3,447 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Game Cerita Rakyat Dengan Bentuk Adventure Game

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    These days traditional thing has been left behind not only by adults but also by children. One of them is folklore. It disappears because its package cannot interest the people. It needs a better package that interests a lot of people, for example game. The game in this thesis took folklore theme that would teach the children about morale values. This game was made based on PC game because electronic device are increasingly in demand and with adventure game-based which is a game genre that a lot of people like including the children.This game was made by Unity3D which is can place the objects that we use easier. Besides, camera setting which is a feature of Unity3D can make the setting of the 2D graphics easier. First of all, the folklores need to be parted into the playable-part and the non-playable-part. In playable-part, the player needs to solve some tasks to play the next folklore. In non-playable-part, the game will show an animation.This folklore game can interests the children to become a better person from the morale value. But, it is hard to implement folklore into adventure game for some folklores. For example Origin of Mahakam River's Creek that has some complicated detail to express the setting of the story

    Pendeteksian Gerak Menggunakan Sensor Kinect for Windows

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    Along with the rapid technology development, the USAge of computer input tools is also on the rise. Starting from a keyboard which had specific message for each button, developed into touch screen technology which enables human to interact directly with the screen; now technology in which a mere gesture is enough to input a command to the computer is being developed. Gesture detection can be done by the utilization of several tools. For instance, Kinect is one of the tools which are equipped with depth sensor that is capable to recognize and tracking human joints.The system being made is consisted of skeletal tracking process toward user and motion detection. Skeletal tracking process had been provided by kinect sdk. That skeletal tracking is utilized to detect user's hand position. User's hand detection is used to detect the gesture that is done by the user. The making of this application is done by Microsoft Visual Studio C# WPF 2010 and Kinect Software Development Kit.Therefore, this thesis is aimed to make an application which is capable in gesture and hand position detection on certain areas. This application utilized Kinect as the media for command input. The process starts from the checking of position movement, which will be identified as swipe gesture later on. In addition, hand position detection in specific areas is also being utilized, in order to determine how wide those areas is able to be touched by hand, when the user's position is exactly in the centre of Kinect's senso

    Aplikasi Pendeteksi Jauh Dekat Posisi Suatu Objek Dengan Menggunakan Kinect for Windows

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    The growth of technology are used on every aspect of human lifes. One that rapidly growing is technology on video games. Virtual reality is on that raise the intereset of game developer to improve the quality of gameplay. By using virtual reality, user can interact directly with the game world this will give the user feeling of reality. One of the technology that used in virtual reality is kinect. On that aspect this research about the depth sensor of kinect device is chosen. Depth sensor will be used to get an input of user motion to make a different result based on the depth movement. This research is meant to create an application that can give a different output on virtual reality game based on depth input that kinect catch from user motion.Kinect is used as the game controller in the result of this virtual reality game research. Kinect device will used to control the game character, user only need to move their body parts tomove the character this kind of controller will led to a feeling of reality experienced by user. Therefore to increase that feel, the depth movement that user do will be calculated using physics to give a more better output.The test result shown that kinect device can give good output by using the depth sensor. The test can divide the speed that kinect catch can be classified to 4 stage dan each of this stage can giive a different reaction on the game

    Simulasi Cockpit View Pesawat Terbang

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    Banyak orang yang berkeinginan untuk mencoba menerbangkan pesawat terbang, tetapi dalam dunia nyata, tidak mungkin seseorang menggunakannya hanya untuk ingin tahu bagaimana rasanya mengemudikan pesawat terbang. Hal tersebut dikarenakan dibutuhkannya izin untuk dapat menerbangkan pesawat terbang. Selain itu banyak resiko kecelakaan yang dapat terjadi saat menerbangkannya.Dengan menyediakan simulasi Cockpit View pesawat terbang dengan interface tiga dimensi yang dibuat semirip dengan dunia nyata, akan membantu orang yang berkeinginan untuk menerbangkan pesawat terbang merasakan berada pada kokpit pesawat terbang. Joystick sebagai kontrol kemudi akan membuat pengguna seperti menggunakan kontrol kemudi pada pesawat terbang. Dalam penggunaan joystick diperlukan Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL) sebagai library untuk membaca dan menerima input yang dihasilkan dari joystick.Aplikasi ini akan menghasilkan data training yang nantinya akan dilatihkan pada Neuro-Fuzzy tipe MIMO Takagi Sugeno (NFTS) atau Jaringan saraf tiruan jenis lain. Hasil dari data training nantinya akan digunakan untuk mengontrol gerakan dari Massively Actuator Array using Artificial Intelligence (MA3I)

    Game Cerita Alkitab Untuk Sekolah Minggu

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    Sunday school is a place for children to learn and teachers to teach in the church. Church through Sunday school convey God's Word to toddler, kindergarten and grade 1 to grade 6 elementary school. Today, secular education has uses multimedia, but there are some Sunday school that has not been able to use multimedia and having difficulty finding multimedia that can be easily operated.Therefore, a multimedia application that can be easily operated by a computer was created. Game Cerita Alkitab untuk Sekolah Minggu is an application that is useful to convey the Bible story and invites users to play with illustrations in the form of images, sounds, text, and video.Application contains the story of creation, Noah and the Flood, the Tower of Babel, and Jonah from the Bible, as well as the 9 mini games. The result is an application that can be used by the sunday school, both the sunday school teacher to deliver the Word of God and the sunday school children to play

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Penghubung Antar Bahasa

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    In this paper, we describe the formatting guidelines for ACM SIG Proceedings. Communication is a process or a way to deliver a message from one person to another to achieve a certain goal. But often communications between individuals or groups are limited by differences of languages. Languages differences make it hard for people to convey an urge, convey intentions and goals. Until now, the world's progress on technology has not given the way to bridge this issue as its main goal.With the development of scientific study of technology that explore languages and communication, it is possible that differences in languages will not become an obstacle for people to communicate with one another. To solve this problem, an application is made to act as a translator between 2 person's conversations. This application uses Android Studio and Java as its language.After the system testing is done, it could be concluded that the application is an effective tool to help user to get better understanding despite the language differences

    Aplikasi Penggabungan Objek Transparan Kedalam Sebuah Image

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    Dewasa ini manipulasi gambar yang berkaitan dengan pengambilan suatu objek (matting) dan penggabungan pada background baru (compositing) banyak dipergunakan (misal dalam dunia perfilman). Objek yang akan diolah dapat beraneka ragam, tetapi permasalahan akan timbul ketika objek yang diolah adalah objek transparan. Belum banyak riset mengenai permasalahan ini karena sulitnya mendapatkan nilai transparansi serta pembiasan objek, sehingga dalam skripsi ini dikembangkan aplikasi untuk melakukan proses matting dan compositingobjek tranparan.Proses matting akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Grabcut, lalu nilai alpha/transparansi dari objek akan dihitung dengan alpha matting. Nilai transparansi akan digunakan dalam compositing objek dengan background baru, sedangkan teknik pembiasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus pembiasan Snell's Law. Aplikasi akan dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C# dengan Visual C# 2010 sebagai IDE nya.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa nilai alpha/transparansi yang didapat dipengaruhi oleh pencahayaan, pembiasan oleh background lama, serta motif dari objek. Pembiasan pada objek sudah natural jika dibandingkan dengan kondisi asli. Selain itu posisi mata dapat diatur oleh pengguna untuk mendapatkan hasil sesuai keinginan. Kekurangan dari aplikasi ini adalah hasil gambar tidak dapat menyerupai objek pada gambar awal objek diambil. Selain itu, dikarenakan objek transparan yang diekstrak adalah white object, hasil compositing pada objek transparan berwarna akan terlihat tidak alami

    Pengamatan Ekspresi Wajah Secara Adaptif Dengan Presentasi Pemutaran Musik

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    High life demands nowadays make the individual emotional state change easily. Music is one of many media that is used to stabilize a person's emotional condition. However, wrong use of music can worsen a person's emotional condition, as in the case of today's society.To prevent that, an application that can detect the user's facial expression to stabilize the user's emotional state through music is developed. The expression on the face is determined by the position of eyebrows, eyes, mouth, and wrinkles features. The positions of detected features are compared with those in a neutral face that has been previously calibrated. The difference of features' positions will be used as input of the trained neural network to determine the expression on the detected face.Through some experiments, the accuracy of detection of facial features and facial expressions are known. The detected expression will trigger the playback of music to stabilize the user's emotional condition. The weakness of this application is that the music library must be set manually by the user
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