10 research outputs found


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    Chronic periodontitis is an inflammatory disease in periopdontal tissue. Subgingiva specific organisms are to be responsible for this gingiva inflammatory reaction. Gingiva attachment loss would occurred along with alveolar bone destruction, periodontal pocket formation, pathological migration and mobility of teeth. Case: A 48-year-old male was referred to the Departement of Periodontology RGSM Kandea Makassar. On clinical examination, tooth mobility in relation to teeth 31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44 was noticed. Chewing difficulty was reported by the patient. There was no routine control by dentists. Methode: Presurgery examination of teeths 31,32,33,34,41,42,43,44 showed mean pocket depths >5mm, there was gingiva recession and º3 teeth mobility. The patients was managed by an open flap debridement under local anesthesia. All subgingiva deposits were removed using curettes. The tissue was sutured and periodontal pack was put in place. Result: The patient was recalled after 3 weeks for suture removal and reevaluation. His results shows normal gingiva tissue with good tissue attachment. Teeth mobility was decreased by º1. Conclusion: This case report emphasizes the importance of routine dental examination for early intervention of chronic periodontitis


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    Introduction: gingival hyperplasia is a result of administration from some anticonvulsant drugs, immunosuppressants, and calcium channel blockers that well known can cause problems when speaking, mastication, tooth eruption, and aesthetic. Calcium channel blockers are a class of drugs developed for the care of cardiovascular conditions. Some of these drugs can cause gingival enlargement.  Case: A 55-year-old female patient came to Periodontal Department of Hasanuddin University Dental Hospital,Makassar. Patients present with a less comfortable and did not feel confident with the condition of the front of the upper jaw gums since three months ago. These symptoms begin to be felt since taking drugs for hypertension disease with amlodipine with 10 mg 1 time a day. The patient began to feel a change in the form of excessive enlargement of the gums almost the entire upper jaw teeth. Management of Case: Disinfection area of operation, anesthesia with lidocaine 2% of nor epinephrine, marking the pocket using the pocket marker basis, incision using Krickland knife, removal of gingiva using papilla Orban knife and performed by scaling and root planing, periodontal pack was used. Conclusion: Patients who took the drug amlodipine as calcium channel blocker classification in the long-term directly effects the growth of excess gingival tissue, causing gingival enlargement. Keyword: Hyperplasia Gingiva, Amlodipin

    Utilization of milkfish bone flour (chanos Chanos forskal) as complementary health Foods

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    Background: Milkfish (Chanos chanos, Forskal) is one of the strategic commodities to fulfill protein needs that are relatively inexpensive and favored by consumers in Indonesia. The use of milkfish bones (solid waste) is a natural source of Ca for food and supplements. This research is a strategy to maximize the utilization of milkfish resources while effectively reducing waste from the fishing industry. Objectives to find out the content of milkfish bone extract as a complementary health foods. Methods: Experimental laboratory design with a post test only with control group design, this research was conducted at the Biopharmaca Laboratory of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University. Sampling was done using convenience sampling method. The location of sampling and research in the milkfish aquaculture Barru Regency South Celebes, Pharmacy Laboratory of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar and Makassar Health Laboratory Center. Determination of the mineral and vitamin contents of milkfish uses three stages of analysis namely mineral analysis and vitamin analysis. Result: The results of the analysis of milkfish bone extract it was found that the milkfish bone extract the highest content in calcium with a content as many as 4820,06 µg/g and the highest content in milkfish bone flour were found in calcium with a content as many as 76752,55 µg/g. Conclusion: Milkfish bone extract and milkfish bone flour positively contain minerals and vitamins that can be used as complementary health foods

    pengaruh kecepatan sentrifugasi, durasi sentrifugasi, dan penggunaan antikoagulan (EDTA) dan citrate Acid 3,8%) terhadap kuantitas platelet rich plasma (PRP)

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    Latar belakang: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) adalah suatu konsentrat darah yang memiliki konsentrasi trombosit beberapa kali lipat lebih tinggi dibandingkan konsentrasi normal trombosit pada darah manusia.xxi,79 hlm

    Pengaruh kecepatan sentrifugasi,durasi sentrifugasi, dan pengguna antikoagulan (EDTA dan Citrate Acid 3,8%) terhadap kuantitas platelet rich plasma (PRP)

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    Latar belakang : platelet-rich plasma (PRP) adalah suatu konsentrasi darah yang memiliki konsentrasi trombosit beberapa kali lipat lebih tinggi dibandingkan konsentrasi trombosit normal.Bahan dan Metode : terdapat 41 subjek yang diteliti dengan mengambil darah vena masing-masing 21 ml pada tujuh tabung.xxi,79 hlm

    Change of TGF-β1 Gene Expression and TGF-β1 Protein Level in Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Identification of Plaque Bacteria in a Patient with Recurrent Localized Gingival Enlargement before and after Gingivectomy

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    This case report highlights the change of TGF-β1 gene expressions and TGF-β1 protein level in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and identification of plaque bacteria in a patient with recurrent localized gingival enlargement before and after gingivectomy treatment. A 26-year-old woman came to AG Dental Care Clinic, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, in October 2015 with a chief complaint that her gingiva often bled spontaneously and she felt pain on her gingiva and felt less comfortable and no self-confidence with her anterior and posterior gingival condition on the right maxilla region which is slightly larger than normal. She often felt that her gingiva could bleed spontaneously when she was talking or remains silent though. The patient is disturbed by the malodor she felt. At that moment, the patient sought for gingivectomy treatment. Three years afterward, the patient came back with the same complaint. Gingival crevicular fluid has been taken from the gingival sulcus before and after gingivectomy. Clinical and GCF follow-up examination was performed one week and three weeks after gingivectomy, and successful results on biological, functional, and aesthetic parameters were observed