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    PENGARUH BRAND IMAGE TERHADAP PURCHASE DECISION (Survei pada Konsumen Brand Zara di fanbase Zara)

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    Lilis Siti Sadiyah (1403450), "The Effect of Brand Image on Purchase Decisions (Survey on Zara Brand Consumers at Zara Fanbase)" under the guidance Dr. Bambang Widjajanta, M.M and Dr. Puspo Dewi Dirgantara, S.Pd.,M.T.,M.M.. The interest of millennials in the fashion world has been very developed.. Fashion retail companies are increasingly diverse from domestic brands and abroad. Every companies is vying to find the right strategy so their brands continue to be in demand by consumers from time to time. Zara is a Spanish fashion retailer that is in demand by consumers in the world and Indonesia, this is the reasons for the idea of this research.. This research conducted to identify (1) a picture of the brand image in consumers,, (2) overview of purchasing decisions to consumers, (3) discovering the influence of brand image on purchase decisions on consumers. The method used is convenience sampling technique, by distributing questionnaires to 110 respondents. The data analysis method uses a simple linear regression test, as well as using the likert scale as a measurement scale. The results of this research shows that brand image on Zara brand which consist strengthness, uniqueness, and favorable is in the high category. Purchase decision on Zara brand which consist of product choice, brand choice, dealer choice, purchase amount, purchase timing, and purchase method are in the high category. Brand image has a positive influence on purchase decisions. Based on the results of this study, Zara should further improve the quality of service and convenience to consumers so that the Zara brand is increasingly known