4 research outputs found
Unrooted phylogenetic tree based on urease alpha subunit (130aa) of sponge <i>X.</i><i>testudinaria</i> using Neighbour-joining method.
<p>The <i>scale bar</i> represents 0.05 substitutions per amino acids position. Bootstrap values (1,000 replicates) higher than 50% are shown. ○mark and <i>ure</i>C-D mean the OTU in genomic DNA library, and •mark and <i>ure</i>C-R mean the OTU in cDNA library. The number inside the parenthesis means the number of sequences within each OTU.</p
Pie charts illustrating the bacterial community based on 16S rRNA gene libraries of sponge <i>X.</i><i>testudinaria</i>.
<p>Sequences in libraries were classified using the Classifier Tool provided by the Ribosomal Database Project. Hierarchical taxa assignment was based on RDP naive Bayesian rRNA Classifier. Percentage represented specific value between the number of clones in each taxon and the number of all clones in 16S rRNA gene library.</p
Urease activity of marine sponge <i>X.</i> testudinaria.
<p>A: negative control; B: activity of sponge slurry; C: <i>Marinobacter litoralis</i> (bacterium isolated from the sponge).</p
Rarefaction curves of <i>ure</i>C and 16S rRNA gene sequences.
<p>(Clusterization stringency at 90% and 97% for <i>ure</i>C and 16S rRNA gene, respectively.).</p