42 research outputs found

    El proceso anal铆tico jer谩rquico como metodolog铆a para seleccionar revistas cient铆ficas en el 谩rea biotecnol贸gica

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    The aim of this study is to establish an applicable methodology for the selection of a journal when aspiring to publish a scientific work in the biotechnology field, using the hierarchical analytical process. The publication of papers in indexed journals is one of the main goals of scientific research work. That鈥檚 why it is of great importance to select the journal that best disseminates the information of the paper among the technical-scientific community; however, having to rely on subjective criteria in the journal selection process can result in time and energy waste, unnecessary costs and a low dissemination of the researcher's scientific productivity. To establish the methodology, 11 qualitative and quantitative parameters of 20 scientific journals were evaluated, validated by a group of experts in the area, followed by a hierarchical analysis process, which established the selection criteria. It was found that the key elements to consider the journal selection are the impact factor, the acceptance time, the type of indexing and the number of articles published by the journal. Thus, with a methodology to choose the appropriate journal, it is possible to increase the possibilities of publishing the article, decrease the waiting time, publication costs and achieve a larger number of citations once published, using a variety of criteria and not just bibliometric criteria as the impact factor

    Evaluaci贸n del 脥ndice de Contaminaci贸n de Lixiviados de Relleno Sanitario y Efecto fitotoxico en la Germinaci贸n y Pl谩ntula de Phaseolus vulgaris L

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    Appropriate solid waste management includes leachate management, an effluent that results from the degradation ofsolid waste, moisture content and pluvial additions to the disposal site. Due to poor management of the landfill,sometimes leachate is likely to reach nearby areas, affecting soil water and vegetal area. A powerful tool to assess thepollution potential of a given leachate is the leachate pollution index (LPI) developed by Kummar & Alappat (2005)that evaluates 18 parameters in order to calculate a value between 5-100 being 100 the highest in pollution potential.The LPI allows the comparison between leachates from different sites and ages, and also assists in the decisionmaking process on leachate treatment. However, it is currently unknown if this value can also be related to thefitot贸xico effect of a leachate on Phaseolus vulgaris L. The aim of this work was to calculate the LPI of two leachatesand compare the effect on P. vulgaris L (common bean). A greenhouse scale experiment was set up, the studiedvariables were seed germination per cent (%) and phenotype of P. vulgaris at seedling step after treated with severalleachate concentrations from Guanajuato (GTO) and Toluca (TOL), M茅xico. Results showed that a greater LPI (34.8)from GTO did not correspond to a largest fitotoxic effect on P. vulgaris. This bioassay could be a completely toolwith LPI to evaluate pollution potential of leachate approaching to normal environmental conditions.El manejo integral de residuos s贸lidos urbanos (RSU) incluye el manejo de su lixiviado (LX), un efluente producto dela degradaci贸n de la fracci贸n org谩nica de los RSU, con su humedad y agua de lluvia. EL LX contamina 谩reascircunvecinas del sitio de disposici贸n como, agua, suelo y los vegetales adyacentes. Una herramienta para medir elpotencial de contaminaci贸n de un LX es el 脥ndice de contaminaci贸n de lixiviados (ICL), propuesto por Kummar &Alappat (2005), que utiliza 18 par谩metros para calcular un valor num茅rico entre 5-100, donde 100 es el m谩ximo valorde contaminaci贸n. Este valor compara LX de distintos sitios y edades, para su tratamiento, sin embargo se desconocesi el ICL se relaciona con el efecto fitot贸xico de un LX en una planta blanco. El objetivo de este trabajo fuedeterminar el ICL de dos lixiviados y comparar su efecto en Phaseolus vulgaris L (frijol com煤n). As铆 se realiz贸 unainvestigaci贸n a escala invernadero con las variables respuesta: porcentaje de germinaci贸n de su semilla y fenolog铆ade P.vulgaris L a nivel de pl谩ntula tratada con distintas concentraciones de un LX de Guanajuato (GTO) y de Toluca(TOL). Los resultados indicaron que un valor del ICL mayor del LX de GTO (34.8) no causo el mayor efectofitot贸xico en P.vulgaris, aunque este bioensayo con el ICL podr铆a ser otra herramienta completar铆a para medir elpotencial contaminante de un LX en el ambiente

    Energy analysis and CO2 eq emissions of chicken meat production/An谩lisis energ茅tico y emisiones de CO2 eq en la producci贸n de carne de pollo

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    In M茅xico, greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector include mainly enteric and manure sources. However, emissions due to the use of fossil energy are usually not considered. The aim of this work was to identify the energy demand (MJ) to produce a kilogram of chicken meat, and to determine the associated CO2 equivalent emissions. To that end, a farm in west-central Mexico was studied to prole the energy demand to supply water, feed, lighting, ventilation, air extraction and heating, using 1000 birds as a calculation basis. It was found that the emissions derived from fossil energy use were 0.47 kgCO2 eq per kilogram of live weight per production cycle

    El efecto de los gases de relleno sanitario en el crecimiento vegetal

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    The plants carry out the gaseous exchange during the photosynthesis and the respiration, however the stomal openingof the leaves or the flow through lenticels in the root are not selective, the anthropogenic biogas emissions enter tovegetable tissues altering its normal physiology.In landfill sites roots plants are exposed to a flow of a variable concentration of biogas, mainly composed by methane(CH4) 50-60% and carbon dioxide (CO2) 40-55%, product of the anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction ofmunicipal solid waste (MSW). Biogas, according to its concentration and exposure time is likely to exert a negativeeffect on plant root growth; however, the mechanism is largely unknown. The aim of this revision was to revise thestate of the art of the negative effect of biogas on plants that are close to landfill sites.Las plantas realizan el intercambio gaseoso durante la fotos铆ntesis y la respiraci贸n, la apertura estom谩tica de las hojaso el flujo de gases es a trav茅s de lenticelas en la ra铆z no es selectivo, por lo que el biog谩s de emisi贸n antropog茅nica enlos rellenos sanitarios (RESA) ingresan a los tejidos vegetales y afectan negativamente su fisiolog铆a normal.En un RESA ra铆ces de las plantas est谩n expuestas al flujo de una concentraci贸n variable de biog谩s constituidoprincipalmente de metano (CH4) 50-60% y di贸xido de carbono (CO2) 40-55%, producto de la digesti贸n anaerobia(DA) de la fracci贸n org谩nica (FO) de los residuos s贸lidos urbanos (RSU). El biog谩s, en funci贸n de la concentraci贸n yel tiempo de exposici贸n ejerce un efecto desfavorable en el crecimiento radical, aunque se desconoce la manera en laque lo causa, as铆 como los mecanismos de adaptaci贸n de esas plantas para supervivir. El objetivo de esta breverevisi贸n fue analizar el estado del arte del efecto negativo del biog谩s y sus constituyentes sobre especies vegetales quecrecen en un RESA

    Inducci贸n de la degradaci贸n de lignina de paja de trigo en arom谩ticos por Aspergillus spp. y Penicillium chrysogenum

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    Wheat straw is a recalcitrant agricultural waste; incineration of this material represents an important environmental impact. Different reports have been made regarding the use of the structural components of wheat straw, i.e.cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin; however, lignin has been less exploited because it is largely considered therecalcitrant part. Residual wheat straw lignin (REWSLI) has a potential biotechnological value if depolymerization is attained to produce aromatics. Ligninolytic mitosporic fungus represent an alternative where very littleresearch has been done, even though they are capable of depolymerize REWSLI in simple nutritional conditions inrelatively short periods, when compared to basidiomycetes. The aim of this research was to study the depolymerization activity of Aspergillus spp and Penicillium spp on semipurified REWSLI as the sole carbon source toproduce aromatics. The depolymerization capacity was determined by the activity of the laccase, lignin peroxidaseand manganese peroxidase enzymes. The generated aromatics derived from the REWSLI depolymerization were identified by gas chromatography. Obtained results revealed that Penicillium chrysogenum depolymerized thelignin material by 34.8% during the 28-day experimentation period. Laccase activity showed the largest activitywith 111 U L-1in a seven-day period, this enzyme induction was detected in a smaller period than that required bybasidiomycetes to induce it. Moreover, the enzymatic activity was produced without the addition of an extracarbon source as metabolic inductor. Aspergillus spp and Penicillium spp generated guaiacol, vanillin, and hydroxybenzoic, vanillinic, syringic and ferulic acid with a maximum weekly production of 3.5, 3.3, 3.2, 3.3, 10.1and 21.9 mg mL-1, respectively.La paja de trigo es un desecho agr铆cola recalcitrante, su eliminaci贸n por incineraci贸n contamina el ambiente. Se hainvestigado el aprovechamiento de sus componentes estructurales: celulosa, hemicelulosa a excepci贸n de la lignina por ser la porci贸n recalcitrante. La lignina residual de paja de trigo (LIREPATO) tiene valor potencial biotecnol贸gico si es degradada en arom谩ticos. Como alternativa, los hongos mitosp贸ricos ligninol铆ticos poco se haninvestigado, a pesar de que degradan la LIREPATO en medio de cultivo mineral en un tiempo relativamentecorto comparado con lo reportado con los basidiomicetos. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue analizar en Aspergillus spp y Penicillium spp en la degradaci贸n de LIREPATO como 煤nica fuente de carbono en la generaci贸n dearom谩ticos. La degradaci贸n de la LIREPATO en aromaticos se realizo lacasa, lignina peroxidasa y manganesoperoxidasa. Los arom谩ticos generados se identificaron por cromatograf铆a de gases. Los resultados se帽alan quePenicillium chrysogenum degrad贸 la LIREPATO con hasta un 34.8% en 28 d铆as de incubaci贸n. La actividadlacasa fue la mayor con 111 U L-1 en 7 d铆as, menor tiempo a lo reportado en basidiomicetos y sin la adici贸n unafuente de carbono adicional para inducirla. Aspergillus ssp y Penicilium spp generaron guayacol, vainillina, 谩cidoshidroxibenzoico, vainill铆nico, sir铆ngico, y fer煤lico con producci贸n m谩xima por semana de 3.5, 3.3, 3.2, 3.3, 10.1 y21.9 mg mL-1 respectivament

    Biorremediaci贸n de suelo contaminado con 55000 y 65000 de aceite residual automotriz y fitorremediaci贸n con Sorghum bicolor inoculado con Burkholderia cepacia y Penicillium chrysogenum

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    In soil spill a high concentration of waste motor oil (WMO) it麓s causing lost soil fertility, which is solved by remediation, but is expensive and polluting, an ecological alternative is bioremediation (BR) by biostimulation follow by phytoremediation (PY) with Sorghum bicolor using Burkholderia cepacia and Penicillium chrysogenum, promoting growthplant microorganisms (PGPM) at concentration value below to the maximum according to NOM-138 SEMARNAT/SS- 2003 de 4400 ppm/Kg soil. The objectives of this research were a) bioremediation of soil contaminated by high WMOconcentrations by biostimulation with mineral solution and Vicia sativa as green manure (GM), and subsequent b)phytoremediation by S. bicolor with B. cepacia and P. chrysogenum to reduce remaining WMO at concentration belowto maximum according to NOM-138 SEMARNAT/SS-2003. The results showed that biostimulation with mineralsolution and V. sativa reduced WMO from 55000 to 33400 ppm, and from 65000 to 24300 ppm. Follow by PY by S.bicolor with B. cepacia and P. chrysogenum decreased WMO from 33400 ppm to 210 ppm, and from 24300 ppm to 360ppm, compared to soil as negative control in which WMO did not change by natural attenuation. This suggests that tointegrate BR and PY is an ecological option instead to apply chemical technique expensive and causing environmentalpollution.En suelo una elevada concentraci贸n de aceite residual automotriz (ARA) una mezcla de hidrocarburos alif谩ticos yarom谩ticos, provoca p茅rdida de su fertilidad. Una soluci贸n es aplicar la remediaci贸n qu铆mica que es costosa y causacontaminaci贸n colateral. En contraste una alternativa ecol贸gica es la biorremediaci贸n (BR) por bioestimulaci贸n (BS),seguida de fitorremediaci贸n (FR) con Sorghum bicolor y microorganismos promotores del crecimiento vegetal (MPCV)para reducir el ARA a un valor inferior al m谩ximo permisible por la NOM-138 SEMARNAT/SS-2003 de 4400 ppm/Kgde suelo. Los objetivos de esta investigaci贸n fueron: i) BR de suelo contaminado con 55000 y 65000 ppm de ARA porbioestimulaci贸n; y ii) FR con Sorghum bicolor inoculado con Burkholderia cepacia y Penicillium chrysogenum NOM- 138 SEMARNAT/SS-2003. As铆 en ese suelo la BS con una soluci贸n mineral (SM) y Vicia sativa como abono verde(AV) redujeron el ARA de 55000 a 33400 ppm y de 65000 a 24300 ppm. Posteriormente la FR con S. bicolor con B.cepacia y P. chrysogenum (MPCV), el ARA decreci贸 de 33400 ppm a 210 ppm, y de 24300 a 360 ppm, ambos valoresinferiores al m谩ximo permisible por NOM-138 SEMARNAT/SS-2003. Comparado con el mismo suelo control negativocon ARA, sin BR y FR, ah铆 la atenuaci贸n natural no cambio la cantidad de ARA. Lo anterior apoya la integraci贸n de laBR/FR en suelo impactado con elevadas concentraciones de ARA, como una opci贸n ecol贸gica en sustituci贸n de remediaci贸n qu铆mica costosa y contaminante

    Bioestimulaci贸n de suelo impactado con 45000 ppm de aceite residual automotriz y Fitorremediaci贸n con Zea mays y Burkholderia cepacia y/o Rhizobium etli

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    Soil contaminated with 45000 ppm of waste motor oil (WMO) is a relatively high concentration of a mixture of aliphaticand aromatic hydrocarbons (HC), inhibits mineralization of organic matter and its fertility. This WMO麓 concentration ishigh according to mexican regulation: NOM-138-SEMARNAT/ SSA1-2012 (NOM-138) related to when it exceeds 4400ppm/Kg of soil. The aims of the study were: i) BS of contaminated soil by 45000 ppm of WMO with vermicompost andbovine compost 3%, and ii) PR using Zea mays inoculated with B. cepacia and R. etli at value below the maximumallowable by NOM-138. The main response variable of the trial was initial and final concentration of WMO after BS. InPR by Z. mays and PGPB to reduce remaining WMO, were phenological response variables as: plant height and root length and biomass: aerial and root fresh and dry weight. Experimental data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey.Results showed that the BS of soil by 45000 ppm of WMO was reduced to 21000 ppm; subsequent FR sowing Z. maysinoculated by B. cepacia decreased to 1822.5 ppm, value below the maximum allowable by NOM-138. BS of contaminated soil by relatively high concentration of WMO and later FR sowing Z. mays and PGPR. Both are an alternative inits remediation that to apply each one alone.El suelo contaminado con 45000 ppm de aceite residual automotriz (ARA), es una relativa alta concentraci贸n de unamezcla de HC alif谩ticos y arom谩ticos que inhiben la mineralizaci贸n de la materia org谩nica y disminuyen la fertilidad.Esta concentraci贸n es alta acorde con la regulaci贸n mexicana: NOM-138-SEMARNAT/SSA1-2012 (NOM-138) porquesupera los 4400 ppm/Kg de suelo, que es l铆mite m谩ximo permitido en ese ambiente. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueroni) Bioestimulaci贸n (BS) de suelo contaminado con 45000 ppm de ARA con lombricomposta y composta bovina al 3 %;ii) Fitorremediaci贸n (FR) con Zea mays potenciada con Burkholderia cepacia y Rhizobium etli y reducci贸n de la concentraci贸n de ARA, a valor inferior al m谩ximo aceptado por la NOM-138. El suelo con 45000 ppm de ARA la BS conlombricomposta y composta bovina al 3 %; con la variable-respuesta concentraci贸n inicial y final del ARA de la BS.Luego la FR mediante Z. mays potenciado con B. cepacia y R. etli g茅neros de bacterias promotoras de crecimientovegetal (BPCV), se usaron la fenolog铆a: altura de la planta y longitud de la ra铆z, y la biomasa: peso fresco a茅reo y pesoseco a茅reo y radical. Los datos experimentales se analizaron por ANOVA y Tukey. Los resultados mostraron que la BSde suelo con 45000 ppm de ARA, lo disminuyo a 21000 ppm; por la FR mediante Z. mays inoculado con B. cepacia/R.etli lo redujeron a 1822.5 ppm; valor inferior al m谩ximo aceptado por la NOM-138. Se concluye que la BS suelo contaminado por una relativa elevada concentraci贸n de ARA y ulterior FR por Z. mays y los g茅neros de BPCV son una alternativa ecol贸gica de remediaci贸n, mejor que la aplicaci贸n individual de cada una

    Impacto del aceite residual automotriz en un suelo: remediaci贸n por bioestimulaci贸n

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    Soil impacted by waste motor oil (WMO) inhibits microbial activity for recycling the basic elements of life an affecting negatively its fertility. Biostimulation is a way to recover soil by eliminating WMO at a value lower than 4400 ppm permitted by an environmental rule called NOM-138-SEMARNAT/SSA1-2012. The aim of this research was the biostimulation of soil polluted by WMO in different in depending ways with the mineral solu-tion (MS), or vermicompost (VC) with Phaseolus vulgaris o green manure (GM). Recovering soil was deter-mined by the production of CO2 from WMO麓s oxidation, by measuring the WMO oxidizing bacterial population (WMOOB) and WMO麓s concentration by Soxhlet; experimental data were analyzed with standard Tukey-error. The results showed that biostimulation of soil impacted by 17000 ppm of WMO with MS decreased it until 4386 ppm, but better biostimulation with VC which reducing WMO until 3766 ppm in 6 months, both values lower than the maximum accepted by the NOM 138, and statistically different compared to soil BIS by P. vulgaris or GM with 8596 ppm of WMO and the 17000 ppm of WMO from soil non-BIS or negative control. This con-cludes that biostimulation could be specific depending on hydrocarbon麓s complex as WMO was eliminated by MS and VC according to NOM-138 for recovering soil麓s fertilityLa contaminaci贸n del suelo por aceite residual automotriz (ARA) que es una mezcla de hidrocarburos (HC), que impide la actividad microbiana del reciclaje de elementos necesarios para la vida y afecta negativamente su fertilidad. La bioestimulaci贸n (BIS) es una estrategia para eliminar el ARA a un nivel que permite la recupera-ci贸n de su fertilidad a un valor inferior al m谩ximo de 4400 ppm de la NOM-138-SEMARNAT/SSA1-2012 (NOM-138). El objetivo de este trabajo fue la BIS un suelo impactado por 17000 ppm de ARA por enriqueci-miento independiente: con soluci贸n mineral (SM), lombricomposta (LC) y P. vulgaris o abono verde (AV). La recuperaci贸n del suelo se determin贸 mediante la: liberaci贸n de CO2 por oxidaci贸n del ARA, por la poblaci贸n bacteriana oxidante de ARA (BOARA) y la concentraci贸n de ARA por Soxhlet, los datos experimentales se analizaron con Tukey-error est谩ndar. Los resultados revelaron que la BIS de suelo impactado por 17000 ppm de ARA con la SM lo decreci贸 hasta 4386 ppm, en tanto que con la LC lo disminuyo a 3766 ppm en 6 meses, ambos valores num茅ricos inferiores al m谩ximo aceptado por la NOM-13, estad铆sticamente diferentes con los 8596 ppm en suelo bioestimulado mediante P. vulgaris o AV y los 16000 ppm de ARA en el suelo sin bioesti-mular o control negativo. Se concluye que la BIS, es espec铆fica acorde a la complejidad de los HC como el ARA, que se elimin贸 con la SM y la LC seg煤n la NOM-138 para la recuperaci贸n de la fertilidad del suelo

    Biorremediaci贸n y fitorremediaci贸n de un suelo impactado por aceite residual automotriz con Helianthus annuus y Burkholderia vietnamiensis

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    Soil contaminated by of waste motor oil (WMO) a mix of aliphatic, aromatic hydrocarbon鈥檚 caused living soilinhibition and to reduce agriculture production. Nom-138 Semarnat/ISS-2003 indicated that maximum concentration at soil accepted is 4400 ppm. To solve this problem chemical methods are apply however they spencil andcaused collateral environmental damage. An ecological alternative is Bioremediation (BR) by Biostimulation (BS)or/and Phytoremediation (PR) which to explode it麓s potencial to mineralize hydrocarbons. The aim of this researchwas BR) of soil polluted by 20000, 30000 and 45000 ppm of WMO by biostimulation (BS) adding mineral solutionand Vicia sativa as green manure, then phytoremediation (PR) by Helianthus annus potencied with Burkholderiavietnamiensis to reduce WMO at values below to accept by the Nom -138 Semarnat/ISS-2003. These results tosupport that BS by sequential, accumulative or integral by enrichment of inorganic and organic nutrients due tomineral solution and incorporation and degradation of V. sativa reduced WMO at then PR using H. annus and B.vietnamiensis was an efficient way to eliminate WMO.En M茅xico el suelo se contamina por aceite residual automotriz (ARA), una mezcla de hidrocarburos alif谩ticos,arom谩ticos y relacionados, que inhiben la vida en el suelo y reducen la producci贸n agr铆cola. La Nom-138 Semarnat/ISS-2003 establece que el l铆mite m谩ximo de hidrocarburos en suelo es de 4400 ppm, una soluci贸n para eliminarlo, son los m茅todos qu铆micos de alto costo, que causan da帽o colateral ambiental. Una alternativa ecol贸gica es labiorremediaci贸n (BR), por bioestimulaci贸n (BS) y/o la fitorremediaci贸n (FR) que explota el potencial de microorganismos y plantas para mineralizar hidrocarburos. El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue biorremediar suelo contaminado con 20000, 30000 y 45000 ppm de ARA por BS con una soluci贸n mineral, Vicia sativa o abono verde,seguido de la FR mediante Helianthus annuus y Burkholderia vietnamiensis para decrecer el ARA a valores inferiores al m谩ximo aprobado por la Nom-138 Semarnat/ISS-2003. Los resultados revelaron que la adecuada integraci贸nde la BS mediante sales de N (nitr贸geno) y P (f贸sforo) y K (potasio) de la soluci贸n mineral, complementado con laBIS por mol茅culas org谩nicas de C (carbono), y de N, as铆 como de vitaminas e activaci贸n de microbiana por laincorporaci贸n de V. sativa redujo lo suficiente la concentraci贸n del ARA, para facilitar la capacidad de degradaci贸nvegetal y de B. vietnamiensis para minimizar el ARA, lo suficiente para decrecer el ARA a valores inferiores alm谩ximo reconocido por la Nom-138 Semarnat/ISS-2003. Se concluye que la BS secuencial, complementaria yacumulativa o integral, por enriquecimiento con nutrientes inorg谩nicos, org谩nicos, acci贸n microbiana, seguida de laPR mediante H. annnus y B. vietnaminesis que fueron eficaces en la eliminaci贸n del ARA

    Respuesta de frijol al Endospor 33庐 a dosis 50% de fertilizante nitrogenado/fosfatado en agricultura protegida

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    Bean is a legume its production requires nitrogen (N) combined as ammonium (NH4) or nitrate (NO3) and phosphates (NPF), its indiscriminate application causes soil lost productivity. An alternative solution for reducing and optimizing NPF is applying mixed inoculant which could be improved by plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) and mycohrrizae. The objective of this research was to analyze the response of beans to mixed inoculant Endospor 33庐 at 50% reduced dose of NPF. In that sense a red ferralitic soil poor in N and organic matter was used. By experimental design: 5 treatments and 6 replications. Results showed a positive bean responds achieving 100% germination at 20mg/seed with Endospor 33庐 at 50% NPF dose. At seedling level bean was 6.63g of total fresh weight (TFW) and 0.66g total dry weight (TDW) with the same Endospor 33庐 dose compared to 0.28g of TDW of bean used as relative control (RC) at 100% NPF dose. At flowering with 30 mg/plant got 1.5 g of TDW compared to 1.0g TDW of bean as CR. At physiological maturity bean with 30mg/plant had 34.83g/100 grains compared to 20.39g/grains of bean as CR. Those data supporting that Endopre 33庐 is an excellent choice in beans production at NPF 50% dose but not adverse effect on bean growth and yield in protected agriculture.El frijol requiere fertilizaci贸n nitrogenada y fosfatada (FNP), cuya indiscriminada aplicaci贸n causa p茅rdida de productividad del suelo, una alternativa de soluci贸n para este problema es reducir y optimizar la dosis de FNP con un inoculante mixto con bacterias promotoras de crecimiento vegetal (BPCV) y hongos micorricicos ves铆culo arbusculares (HMA). El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n fue analizar la respuesta del frijol al inoculante mixto Endospor 33庐 a dosis reducida al 50% del FNP. En un suelo ferral铆tico rojo pobre de Nitr贸geno (N) y materia org谩nica. Con un dise帽o experimental de bloques al azar con 5 tratamientos y 6 repeticiones. Los resultados indican que el porcentaje de germinaci贸n del frijol con Endospor 33庐 a la dosis 20 mg/semilla fue de 100%. A pl谩ntula con 10 mg/planta, tuvo 6,13g de peso fresco total (PFT) y de 0,66g de peso seco total (PST) comparado con el frijol control relativo (CR) con 0,28g de PST con el 100% del FNP. A floraci贸n con 30 mg/planta Endospore 33庐 tuvo 1,5g de PST comparado con 1,07g de PST del frijol CR. A madurez fisiol贸gica con 30mg/planta registro 34,83g/100 semillas, en contraste a su homologo CR con 20,39g/100 semillas. Lo anterior indica que este inoculante mixto es una opci贸n en la producci贸n del frijol a dosis reducida del FNP, sin afectar negativamente su crecimiento y/o rendimiento