5 research outputs found
A class action in various legal systems
The article is devoted to the application of the class action institution in different countries and legal systems. The article deals with questions about the meaning of the institute of class action, interests protected with the help of it, positive and negative aspects of this institution are estimated. In addition, the article analyses characteristics and conditions of presentation of the class actio
Legal regulation of public companies in the countries of the anglo-saxon legal system
The article provides an overview of public corporation legal regulation in the Anglo-American law. The article defines the peculiarities of legal regulation of public companies in the USA and the UK. It also identifies requirements that public companies must meet. A comparative analysis was conducted concerning the organization and the activities of public and private companie
Bankruptcy procedure for individuals in Russia and the USA: comparative legal analysis
This study provides a comparative analysis of the most significant aspects of bankruptcy for individuals in Russia and the United States. The objective of the study was to determine the conditions involved in declaring a citizen insolvent in US and Russian law, for which we studied the ways of filing applications in these countries, as well as some methods of abuse by creditors that reduce the effectiveness of the bankruptcy institution, and the ways to minimize the
Legal regulation of rational energy production and consumption in Russia and other states
The authors of the artlcle analyze the problems of legal regulatlon of ratlonal subsoll use and energy consumptlon ln Russla, Germany, USA, Japan and other countrles. It also compares the energy leglslatlon of dlfferent countrles. Based on the results, lt was concluded that the development of the leglslatlon of these countrles ls ln general compllance wlth the strateglc goals ln the fleld of energy productlon and consumptlo
A class action in various legal systems
The article is devoted to the application of the class action institution in different countries and legal systems. The article deals with questions about the meaning of the institute of class action, interests protected with the help of it, positive and negative aspects of this institution are estimated. In addition, the article analyses characteristics and conditions of presentation of the class actio