dipole, and is characterized by an overall modulation amplitude, A, and a preferred direction, p. Previous analyses of this model has been restricted to very low resolution due to computational cost. In this paper, we double the angular resolution, and compute the full corresponding posterior distribution for the 5-year WMAP data. The results from our analysis are the following: The best-fit modulation amplitude for l <= 64 and the ILC data with the WMAP KQ85 sky cut is A=0.072 +/- 0.022, non-zero at 3.3sigma, and the preferred direction points toward Galactic coordinates (l,b) = (224 degree, -22 degree) +/- 24 degree. The corresponding results for l <~ 40 from earlier analyses was A = 0.11 +/- 0.04 and (l,b) = (225 degree,-27 degree). The statistical significance of a non-zero amplitude thus increases from 2.8sigma to 3.3sigma when increasing l_max from 40 to 64, and all results are consistent to within 1sigma. Similarly, the Bayesian log-evidence difference with respect to the isotropic model increases from Delta ln E = 1.8 to Delta ln E = 2.6, ranking as "strong evidence" on the Jeffreys' scale. The raw best-fit log-likelihood difference increases from Delta ln L = 6.1 to Delta ln L = 7.3. Similar, and often slightly stronger, results are found for other data combinations. Thus, we find that the evidence for a dipole power distribution in the WMAP data increases with l in the 5-year WMAP data set, in agreement with the reports of Hansen et al. (2008).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; added references and minor comments. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Weak Gravitational Lensing by a Sample of X-Ray Luminous Clusters of Galaxies -- II. Comparison with Virial Masses

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    Dynamic velocity dispersion and mass estimates are given for a sample of five X-ray luminous rich clusters of galaxies at intermediate redshifts (z~0.3) drawn from a sample of 39 clusters for which we have obtained gravitational lens mass estimates. The velocity dispersions are determined from between 9 and 20 redshifts measured with the LDSS spectrograph of the William Herschel Telescope, and virial radii are determined from imaging using the UH8K mosaic CCD camera on the University of Hawaii 2.24m telescope. Including clusters with velocity dispersions taken from the literature, we have velocity dispersion estimates for 12 clusters in our gravitational lensing sample. For this sample we compare the dynamical velocity dispersion estimates with our estimates of the velocity dispersions made from gravitational lensing by fitting a singular isothermal sphere profile to the observed tangential weak lensing distortion as a function of radius. In all but two clusters, we find a good agreement between the velocity dispersion estimates based on spectroscopy and on weak lensing.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Version in emulateapj format with only minor change

    Measuring the Cosmological Geometry from the Lyman Alpha Forest along Parallel Lines of Sight

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    We discuss the feasibility of measuring the cosmological metric using the redshift space correlation function of the Lya forest in multiple lines of sight, as a function of angular and velocity separation. The geometric parameter that is measured is f(z) = H(z) D(z)/c, where H(z) is the Hubble constant and D(z) the angular diameter distance at redshift z. The correlation function is computed in linear theory. We describe a method to measure it from observations with the Gaussianization procedure of Croft et al (1998) to map the Lya forest transmitted flux to an approximation of the linear density field. The effect of peculiar velocities on the shape of the recovered power spectrum is pointed out. We estimate the error in recovering the f(z) factor from observations due to the variance in the Lya absorbers. We show that ~ 20 pairs of quasars (separations < 3') are needed to distinguish a flat \Omega_0=1 universe from a universe with \Omega_0=0.2, \Omega_\Lambda=0.8. A second parameter that is obtained from the correlation function of the Lya forest is \beta \simeq \Omega(z)^{0.6}/b (affecting the magnitude of the peculiar velocities), where b is a linear theory bias of the Lya forest. The statistical error of f(z) is reduced if b can be determined independently from numerical simulations, reducing the number of quasar pairs needed for constraining cosmology to approximately six. On small scales, where the correlation function is higher, f(z) should be measurable with fewer quasars, but non-linear effects must then be taken into account. The anisotropy of the non-linear redshift space correlation function as a function of scale should also provide a precise quantitative test of the gravitational instability theory of the Lya forest.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Testing for Non-Gaussianity in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Data: Minkowski Functionals and the Length of the Skeleton

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    The three Minkowski functionals and the recently defined length of the skeleton are estimated for the co-added first-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data and compared with 5000 Monte Carlo simulations, based on Gaussian fluctuations with the a-priori best-fit running-index power spectrum and WMAP-like beam and noise properties. Several power spectrum-dependent quantities, such as the number of stationary points, the total length of the skeleton, and a spectral parameter, gamma, are also estimated. While the area and length Minkowski functionals and the length of the skeleton show no evidence for departures from the Gaussian hypothesis, the northern hemisphere genus has a chi^2 that is large at the 95% level for all scales. For the particular smoothing scale of 3.40 degrees FWHM it is larger than that found in 99.5% of the simulations. In addition, the WMAP genus for negative thresholds in the northern hemisphere has an amplitude that is larger than in the simulations with a significance of more than 3 sigma. On the smallest angular scales considered, the number of extrema in the WMAP data is high at the 3 sigma level. However, this can probably be attributed to the effect of point sources. Finally, the spectral parameter gamma is high at the 99% level in the northern Galactic hemisphere, while perfectly acceptable in the southern hemisphere. The results provide strong evidence for the presence of both non-Gaussian behavior and an unexpected power asymmetry between the northern and southern hemispheres in the WMAP data.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Estimating N-Point Correlation Functions from Pixelized Sky Maps

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    We develop, implement and test a set of algorithms for estimating N-point correlation functions from pixelized sky maps. These algorithms are slow, in the sense that they do not break the O(N_pix^N) barrier, and yet, they are fast enough for efficient analysis of data sets up to several hundred thousand pixels. The typical application of these methods is Monte Carlo analysis using several thousand realizations, and therefore we organize our programs so that the initialization cost is paid only once. The effective cost is then reduced to a few additions per pixel multiplet (pair, triplet etc.). Further, the algorithms waste no CPU time on computing undesired geometric configurations, and, finally, the computations are naturally divided into independent parts, allowing for trivial (i.e., optimal) parallelization.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS; textual improvements, references update

    Bayesian Power Spectrum Analysis of the First-Year WMAP data

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    We present the first results from a Bayesian analysis of the WMAP first year data using a Gibbs sampling technique. Using two independent, parallel supercomputer codes we analyze the WMAP Q, V and W bands. The analysis results in a full probabilistic description of the information the WMAP data set contains about the power spectrum and the all-sky map of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies. We present the complete probability distributions for each C_l including any non-Gaussianities of the power spectrum likelihood. While we find good overall agreement with the previously published WMAP spectrum, our analysis uncovers discrepancies in the power spectrum estimates at low l multipoles. For example we claim the best-fit Lambda-CDM model is consistent with the C_2 inferred from our combined Q+V+W analysis with a 10% probability of an even larger theoretical C_2. Based on our exact analysis we can therefore attribute the "low quadrupole issue" to a statistical fluctuation.Comment: 5 pages. 4 figures. For additional information and data see http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/~iodwyer/research#wma
