128 research outputs found

    Effect of the California Tobacco Control Program on Personal Health Care Expenditures

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    Background: Large state tobacco control programs have been shown to reduce smoking and would be expected to affect health care costs. We investigate the effect of California\u27s large-scale tobacco control program on aggregate personal health care expenditures in the state. Methods and Findings: Cointegrating regressions were used to predict (1) the difference in per capita cigarette consumption between California and 38 control states as a function of the difference in cumulative expenditures of the California and control state tobacco control programs, and (2) the relationship between the difference in cigarette consumption and the difference in per capita personal health expenditures between the control states and California between 1980 and 2004. Between 1989 (when it started) and 2004, the California program was associated with 86billion(2004USdollars)(9586 billion (2004 US dollars) (95% confidence interval [CI] 28 billion to $151 billion) lower health care expenditures than would have been expected without the program. This reduction grew over time, reaching 7.3% (95% CI 2.7%-12.1%) of total health care expenditures in 2004. Conclusions: A strong tobacco control program is not only associated with reduced smoking, but also with reductions in health care expenditures

    Smoking Behavior and Healthcare Expenditure in the United States, 1992-2009: Panel Data Estimates.

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    BACKGROUND:Reductions in smoking in Arizona and California have been shown to be associated with reduced per capita healthcare expenditures in these states compared to control populations in the rest of the US. This paper extends that analysis to all states and estimates changes in healthcare expenditure attributable to changes in aggregate measures of smoking behavior in all states. METHODS AND FINDINGS:State per capita healthcare expenditure is modeled as a function of current smoking prevalence, mean cigarette consumption per smoker, other demographic and economic factors, and cross-sectional time trends using a fixed effects panel data regression on annual time series data for each the 50 states and the District of Columbia for the years 1992 through 2009. We found that 1% relative reductions in current smoking prevalence and mean packs smoked per current smoker are associated with 0.118% (standard error [SE] 0.0259%, p < 0.001) and 0.108% (SE 0.0253%, p < 0.001) reductions in per capita healthcare expenditure (elasticities). The results of this study are subject to the limitations of analysis of aggregate observational data, particularly that a study of this nature that uses aggregate data and a relatively small sample size cannot, by itself, establish a causal connection between smoking behavior and healthcare costs. Historical regional variations in smoking behavior (including those due to the effects of state tobacco control programs, smoking restrictions, and differences in taxation) are associated with substantial differences in per capita healthcare expenditures across the United States. Those regions (and the states in them) that have lower smoking have substantially lower medical costs. Likewise, those that have higher smoking have higher medical costs. Sensitivity analysis confirmed that these results are robust. CONCLUSIONS:Changes in healthcare expenditure appear quickly after changes in smoking behavior. A 10% relative drop in smoking in every state is predicted to be followed by an expected $63 billion reduction (in 2012 US dollars) in healthcare expenditure the next year. State and national policies that reduce smoking should be part of short term healthcare cost containment

    Effect of the Arizona tobacco control program on cigarette consumption and healthcare expenditures

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    This research investigates the relationship between per capita tobacco control expenditures, cigarette consumption, and healthcare expenditures in the state of Arizona. Arizona's tobacco control program, which was established in 1994, concentrates on youth uptake of smoking and avoids public policy and commentary on the tobacco industry. We use a cointegrating time series analysis using aggregate data on healthcare and tobacco control expenditures, cigarette consumption and prices and other data. We find there is a strong association between per capita healthcare expenditure and per capita cigarette consumption. In the long run, a marginal increase in annual cigarette consumption of one pack per capita increases per capita healthcare expenditure by 19.5(SE19.5 (SE 5.45) in Arizona. A cumulative increase of 1.00inthedifferencebetweencontrolstateandArizonapercapitatobaccocontrolexpendituresincreasesthedifferenceincigaretteconsumptionby0.190(SE0.0780)packspercapita.Between1996and2004,Arizonastobaccocontrolprogramwasassociatedwithacumulativereductionincigaretteconsumptionof200millionpacks(951.00 in the difference between control state and Arizona per capita tobacco control expenditures increases the difference in cigarette consumption by 0.190 (SE 0.0780) packs per capita. Between 1996 and 2004, Arizona's tobacco control program was associated with a cumulative reduction in cigarette consumption of 200 million packs (95% CI 39.0 million packs, 364 million packs) worth 500 million (95% CI: 99million,99 million, 896 million) in pre-tax cigarette sales to the tobacco industry. The cumulative healthcare savings was 2.33billion(952.33 billion (95% CI 0.37 billion, $5.00 billion) and the cumulative reduction in cigarette. Arizona's tobacco control expenditures are associated with reduced cigarette consumption and healthcare expenditures, amounting to about 10 times the cost of the program through 2004. This return on investment, while large, was less than the more aggressive California program, which did not limit its focus to youth and included tobacco industry denomalization messages.Medical economics Tobacco control Tobacco use (smoking) Environmental and public health Health education Healthcare costs USA