3 research outputs found

    Sign Language Recognition Information System Development Using Wireless Technologies for People with Hearing Impairments

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    The article presents the development of a sign language recognition information system for people with hearing and / or voice impairments, allowing to improve the quality of life and interaction in society with other people. The device, software, functional blocks and information system subsystems are described. Examples of possible application and placement of the system in various spheres of public life are given. One of the types of implementation of the information system of gesture recognition is described in the local network. The system requirements are listed based on the characteristics of the life of the target audience of people and the life cycle of gesture recognition. The decomposition of information system subsystems was made on the basis of belonging to each of the program blocks: the client and the server

    The effect of the genotype of servicing bulls on the growth and development of Hereford young stock

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    In the studies, the growth and development indicators of the Hereford young stock were studied, depending on the origin. The average daily growth of calf bulls aged 824±16.4 g, 8 months – 962.5±14.6 g, 9 months – 981.5±18.6 g, 12 months – 986.1±19.2 g. The height at hips of calf bulls aged 205 days was 109±11.7 cm, 8 months – 111±9.4 g, 9 months – 112±6.8 cm, 12 months – 124±7.9 cm. The average daily increase in heifers aged 205 days was 853.6±11.3 g, 8 months – 854.2±17.5 g, 9 months – 870.3±18.2 g, 12 months – 850±10.5 g, 15 months – 831.1±15.6 g, 18 months – 777.8±16.5 g. The height at hips of calves aged 205 days was 106±9.8 cm, 8 months – 109±7.8 g, 9 months – 110±11.1 cm, 12 months – 118±8.9 cm, 15 months – 121±10.9 cm, 18 months – 125±13.2 cm. It was found that the growth rate of calves and calf bulls on fattening is influenced by the father genotype. When comparing the average live weight of young stock at the age of 18 months, the best results were in calf bulls received from the bull Perets 3989 – 375.8±17.5 kg, this is 3.8 kg more than the same indicator for calf bulls received from the bull Timeline 2930348, and 7.8 kg more than the bull Emulation 2909514, and by the live weight of heifers at the age of 18 months the leader is the Timeline 2930348- 352.6±25.2 kg

    Subsystem for Simple Dynamic Gesture Recognition Using 3DCNNLSTM

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    The article describes the subsystem of the intellectual information-communication system developed at MTUCI. The analysis of the latest developments and research in the field of sign language recognition systems has been carried out. The net architecture and the training method have been considered for 3DCNNLSTM model that will be used to recognize simple dynamic gestures. A training data set, initial conditions, experiments performed and the use of learning outcomes are described