10 research outputs found

    Review of Clinical Recommendations for Kawasaki Disease/Syndrome

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    The article presents the detailed key provisions of the clinical recommendations on providing medical care to children with Kawasaki syndrome/illness, developed by the professional association of pediatric specialists — the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. The current data on the prevalence of pathology is presented, the characteristic diagnostic signs of the disease are given that allow to make a diagnosis as soon as possible and immediately appoint a specific treatment. Therapeutic measures carried out in the required volume determine the further prognosis. The comprehensive approach to the management of pediatric patients with this nosology presented in the article will ensure a high level of medical care quality provided to children with Kawasaki syndrome

    Иммунопрофилактика инфекционных болезней у недоношенных детей

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    Premature infants are especially in need of timely and effective specific immunoprophylaxis due to their vulnerability to infectious diseases. The article describes the basic principles for vaccination of premature infants used in healthcare by the leading countries of the world. Based on the results of clinical trials, the peculiarities of the vaccination schedule for certain infections have been determined, the specific features of the course of the post-vaccinal period have been described. The operating procedures for active immunoprophylaxis of various types of infections have been explained in detail depending on the pathology and the therapy being performed. The article uses the key points of the recommended practices for prevention of the main controlled types of infections developed by the professional association of pediatricians ‘Union of Pediatricians of Russia’ and approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.Недоношенные младенцы вследствие уязвимости к инфекционным заболеваниям особо нуждаются в своевременной и эффективной специфической иммунопрофилактике. В статье приведены основополагающие принципы проведения вакцинации детей, рожденных раньше срока, применяемые в практике здравоохранения ведущих стран мира. На основании результатов клинических исследований определены особенности схемы вакцинации против отдельных инфекций, описаны характерные признаки течения поствакцинального периода. Подробно разъяснен алгоритм действий при проведении активной иммунопрофилактики различного вида инфекций в зависимости от имеющей место патологии и проводимой терапии. В публикации использованы ключевые позиции методических рекомендаций по вакцинопрофилактике основных управляемых видов инфекций, разработанных профессиональной ассоциацией детских врачей «Союз педиатров России» и утвержденных Министерством здравоохранения РФ

    Острая респираторная вирусная инфекция у детей: современные подходы к диагностике и лечению

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    The article is devoted to acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children. ARVI take one of the leading places in a childhood morbidity structure. The article provides an overview of the clinical guidelines developed and approved by the professional association «Union of Pediatricians of Russia» for acute respiratory infections in children. These guidelines summarize the experience of the leading world and domestic specialists, contain scientific and practical data that correspond to the most relevant trends in the management of children with this pathology. The authors present modern information on the etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical findings and differential diagnosis of various nosological forms of acute respiratory tract infections in the pediatric population. The general (strategic) principles of drug-free and drug treatment are discussed in detail.Статья посвящена острым респираторным вирусным инфекциям (ОРВИ) у детей. ОРВИ занимают одно из лидирующих мест в структуре детской заболеваемости. В публикации представлен обзор разработанных и утвержденных профессиональной ассоциацией «Союз педиатров России» клинических рекомендаций по острым респираторным инфекциям у детей. Настоящие рекомендации обобщают опыт ведущих мировых и отечественных специалистов, содержат научно- практические данные, соответствующие самым актуальным тенденциям ведения пациентов детского возраста с данной патологией. Авторами представлены современные сведения об этиологии, патогенезе, классификации, клинике и дифференциальной диагностике различных нозологических форм острых инфекций дыхательных путей в детской популяции, подробно рассмотрены общие (стратегические) принципы немедикаментозного и медикаментозного лечения.

    Обзор клинических рекомендаций по болезни/синдрому Кавасаки

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    The article presents the detailed key provisions of the clinical recommendations on providing medical care to children with Kawasaki syndrome/illness, developed by the professional association of pediatric specialists — the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. The current data on the prevalence of pathology is presented, the characteristic diagnostic signs of the disease are given that allow to make a diagnosis as soon as possible and immediately appoint a specific treatment. Therapeutic measures carried out in the required volume determine the further prognosis. The comprehensive approach to the management of pediatric patients with this nosology presented in the article will ensure a high level of medical care quality provided to children with Kawasaki syndrome.В статье подробно представлены ключевые положения клинических рекомендаций по оказанию медицинской помощи детям с синдромом/болезнью Кавасаки, разработанных профессиональной ассоциацией детских специалистов — Союзом педиатров России. Изложены современные данные о распространенности патологии, приведены характерные диагностические признаки болезни, позволяющие максимально своевременно установить диагноз и незамедлительно назначить специфическое лечение. Терапевтические мероприятия, проведенные в необходимом объеме, определяют дальнейший прогноз. Представленный в статье комплексный подход к ведению пациентов детского возраста с данной нозологией позволит обеспечить высокий уровень качества оказываемой медицинской помощи детям с синдромом Кавасаки


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    The article is devoted  to the issues  of introducing  complementary  foods  as prevention  of atopy  and diet therapy in children with food allergy. Food sensibilization,  as a rule, is the initial link of allergy manifestations.  It represents  the first step of the so-called atopic  march,  followed  by  possible  development  of more  severe,  including  respiratory,  manifestations.  Considering  the  fact  that allergic diseases  are currently one of the most common pathologies with a growing tendency,  the correct choice of foods and the timely introduction of complementary foods are relevant, especially for children with hereditary tainted allergies. These products should be as safe as possible, should not cause sensibilization and at the same time should provide the child with the necessary macroand micronutrients. The publication provides an overview of the most relevant studies conducted in this field as well as a modern approach based on evidence-based  medicine and presented in the clinical guidelines on food allergy in children developed and approved by the professional association «Union of Pediatricians of Russia»

    Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases in premature infants

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    Premature infants are especially in need of timely and effective specific immunoprophylaxis due to their vulnerability to infectious diseases. The article describes the basic principles for vaccination of premature infants used in healthcare by the leading countries of the world. Based on the results of clinical trials, the peculiarities of the vaccination schedule for certain infections have been determined, the specific features of the course of the post-vaccinal period have been described. The operating procedures for active immunoprophylaxis of various types of infections have been explained in detail depending on the pathology and the therapy being performed. The article uses the key points of the recommended practices for prevention of the main controlled types of infections developed by the professional association of pediatricians ‘Union of Pediatricians of Russia’ and approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

    Acute Respiratory Viral Infection in Children: Modern Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment

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    The article is devoted to acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children. ARVI take one of the leading places in a childhood morbidity structure. The article provides an overview of the clinical guidelines developed and approved by the professional association «Union of Pediatricians of Russia» for acute respiratory infections in children. These guidelines summarize the experience of the leading world and domestic specialists, contain scientific and practical data that correspond to the most relevant trends in the management of children with this pathology. The authors present modern information on the etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinical findings and differential diagnosis of various nosological forms of acute respiratory tract infections in the pediatric population. The general (strategic) principles of drug-free and drug treatment are discussed in detail

    Homocystinuria in Children

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    Homocystinuria is a genetically heterogeneous hereditary disease from the group of aminoacidopathies caused by a metabolic disorder of  sulphur-containing amino acids, primarily methionine. The article  presents the etiopathogenetic, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this disease and covers modern opportunities of biochemical and molecular  diagnostics. The approach to dietary and pharmacological correction of  metabolic disorders in homocystinuria and the general strategy of  patients’ management are described in detail. Important information is given for physicians of various disciplines and parents of patients

    Vaccinal Prevention of the Diseases Caused by Human Papillomavirus: Evidence-Based Medicine. Review of Clinical Guidelines

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    The article is devoted to the urgent problem of papillomavirus infection, the extremely high prevalence of which determines the key contribution to the structure of morbidity and mortality from oncological diseases. A chronic persistent course, resulting in benign and malignant tumors in the infection atrium, makes scientists seek new ways of treatment. A specific vaccinal prevention is recognized to be the only reliable protection method today. The article is an updated review of the clinical guidelines developed and approved by the professional association «Union of Pediatricians of Russia» in 2016 for a vaccinal prevention of the diseases caused by human papillomavirus, first published on pediatr-russia.ru. The widespread introduction of vaccines against human papillomavirus, which have confirmed the clinical efficacy and safety, can significantly reduce the global burden of diseases associated with papillomavirus infection