88 research outputs found

    The Effects of Reprimands and Work Observation with Pay Loss on the Maintenance and Generalization of High-Quality Work by Developmentally Disabled Adults in Community Work Settings

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    The purpose of these studies was to examine the effects of reprimands, a mild disciplinary procedure, and work observation and pay loss, a severe disciplinary procedure on the maintenance of high-quality work among mild developmentally disabled individuals employed as housekeepers. In general, participants were more responsive to reprimands after work observation and pay loss was applied. In addition, the increased sensitivity to reprimands appeared to generalize to other work settings for one participant. While participants\u27 work quality varied across conditions, their work rate was relatively stable. These results are discussed in terms of other research that examined the use of reprimands in work settings

    The Effects of Choice on Assignment Completion and Percent Correct by a High School Student with a Learning Disability

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    The effects of choosing between two academic assignments on task completion and percent correct by a ninth grade student with a learning disability was investigated. This case study extended the efficacy of antecedent based intervention as an instructional modification. Further, the study extends previous research by investigating the effect of choice on academic achievement. The withdrawal design showed that percent completed and correct were highest when the participant was given a choice between two assignments when compared to baseline conditions. Results are discussed in term of efficacy of choice as an antecedent intervention, choice selection, and future research directions

    Effects of a Dependent Group Contingency on the Verbal Interactions of Middle School Students with Emotional Disturbance

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    This study examined the effects of a dependent group contingency to increase positive verbal interactions among nine middle school-aged males in a self-contained classroom. Prior to implementing the group contingency, the students received social skills instruction. A withdrawal experimental design was then used to evaluate the effects of the dependent group contingency. Students\u27 positive verbal interactions increased and negative verbal interactions decreased with the implementation of the dependent group contingency. When the group contingency was faded, positive and negative interaction levels were maintained. The results are discussed in terms of developing positive interaction skills among youth with emotional disturbance and the application of dependent group contingencies with these students

    Postsecondary Education for Students with Learning Disabilities

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    Increasingly, students with learning disabilities are attending community colleges and traditional 4-year colleges and universities. This article presents the results of a review of the literature on services available or recommended for students with learning disabilities. The results suggest that postsecondary institutions have begun to provide a wide array of services to these students. There is little empirical evidence, however, on the effectiveness of those services. An agenda for future research is also discussed

    Applying Direct Instruction Principles to New Content

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    Developing a Training Plan for Instructional Aides

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    Integrating Effective Teaching Literature with Literature on Instruction in the Natural Environment

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    It is rare that research on a particular instructional strategy or approach acknowledges the contributions of research from other areas of educational research. For example, in research on children with disabilities, we often reference related research with children with disabilities and rarely integrate our findings into the larger body of general education literature. Increasingly, we must attempt to do this to create a common base of communication that contributes to an inclusive approach to education. Our article is an attempt to examine current research in early childhood special education through the conceptual framework of the effective teaching literature

    A Review of Services in Postsecondary Education for Students with Learning Disabilities

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    Increasingly, students with learning disabilities are attending community colleges and traditional 4-year colleges and universities. This article presents the results of a review of the literature on services available or recommended for students with learning disabilities. The results suggest that postsecondary institutions have begun to provide a wide array of services to these students. There is little empirical evidence, however, on the effectiveness of those services. An agenda for future research is also discussed

    Video-Case Instruction for Teachers of Students with Problem Behaviors in General and Special Education Classrooms

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    This study examined the effects of a video-case presentation on the behavior analytic skills of 45 preservice elementary teachers. Brief video clips of scripted classroom scenes and 20–30 minute nonscripted videotaped classroom segments were used to assess teachers\u27 behavior analyses prior to and following video instruction. Participant responses were evaluated to determine whether (a) behavior statements included analytical components and (b) responses aligned with video content. Results of the acquisition (knowledge) measure indicated statistically significant differences between experimental and control group performance on Posttests 1–3. Knowledge measure findings were replicated with the control group on Posttests 4–6. Significant differences in group means were noted on Posttests 2 and 3 of the generalization measure for experimental and control group responses meeting predetermined scoring criteria

    Technical Assistance Package: Social Skills

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