86 research outputs found
Response of Piping Tees to Propagating Detonations
This paper reports the results of experiments and finite element simulations on the structural response of piping systems to internal detonation loading. Specifically, the work described in this paper focuses on the forces that are produced at tee-junctions that lead to axial and bending structural responses of the piping system.
Detonation experiments were conducted in a 2-in. (50 mm) diameter schedule 40 piping system that was fabricated using 304 stainless steel and welded to ASME B31.3 standards. The 4.1 m (162-in.) long piping system included one tee and was supported using custom brackets and cantilever beams fastened to steel plates that were bolted to the laboratory walls. Nearly-ideal detonations were used in a 30/70 H2-N2O mixture at 1 atm initial pressure and 300 K. Pressure and hoop, axial, and support strains were measured using a high-speed (1 MHz) digital data acquisition system and calibrated signal conditioners.
It was concluded that detonations propagate through the run of a 90° tee with relatively little disturbance in either direction. The detonation load increases by approximately a factor of 2 when the detonation enters through the branch. The deflections of the cantilever beam supports and the hoop and axial pipe strains could be adequately predicted by finite element simulations. The support loads are adequately predicted as long as the supports are constrained to the piping.
This paper shows that with relatively simple models, quantitative predictions of tee forces can be made for the purposes of design or safety analysis of piping systems subject to internal detonations
A New High Contrast Imaging Program at Palomar Observatory
We describe a new instrument that forms the core of a long-term high contrast
imaging program at the 200-inch Hale Telescope at Palomar Observatory. The
primary scientific thrust is to obtain images and low-resolution spectroscopy
of brown dwarfs and young Jovian mass exoplanets in the vicinity of stars
within 50 parsecs of the Sun. The instrument is a microlens-based integral
field spectrograph integrated with a diffraction limited, apodized-pupil Lyot
coronagraph, mounted behind the Palomar adaptive optics system. The
spectrograph obtains imaging in 23 channels across the J and H bands (1.06 -
1.78 microns). In addition to obtaining spectra, this wavelength resolution
allows suppression of the chromatically dependent speckle noise, which we
describe. We have recently installed a novel internal wave front calibration
system that will provide continuous updates to the AO system every 0.5 - 1.0
minutes by sensing the wave front within the coronagraph. The Palomar AO system
is undergoing an upgrade to a much higher-order AO system ("PALM-3000"): a
3388-actuator tweeter deformable mirror working together with the existing
241-actuator mirror. This system will allow correction with subapertures as
small as 8cm at the telescope pupil using natural guide stars. The coronagraph
alone has achieved an initial dynamic range in the H-band of 2 X 10^-4 at 1
arcsecond, without speckle noise suppression. We demonstrate that spectral
speckle suppression is providing a factor of 10-20 improvement over this
bringing our current contrast at an arcsecond to ~2 X 10^-5. This system is the
first of a new generation of apodized pupil coronagraphs combined with
high-order adaptive optics and integral field spectrographs (e.g. GPI, SPHERE,
HiCIAO), and we anticipate this instrument will make a lasting contribution to
high contrast imaging in the Northern Hemisphere for years.Comment: Accepted to PASP: 12 pages, 12 figure
Electric Field Conjugation with the Project 1640 coronagraph
The Project 1640 instrument on the 200-inch Hale telescope at Palomar
Observatory is a coronagraphic instrument with an integral field spectrograph
at the back end, designed to find young, self-luminous planets around nearby
stars. To reach the necessary contrast for this, the PALM-3000 adaptive optics
system corrects for fast atmospheric speckles, while CAL, a phase-shifting
interferometer in a Mach-Zehnder configuration, measures the quasistatic
components of the complex electric field in the pupil plane following the
coronagraphic stop. Two additional sensors measure and control low-order modes.
These field measurements may then be combined with a system model and data
taken separately using a white-light source internal to the AO system to
correct for both phase and amplitude aberrations. Here, we discuss and
demonstrate the procedure to maintain a half-plane dark hole in the image plane
while the spectrograph is taking data, including initial on-sky performance.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, in Proceedings of SPIE, 8864-19 (2013
Spectral Typing of Late Type Stellar Companions to Young Stars from Low Dispersion Near-Infrared Integral Field Unit Data
We used the Project 1640 near-infrared coronagraph and integral field
spectrograph to observe 19 young solar type stars. Five of these stars are
known binary stars and we detected the late-type secondaries and were able to
measure their JH spectra with a resolution of R\sim30. The reduced, extracted,
and calibrated spectra were compared to template spectra from the IRTF spectral
library. With this comparison we test the accuracy and consistency of spectral
type determination with the low-resolution near-infrared spectra from P1640.
Additionally, we determine effective temperature and surface gravity of the
companions by fitting synthetic spectra calculated with the PHOENIX model
atmosphere code. We also present several new epochs of astrometry of each of
the systems. Together these data increase our knowledge and understanding of
the stellar make up of these systems. In addition to the astronomical results,
the analysis presented helps validate the Project 1640 data reduction and
spectral extraction processes and the utility of low-resolution, near-infrared
spectra for characterizing late-type companions in multiple systems.Comment: Accepted to Astronomical Journal, 25 pages, 8 figure
Project 1640: the world's first ExAO coronagraphic hyperspectral imager for comparative planetary science
Project 1640, a high-contrast spectral-imaging effort involving a coordinated set of instrumentation and software, built at AMNH, JPL, Cambridge and Caltech, has been commissioned and is fully operational. This novel suite of instrumentation includes a 3388+241-actuator adaptive optics system, an optimized apodized pupil Lyot coronagraph, an integral field spectrograph, and an interferometric calibration wave front sensor. Project 1640 is the first of its kind of instrumentation, designed to image and characterize planetary systems around nearby stars, employing a variety of techniques to break the speckle-noise barrier. It is operational roughly one year before any similar project, with the goal of reaching a contrast of 10^(-7) at 1 arcsecond separation. We describe the instrument, highlight recent results, and document on-sky performance at the start of a 3-year, 99-night survey at the Palomar 5-m Hale telescope
A Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of California's At-Risk Birds
Conservationists must develop new strategies and adapt existing tools to address the consequences of anthropogenic climate change. To support statewide climate change adaptation, we developed a framework for assessing climate change vulnerability of California's at-risk birds and integrating it into the existing California Bird Species of Special Concern list. We defined climate vulnerability as the amount of evidence that climate change will negatively impact a population. We quantified climate vulnerability by scoring sensitivity (intrinsic characteristics of an organism that make it vulnerable) and exposure (the magnitude of climate change expected) for each taxon. Using the combined sensitivity and exposure scores as an index, we ranked 358 avian taxa, and classified 128 as vulnerable to climate change. Birds associated with wetlands had the largest representation on the list relative to other habitat groups. Of the 29 state or federally listed taxa, 21 were also classified as climate vulnerable, further raising their conservation concern. Integrating climate vulnerability and California's Bird Species of Special Concern list resulted in the addition of five taxa and an increase in priority rank for ten. Our process illustrates a simple, immediate action that can be taken to inform climate change adaptation strategies for wildlife
Host Reproductive Phenology Drives Seasonal Patterns of Host Use in Mosquitoes
Seasonal shifts in host use by mosquitoes from birds to mammals drive the timing and intensity of annual epidemics of mosquito-borne viruses, such as West Nile virus, in North America. The biological mechanism underlying these shifts has been a matter of debate, with hypotheses falling into two camps: (1) the shift is driven by changes in host abundance, or (2) the shift is driven by seasonal changes in the foraging behavior of mosquitoes. Here we explored the idea that seasonal changes in host use by mosquitoes are driven by temporal patterns of host reproduction. We investigated the relationship between seasonal patterns of host use by mosquitoes and host reproductive phenology by examining a seven-year dataset of blood meal identifications from a site in Tuskegee National Forest, Alabama USA and data on reproduction from the most commonly utilized endothermic (white-tailed deer, great blue heron, yellow-crowned night heron) and ectothermic (frogs) hosts. Our analysis revealed that feeding on each host peaked during periods of reproductive activity. Specifically, mosquitoes utilized herons in the spring and early summer, during periods of peak nest occupancy, whereas deer were fed upon most during the late summer and fall, the period corresponding to the peak in births for deer. For frogs, however, feeding on early- and late-season breeders paralleled peaks in male vocalization. We demonstrate for the first time that seasonal patterns of host use by mosquitoes track the reproductive phenology of the hosts. Peaks in relative mosquito feeding on each host during reproductive phases are likely the result of increased tolerance and decreased vigilance to attacking mosquitoes by nestlings and brooding adults (avian hosts), quiescent young (avian and mammalian hosts), and mate-seeking males (frogs)
Ultraconserved Elements in the Olig2 Promoter
. basal promoter and found that it represses expression in undifferentiated embryonic stem cells. expression during development
Profiling Critical Cancer Gene Mutations in Clinical Tumor Samples
Detection of critical cancer gene mutations in clinical tumor specimens may predict patient outcomes and inform treatment options; however, high-throughput mutation profiling remains underdeveloped as a diagnostic approach. We report the implementation of a genotyping and validation algorithm that enables robust tumor mutation profiling in the clinical setting.
We developed and implemented an optimized mutation profiling platform ("OncoMap") to interrogate approximately 400 mutations in 33 known oncogenes and tumor suppressors, many of which are known to predict response or resistance to targeted therapies. The performance of OncoMap was analyzed using DNA derived from both frozen and FFPE clinical material in a diverse set of cancer types. A subsequent in-depth analysis was conducted on histologically and clinically annotated pediatric gliomas. The sensitivity and specificity of OncoMap were 93.8% and 100% in fresh frozen tissue; and 89.3% and 99.4% in FFPE-derived DNA. We detected known mutations at the expected frequencies in common cancers, as well as novel mutations in adult and pediatric cancers that are likely to predict heightened response or resistance to existing or developmental cancer therapies. OncoMap profiles also support a new molecular stratification of pediatric low-grade gliomas based on BRAF mutations that may have immediate clinical impact.
Our results demonstrate the clinical feasibility of high-throughput mutation profiling to query a large panel of "actionable" cancer gene mutations. In the future, this type of approach may be incorporated into both cancer epidemiologic studies and clinical decision making to specify the use of many targeted anticancer agents
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